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Mindful Practices

How Art Brings Me Peace

By Rebecca TaylorPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Mindful Practices
Photo by Luis Alfonso Orellana on Unsplash

Often, we rush too much, and we need to find ways to be able to accomplish everything that we need to but also to destress. My life has always been quite busy as I’ve been involved in a number of community events, working a full-time job, pursuing my passion of writing, and working around my family’s farm.

But, in all that busyness, I also found a lot of joy. And, then the pandemic hit, and things changed. My volunteer opportunities had to change the way that they functioned, some ending until measures can allow them to open again and others transitioning online.

I discovered that I missed the people and making a difference in the lives of children and families needing help checking out a library book or having an interactive story time adventure evening. But, as we all did with the pandemic, all we could do was accept it and hope that things would get better and that vaccinations would help save lives and protect our loved ones.

I love to write but as much as it is a pastime, it is also something that requires a lot of organization, time, and focus. As a freelance writer writing for others and also working on my projects, I am very dedicated to creating quality work and doing my best. But between writing and my day job, it means a lot of hours at a keyboard.

Sometimes, the creative process occurs when we are least expecting it to, and that is where I found an outlet for destressing. It was a magical process, which I have now implemented into my routine. I have discovered visual arts. My talents are not in creating them, at least they weren’t in high school, and I haven’t had much time to try them out since then.

But I am happy to walk through an art gallery and look at paintings and sculptures and to just concentrate on them allowing everything else that is in my life slip away for an hour or two. And, in doing so, I discovered something else incredible. I found a deeper perspective on things. I was able to find the beauty and appreciation in pieces of art which may not be my style for the walls of my house but that are extremely amazing just the same. I have admired the hours of work that have gone into works of art. At the same time, the works of art have helped to breathe peace back into my life and if pieces of art had ears, I would thank them so much for that.

Brush strokes on canvas created to become abstracts, landscapes, portraits and sketches, messages from the artist all weaved into them and something different for each visitor to admire. This is the beautiful thing about art, while we can all see it, each piece has its own unique meaning to the visitor.

Those brush and chisel marks, fusing a piece of art together have also helped to keep me stitched together. They have helped me to feel peace, joy, and amazement as I have stood in front of pieces and admired the colors and the work that went into them. I have discovered textures and looked at a piece of art and felt like I was standing on the beach looking out at the sailboats that floated on the quiet water, I have danced amongst the bright colors of an abstract feeling free like the lines and dots that seemed to stretch in all directions.

I have found freedom in art, and it has been like a magical needle threading me back together after long to do lists, looming deadlines, household chores and responsibilities have taken their tolls. The daily things we do are important but sometimes we need to allow ourselves to take a break and be mindful of the practices that can help us recharge our batteries.


About the Creator

Rebecca Taylor

Rebecca Rose Taylor is a freelance writer and author. She has published two novellas (The Moderna Way, and The Heart's Way) and two children's stories (Finding My Blue Ribbon Pet, and The Magical Chicken Egg).

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