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Memories: 28 August 2023

An inauspicious 'date' which sealed my early fate...and mad Macaw passions

By Tanya Arons Published 10 months ago Updated 7 months ago 31 min read

28 August 2023

Another lovely day. Lyn visited and brought me six pairs of shoes! Her beautiful daughter Danni wanted me to have them. Most of them fit so that was wonderful!

She also brought me a lovely cheesecake so we sat under the frangipane tree and ate cheesecake and talked. I told her about my wild night at Brooklyn Standard on Friday/night Saturday morning. She was quite bemused about Chris hanging around me most of the night too. Hilarious!

28 August 2022

I am sitting out in the garden on my laptop. I have just shared my memories. Not necessarily good ones as its the anniversary of meeting the father of my children, Ugh. Karma is karma but my dharma is killing me. Never again she says, but I have been known to begin new relationships on this inauspicious date.

Anyhow I am riddled with a low grade anxiety in anticipation of the arrival of my new iphone. I worry about affording it as I had to pay more money and it's all fearsome how I ride on the edge of my budgetary angels whisper "all is well" and I like to put my trust in the gods but they don't live in stolid incarnate hobbit bodies on the poverty line.

Perhaps never did, being angels and all, so they are not always cognisant of mortal monetary constraints. ....but all is well. I bought the best phone I could almost afford and fuck it...I live on that thing.

I considered going off grid and lasted 4 hours without it before I went into panic mode and bought a new one. This is how addicted I am to interconnectivity with my species most of whom don't even like me very much and would be happy if they never heard from me there is also a kind of defiance in that lol.

I am still a tad exhausted from my epic night of dancing on Friday night. I was on a weird post-exercise high yesterday but crashed around 8 pm and went to bed early and actually passed out. Here I was thinking I could manage a Saturday night out as well...oh dear. Those glory days of two nights out dancing are over....also the stress of dealing with creepy drunk people.

So I am nurturing my body mind and spirit. Nursing my vague sense of loneliness which I often get after being out in the Wilds of Briss Bania, as it's such an anticlimax reverting to my isolated middle aged state in my garden.

But the birds are busy and so am life in freedom and happiness even with my piquant bathos. I should go out somewhere for a bit of a drive but I am also conserving petrol so I am trapped by my usual lack of funding which sometimes really grinds my gears but others, provides me with a strange level of safety and equanimity.

I want to go to Redcliffe and look for sea glass...but I might wait until I have my new phone as it's an hours drive and if I have an accident or breakdown that would be problematic to say the least.

So I shall need to fill up my day in other creative ways....🙂 At least my laptop is finally letting me type actual sentences now although it throws me off the internet every hour and I have to shut down and start up again to get connectivity. FFS.

Anyway all good...there are other activities that don't involve computers, iphones, or the internet. I could dance in my garden (to scare the bad spirits and the neighbours.), play my drum for trance drumming, make some jewelry. (not really in the mood for that the past week which is odd), read a book, or even go back to bed and have another sleep.

Whatever I decide I have time on my side....and a whimsy and a delight in whatever the day brings to me.

28 August 2021

2:52 am I had a great night dancing at Brooklyn Standard for “Alter Egos”. A young passionate wild weirdo approached me and said he would strip for me and dance on the pole I was leaning against. I said sarcastically that I would pay to see that.

So he scaled the pole halfway up like a jungle monkey and I smirked and told him I was impressed. He tore off his shirt and pressed his young, lithe and very toned body into me. But I gently pushed him off me, albeit very much aware of a delicious electric frisson that coursed through my veins momentarily.

He pulled at my silk skirt and I tut-tutted him school marmishly. He hurled himself at my feet and threw his upper torso backwards. Quick as a flash I (gently) positioned my boot on his chest as though I was going to crush him. I pulled a face. The crowd around us whooped!

Young lad stood up and we sorta hugged. He was impressed..I was bemused. It’s weird how men, even young men feel the need to “test” me. I might be old but I’ve still got great reflexes and a flare for show business. Lmao.

All good. No one got hurt and it was just a bit of cavorting. He was a lovely little attention seeker!

The security moved in and I worried they thought I was the aggressor or drunk. But no one got into trouble. I kept dancing until 1 am when my energy seeped out of me.

I was thrilled that I got to mosh out to “Zombie” and “Into the Night”.

Now tucked up in bed and ready to sleep!

I have been trying to solder my precious new bracelet all day. To no avail. I have watched the same soldering video over and over and over again. I still have no idea what I am doing wrong. I am so exhausted, I am starting to feel a little berserk!

All I can do is try again tomorrow. I hope I have not ruined my beautiful bracelet.

I am almost at the stage of giving up and taking it to a professional jeweller to have it soldered. Which feels like FAILURE!!!

I am so angry and upset with myself!

Trigger warning: tyranny, totalitarianism, Othering, vulgarity, government paid psychopathy



Never ever fuck with The Tanya. In a world of fuckery, Covid paradigms and treachery…Nu? What else is new?

The city was dead and the citizenry were walking masked zombies. It had a reek of desolation and death yet bizarrely there have only been a few Covid deaths in Queensland…so far! But the media and government have whipped the populace into abject terror so what did the Tanya dooo…but go dancing!

I arrived at the casino for a short stint around 1 am after my fabulous night at Brooklyn Standard. I asked myself why I would put myself back in that den of iniquity and treasonous superficial fuckery. But my spirit insisted.

I greeted George outside, as usual playing his guitar. He asked me if I had been at Irish Murphies? I replied I had been to Brooklyn Standard and would never be seen dead or alive in that filthy rape den pub again (thinking wryly to myself that the casino has descended to that same level of standard in recent years).

George noted that the pub’s band had finished early and they always finish early now. I nodded. He commented that they might be going broke. He watched my eyes flicker with satisfaction, triumph and rage.

I nodded. He’s pushing my buttons is my friend George, but he knows I have cursed that place and never in my wildest dreams or most profoundly powerful enraged magick, could I have predicted a virus would slowly shut everyone down …the good businesses along with the bad.

I smiled… George quickly recovered himself and stammered that they are quiet anyhow. What did my enemies…the enemies that enabled and endorsed that rape culture say??? “Pubs never go broke, Tanya!” Laughing in my face, as though I was some kind of petty idiot.

I had replied “That’s okay..I have time…I’ll WAIT!…And when the doors finally close I will bring every woman (and man) that had ever been violated in that pub, that had not been protected or defended when we dared speak up and out….to dance our Victory Dance to the tune of ‘Respect’”. They think I was joking about that...but only partially!

For the patron that suicided one night by throwing himself off the balcony, for the women including my own self that were banned for demanding appropriate standards and protection.

They can enforce masks and social distancing but refuse to deal with rapists…for the love of Covid, their new god! And yes my fury cost me a gall bladder and very poor health. Almost contributed to my suicide attempt but to be fair there were several fronts of a primal Berserker war I was fighting in 2015…not just my ailing body.

So I walk into the casino having “Checked in” and shown the guard outside that I have checked in. I arrive at the next guard who demands that I check in. I tell him I have already checked in out front. “Show me” he says. I show him. He would know…THE CUNT!!! That I would have had to check in outside as there was a guard there.

He sneers at me to put on my mask. I reply, “No problem”. I step back beside the female security guard. Put on my mask which involves tying it behind my head but all good. I watch, mid-tieing on my mask as THE CUNT lets four young people in without masks. I rolled my eyes, walked past him, “Dickhead” I said, as I walked into that joint.

The dance floor was almost empty. Nice enough band but I ordered a drink and sat down to listen. Soul tired and sick to my core of going to a space that is so venal.

But I remembered the many years when there were good times too, and this Covid paradigm has been sorting the chaff from the wheat, changed the culture, highlighted the barbarism that runs like a thin veneer under everything. Always has…always will.

I get up and walk out…past the cunt at the Elizabeth street entrance…up the road to my car I parked at Myer centre. Expensive night for me but worth it. Holding my stolid ground and defending my right to dance and live joyously and triumphantly in spite of EVERYTHING. The cunts and the government sponsored paid drones. The horror and the ignomy.

I smiled at the memory of the sweet young madman who cavorted with me at Brooklyn Standard earlier in the night!

Several other young men had flirted with me in the queue going in. I parried to their “thrusting” invasions of my space and bantered with them.

Funny lads.

But…Mama T has still got it.

28 August 2020

Just watched “I am woman” about Helen Reddy. Uplifting movie.

28 August 2019

I am being forced to get rid of my fishponds by the Dept of housing. (After 16 years they are suddenly a problem? Wtf??) I have to re-home my goldfish urgently. PM me if interested. Thanks.

28 August 2018

36 years ago. At 17 I learned the truth. Met my first bf/later husband. The rest is history. The end.

After 36 years it’s time I settled down again. But never been lucky in love. Psy sighs.

I was thinking how I wish I had traveled more (but no money!) The places I could have seen and the wonderful people I could have met. Maybe someone out in that big bright magical world could have really loved me.

I have the Phillips/Patula Wanderlust but can barely afford petrol to drive around my own city. Lmao!

Unlike my grandfather Abe I am unwilling to run away with just a kerchief with a pair of undies, his tobacco and a few coins. Men can do that sort of thing in relative safety.

Crystal is an adventurer like that. Soon she will be off again. I am happy for her. She told me the other day she wanted to go to Thailand with her father (because he can afford his own airfare!)

I felt ever-so-slightly jealous and pissed off. The very person who drove me into poverty in the first place (and all the abuse that came with it!) and my daughter prefers to holiday with him.

But fuck it. Who needs the drama and the dishonour. Let them all go!

I have sunshine beating down on my neck, a clear conscience, happiness, dancing and enough money to feed myself and pay rent and I get to travel across the universe every moment: armchair traveling and spirit-travelling. Also I keep myself Safe.

I regret not taking a kerchief and fucking off at 17. I would never have married that schmuck or been so beaten down and oppressed by my family of origin. I would have perhaps found my place in the world. I might never have married or had children and I may have prospered. Who knows? I will never know now.

No good living in what ifs, or pining for what was or what shall never be. I have only this moment.

My lungs are playing up (of course, as my gallstone situation seems to have settled down my body has to find other ways to fuck my vibe). A constant war with all the millions of microbes and bacteria and epic bullshit that crawl beneath my skin and sometimes burst out of it.

I am not this body. I just inhabit it (more and more reluctantly) but there was nothing like epic gallstone-passing pain to make me fight like a tormented daemon for it just the same!)

Maybe in a few months or years I will “travel” beyond space and time. A tiny microcosmic blip of light on the face of the Ein Soph Aur. Or maybe the dream of consciousness will end. Eternal peace. No thoughts, no suffering but no love or joy either.

What shall be my Din?

I came too late to the party of consciousness but by the gods we were awesome!

I have deleted the fundraiser for my friend. I am very disappointed that only a few people offered to assist.

I will still forward any donations to her direct.

Thank you to the two people who shared the fundraiser and to the three people who offered to donate. Thank you for your loving hearts.

28 August 2017

35 years ago today, I met my former husband (first bf). I have 2 daughters from that marriage. Oh well, might be a grandmother some day. If not, I have this sweet love!

28 August 2016

I had a lovely day and a wild night last night. Karen visited with her 7 year old daughter Ava. Then I drove them home in the evening. Then I met her at the casino last night. Boy! Did we all rock out!?

Abby Skye band was playing. One of my favourite bands. I had a fantastic time. I got home at 4.15 am, had a really hot Epsom salt bath. Now finally in bed with Penny and Beauregard. I am watching Breaking Bad on Stan before I finally succumb to sleep.


I took the Beau for a constitutional around the block. I am utterly exhausted from leaping about to all the rock songs. But it is not his problem so he gets a walk. He really enjoyed the smells and the tree piddling.

No dog park for him for a while until I can afford to desex him as he has become a bully and tries to attack puppies. So I am a bit sad about that as I enjoyed talking to some of the other dog owners while our dogs frolicked.


2 pm waiting for the dentist. I have been on a weeklong course of antibiotics as I was sick of feeling ill, fatigued and a tad suicidal. The antibiotics brought up some phlegm from the back of my throat.

I’m not sure if I’ve totally killed the infection, but it’s been three days since I finished the course and I’m feeling a bit better. Also the urge to cough has gone. After being sick for six months, I feel quite wrung out.

I went dancing on Saturday night but it’s still a bit too much for me. I have cut down to only one night for dancing. I only went on Saturday as Karen kept nagging me. However, I did have a lovely time as Abby sky was singing and I like her band.

51. And staying that way.

from the comment section:

Kelly Anne: Rocking singledom like the fucking bright-as supernova that you are. Ya don't need a man! 🙂 (Well I certainly don't). Lol. 😜

Me: We don't need a man. We may want one. But not out of necessity or desperation. Which is a nice way to live. I see so much desperation at the casino each weekend. It actually makes me vomit a little in my mouth.

But loneliness can make anyone feel a little desperate (even me at times!) I just refuse to sacrifice my hard won independence and freedom. Also it is rare to find a person you would walk through fire and water and leap off the edge of the planet for (there be dragons!) Loyalty, respect, fidelity and honesty are rare birds to find in any relationship now.

It's all about money, prestige, power and vanity. I am not a shallow person. I can't abide shallow fake friendships/love affairs.

So I stay alone. I like it that way. Safe from abuse (as much as possible)! Much is gained in self respect and integrity by walking your own walk, head held high and free.

Kelly anne: True. I have only ever really felt the kind of walk through fire & water stuff for 1 man ever. And I left him because I knew I couldn't give him the kind of intimacy he needed & deserved back then. All he ever needed to do was say my name & I melted. I could never have made him happy though. It just about killed me to let him go & lie about how much I loved him. I know I did the right thing by him though. He still believes what I told him. If THAT kind of feeling ever came my way again, then I might reconsider but I think it's the kind of thing that only happens once in a lifetime because I've never even come 10% of the way close to feeling the way he made me feel. So I'm not really interested in love unless it's like that. And even then... I'm no prize catch these days. So I'd rather not even think about it too much. No point torturing myself & crying over spilt milk. 😉

I think it was his confidence that sent the shivers down my spine every time I was with him. It scared the crap out of me & I was far too self conscious for a man like him.

Me: Confidence can be very sexy. It can also be the trademark of a psychopath. That kind of power and control over a woman's mind can be very dangerous.

It is hard to say, without knowing the man or the circumstances but you were probably right to follow your instincts and walk away. Big loves do often happen only once, but not necessarily.

Don't give up on yourself. You are a Prize Catch. There is always someone in this world who will love you no matter what. (Even in my life if it is my cats and dog lmao!)

Open your heart and mind to the possibility that the right kind of Love is not only possible, but in your life now. Then watch yourself blossom like a flower. Watch the unfurlment of a miracle.

Yes, on bad/sad days we might drop a few petals but we always bloom again. Shedding the past or illness or trauma is hard work but it is a backhanded gift of wisdom and beauty. Keep shining beautiful Kelly Anne. You are Seen. You Are Loved.

I married a dull intellect psychopath. He was much taller than me. 11 years older. Obsessed with cooking (a chef) and food. Very controlling. Colluded with my sociopath mother. Both were very vicious. It took me years to get free of both of them.

Then I acquired 2 more psychopathic lovers and one narcissist. I am an expert at falling in love with maniacs. Which is why I spent many years being celibate and avoidant. I just can't risk my life like that again.

I would love a life partner again. After being single for 21 years it is not likely to happen. Too much abuse and trauma. But I crave someone kind loyal and loving. It could happen. I have some lovely friends which are a great source of strength and nurture me.

Part of being a unmothered child (and adult woman) and the long term abuse means I have had to find or create my own family.

My close friends are intelligent, loving, endlessly patient with me and very supportive.

If I found a Longterm sexual partner he would have to be like that. I have severe trust issues after being molested as a child, and attacked, strangled, cheated on, lied to, lied about, stolen from, degraded, sexually assaulted, deprived of wealth/status, terrorised, constantly threatened with losing my children, or being committed.

It took a psych nurse friend to explain to me that these were hollow threats as to be committed is almost impossible these days. No asylums. A panel of judges etc. also the salient fact that I am not actually Mad. But my ex and my mother and her conman husband tried everything to ruin my life and my children's lives by keeping me in a state of fear.

Fuck them all. 2 are dead now and my ex is still an osmosing pot plant taking up valuable space on this planet. But karma meant he is married to an abusive woman who controls his Money and he is miserable.

So yes! He gets everything he deserves for what he put me through.

Life goes on. Time heals and Schadenfreude is delicious and deliriously delightful.

28 August 2015

2.03 pm. I have opened my eyeballs on another afternoon. I slept well. The men have concreted my driveway.

Now I need to shower and pick up my corsets that Lyn took to the Dry Cleaners for me. Karen and I are going to The Elephant tonight. We will see how that goes. No idea who is playing.

I have 6 very pissed off poultry as I can't let them out to free range until Monday when Housing sends a man to drill a hole in the new driveway so I can close the gates. I feel so bad for my babies but since they are cooped up anyway, I took the opportunity to worm their water supply.

So they will be cooped up but worm free and will hate me even more tomorrow. The lady in the video is right. They do call chicken meetings and swear about you in hen talk.

I also, Julie, always dreamed of getting a Devon cow which is a miniature. They cost about $2000 but hey, I could have fresh milk and cream and butter and yoghurt oh my. I changed my mind as my shitty fences are not high enough and I would have to be awake at dawn each morning to milk the little cow. So ummm, well. Dreams are free!

Today I had a visit from a bird that looked like a magpie but had feathers either side of its beak that looked like whiskers. It sat on the eaves of my roof above my laundry. I said "Hello Bird, please don't dive bomb me cos this is just where I do my washing, momma!" It stared down at me.

When I came out it had flown over to an outside chair and was sitting so quiet and tame. I planted out some stray tomatoes that had sprouted in my strawberry pot and the bird watched me with interest.

Karen arrived, and we both walked right past it without it flinching or taking flight. It has obviously been used to humans. I was so impressed, I went inside and slowly and gently handed the bird a piece of croissant.

It looked at me, looked at the croissant (they are meat eaters). Gently took it from my hand and flew away to eat it in peace as Sophie was hanging around.

I was totally enchanted! I live like Snow White and if I brought home the dwarf from Dubai who has a crush on me at the casino, I would even have at least one Dwarf. I know bad taste, but the dwarf would be delighted. He has threatened to marry me before!

Meanwhile Karen and I had a lovely time at The Elephant tonight. When it was lockout time, we drove to the casino as when I was assaulted by security last week, the creep who tried to break my wrist twice, managed to tear my bracelet off.

So as a matter of principle I went to Lost property in the hope that someone decent had handed it in. I got my bracelet back. I am still waiting for my exclusion notice to come from the corrupt inadequate bastards but at least I got my bracelet back.

Hohum. Happy Days are here again!

Trigger warning: child abuse disguised as discipline.



My mother used to yell at me to get the wooden cooking spoon. After a few hidings with it, I decided that I had had enough. If she was going to punish me (which to be totally honest I never really knew what I had supposedly done wrong, perhaps a look or a witty trite remark?) then I preferred she used her bare hands to hit me with.

There was something really sick about being made to fetch one's own instrument of discipline. So I hid the bloody thing. Next time I was in strife, I faked looking for it and came into her bedroom with big sappy eyes instead, hoping she would forget whatever punishment she thought I was due.

She was even more enraged so lathered my arse, legs and face with her bare open hands instead. I never "found" the cooking spoon. I actually felt a little smug that I had discovered a lesser humiliation. Hands on combat without weapons :-). I was 6 years old but no dummy!

My father, David, also a violent man used to call Mum "SlapHappy". I noticed in most of my early photos I used to tuck my head low between my shoulders in a sort of Hunch. She always went for the face and head.

Anyway. Happy Days! I survived those bastards!

28 August 2014

Trigger Warning!



32 years ago I met my first boyfriend and former husband.

I was a 17 year old at University getting used to being an independent free-thinking young woman and wanting so much to be loved and be in a loving family. I think being at university that first year was the most challenging and terrifying experience of my young life.

I spent much of it alone, at the VUW cafe, so happy and relieved to be out of the very toxic abusive Wellington Girls College but feeling very isolated and out of my depth in the adult world of University.

Fortunately I found solace and friendships in Student Politics (oyy!), NZ union of Jewish students (they allowed me to be a member when they found out I was intending to convert to Judaism), Friends of Israel, and I even forayed into the French Club for wine and cheese evenings.

I went on several jewish student conferences which were spectacularly hair-raising as being new to the community, I was embarrassingly popular with the men, some of whom made utter pests of themselves, one young man demanding the camp organiser via phone (all night!) that she give him my room number for which she yelled at me the next morning as if it were my fault I had inflamed the passions of my very first Stalker!

Then on this day 32 years ago Sylvia Shine of now Blessed Memory and her son and daughter in law, Adrian and Susan colluded with my mother (the Hag!) to arrange a meeting between myself and their friend Micheal, at a dinner party hosted by Adrian and Susan.

The rest is History, but not without histrionics and hysteria I guess. He picked me up, a giant of a man in a very tiny red Ford Laser sportscar (that he not long after rolled, the twat!)

When he got out of the car I was already having apoplectic fits of anxiety and nausea (my mother and step-father had inconveniently gone to Auckland so I was quite alone and terrified!)

I watched as this man got up and out of the car and he just kept going up and up and he had this cheesy grin on his face and I just wanted to die of embarrassment.

Then (as often happens with my love life ) he immediately told me I was overdressed and should go inside and come out wearing something casual! (Fuck you! I thought!) I said No, I was invited to a dinner party and he was the one that made no effort!

So I got in the car and instead of him taking the direct route to Karori via the city the idiot took me on the scenic route by the bay then through Happy Valley and I was white-knuckled the entire time in horror that in all these isolated spots on the trip, he might actually (gulp!) rape me.

I needn't have worried as 2 months later I realised it would have been over very quick (snigger! Sad but true). By then it was too late. I had no idea what real good sex was until 2 years after my separation and I was 31 then.

Anyway, the purpose of this story is that Crystal told me this evening that her father is undergoing surgery tomorrow to have his kidney stones blasted with a laser and he is terrified he is going to die and has definitely finally realised that he has paid back for the shitty stuff he put me through during our marriage and divorce and for his collusion with my mother and Buck which contributed to my loss of the Will Dispute.

I don't wish him dead but it is some irony that Crystal held off telling him about Mrs Shine's death 2 days ago, even though he was a family friend growing up around them.

I loved Sylvia, she was a good woman but that shidduch was well, a disaster but she knew my background and she wanted me to marry a nice jolly jewish boy who would give me a nice safe life. She is not to blame for underestimating the man he became!

As Crystal said, "Mum... Dad has paid back the bad Karma to you to the power of ten and he is finally realising it."

Is it Good or Bad I wonder? That finally my enemies are 'smited' before me. I have lived to witness those who have harmed me suffer immensely for their actions.

I will not rejoice. They took too much from me for me to rise from my own personal ashes and hurl lightning bolts at them in exaltation. I am grateful to G-d for allowing me the opportunity to witness His retribution in my lifetime, which is something I prayed for often.

There is the unfinished business of the Scherer sisters and also my pedophile godfather Trevor Singh (surely he is dead by now as he would be in his 90's?) and my own traitor of a half-sister Angela Stewart.

Perhaps I will discover their fates one day but for the moment the balance of natural Justice weighs in their favour for they have only prospered by my victimhood and have no shame or guilt for what they did to me. Typical sociopath-narcissists.

Well I can wait... If not the rest of this life, then the next.


I am still feeling emotionally fragile today, delayed reaction to chair-fighting drunk men last Friday night and other stuff compounded, so seeing that Macaw really lifted my spirits. Better than drugs, Man!


Macaw, macaw, macaw, caww. Clawwww. My Macaw!!!

Crystal forbids me to trade down my car to buy the bird. As if that will stop me. Muahaha!



New life is on the way, not my blue and gold bird boy I dreamed of, but still.


Wow! $6500. I wish I could afford him Now!!!

Is it insane for a middle-aged woman with no future financial growth potential, living in a post-war cottage owned by Housing Commission, having been exponentially fucking screwed by want that Macaw so much I could explode.

He comes as a full package, cage harness everything.

I am almost tempted to sell my car to buy him. Who needs wheels when you have Macaw Love?

They let me scratch him and even though his beak is huge he was so gentle with me. He's 7 months old so I could teach him to talk!!! When he matures, he will have the brain capacity of a 5 year old. I would take him everywhere. I would love it!!

(Now Grow up Psychedelic Dreamer and Breathe... Lol!). I told you I dream opulently. Wow, Crystal could utilise him in short films. He would probably earn his keep like her rabbits do.

Hold me Back Babies..So tempted!!!


While I was falling in love with the Macaw. Ayy Currumba!! I bought a mirror for my boarder Budgie Rahul. He needs to think he's not the only budgie in the known universe. It's a dirty trick but not being as smart as larger parrots, he might be a tad happier during the day. His silence in the house is eerie. I took him out in the garden this arvo and he sang happily!


Omg! so exciting! I have waited 7 or 8 years for this. Macadamia Flowers!!! There will be Nuts this Summer! Woohoo!


3.16 pm I am awake and sitting outside to catch some much needed Vitamin D with my Boarder's Budgie, Rahul. He is chirping happily (he eerily makes no sounds in the house so I figure some sunshine and fresh air will delight him).

The chooks are out scratching around, the fish have been fed. It's still a bit blustery but the day feels nice after that oppressive storm tension.

Nothing like a good Blow out when Mother Nature shakes out her many petticoats and Thor jokingly gave her the Ice Challenge. Ice made from crushed up Ice Giants hurled at her. She blew him kisses and got so excited she wet herself.

The land rejoiced in new abundant growth and sighs of relief. The gods should play hard more often!

I slept from 6.30 am til 2.45 pm. 9 hours. Much better after weeks of exhaustion.

I wonder what this day shall afford me? 😉 x


5.44 am Needless to say, still awake. I had fun on Paltalk rambling mad shit. At one point I actually thought the room had me on ignore lol. So now I am getting ready to snooze before I lose the rest of my equanimity!

C'est la Vie, mes Enfants!

28 August 2011


I was bloody happy last night that I couldn't sleep and I didn't go to bed until 2 am, so that was rather annoying! It was so annoying having actual insomnia that I even, "gasp" thought about getting up again and doing actual housework, but my body said No! LOL (My body says no to housework a lot I've noticed LOL).


Gail and I went to see Jane Eyre. It was a wonderful movie, skillfully crafted and I loved it so much I think I will buy the DVD when it comes out. Sigh, Victorian Romance at its best and Jane Austen was so far ahead of her time!


I thoroughly enjoyed my hot chocolate with waffle balls, at Max Brenners this evening. The place was packed to the rafters and the queue rather too long but the chocolate was inspiringly delicious!

Copyright Tanya Désirée Arons


About the Creator

Tanya Arons

I write about my life experiences. I write about complex ptsd, the agonies, the angst and my post traumatic growth. About Beauty, Truth and Honour and little vignettes of comfort from the spirits that love me: living and dead. I also Dance!

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