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Loneliness but God is there

You are never alone, turn to the Lord

By MICHELLE SMITHPublished 4 days ago 3 min read
Loneliness but God is there
Photo by Abigail on Unsplash

Never feel like you're not enough.

Never settle for less.

Put your fears, cares, worries, anger, etc. in the Lord's hand.

Don't fall for lies.

Don't allow negativity.

Always strive for positivity.

Be the person God is leading you to be.

So tired of playing games. Tired of being alone, I know I have the Lord and I don't need anyone else, but the flesh keeps seeking it. Sometimes I just want a partner, soulmate, someone to worship God with. Sounds silly I know, but finding the one who could remind you to pray, read your Bible, attend church, put Christ first, etc. would be an amazing thing. Knowing they are facing this world with you and you both are depending on God to continue to bring you through.

Depression gets the best of you; it brings you down. In those times turn to God in prayer, even when the flesh is pulling you away just hold on. You will get through this; God is with you.

Don't allow anyone to play games with you. Either you're in it for the long haul or just keep moving on. I don't have time to waste anymore. Christ will be back any day and I want to find the one meant for me to spend the rest of that time with.

I've been fooled, given in too easily. Left in the dark and asked to do wifely duties when I'm not even given the ring for the role. You'd think I'd have learned from the relationship that hurt me the most yet here I am seeking love and accepting less. Never accept anything else than wat you know you deserve. You deserve it all from the talking stage to date night to engagement to walking down the aisle and knowing you will grow old together in the end.

The Notebook may just be a movie but it's a love story we all want. Nothing compares to knowing if you are meant to be together until you find each other again.

Leave it in God's hands, at least that is what I'm trying to tell myself. Don't beg for attention, don't settle for less. Know your worth and your wants. Know the direction you are going. Make sure they are a child of God, for those who will be evenly yoked, no trial or tribulation that comes between you will be unbearable.

I guess it's back to square one again, alone (single). Maybe God has someone out there for me, maybe it isn't my time. Until then I'll dive into God's word, prayer, devotionals, etc. I know that God is always with me, and Jesus is always walking beside me.

To end this tiny rant I just want to leave you with this:

Don't take your relationship/marriage for granted. There are others out there seeking what you have. The grass isn't greener on the other side either. As long as you are evenly yoked you can conquer it all.

As another week has come and gone and a new week begins remember these worth's:

You are worthy of daily phones calls.

You are worthy of their time.

You are worthy of date night.

You are worthy of a text message everyday.

You are worthy of love and will find love when you love God and love yourself. Have a blessed week!

Don't continue to let others walk all over you. You are as precious as God has made you. You are special in his eyes. Christ died for you so you could be brought up in to heaven. It is never too late to accept Christ into your life and learn there is a love that will never end.


About the Creator


Be the inspiration you want others to see. I just want to inspire others through poetry. We all need a bit of positivity and to know that there are others going through similar situations.

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  • shanmuga priya4 days ago

    Inspiring to reading...I liked it.


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