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It Is ok To Slow Down Your Writing.

Slowing down can help you to write better stories.

By Carol TownendPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
It Is ok To Slow Down Your Writing.
Photo by Morgane Le Breton on Unsplash

I love my newfound writing career. I'm in the early weeks of creating goals to help me become established. However, if there is one major thing that I have learned about writing, it is:

It is ok to slow down

I write on Vocal, Medium, Word Press and I am establishing my new webpage. I am also writing books for Kindle Direct Publishing where I have started by turning some of my fictional stories on vocal into books. While I am doing all this, I am also working on two other books which are not published on any platforms.

Writing can become overwhelming if we try to write too many articles and stories at once. There are some days where I can publish several a day, though recently I have slowed down because I am working on Emma which is a Halloween series I started writing on Vocal, though it goes beyond being just for Halloween, as I intend to write quite a few parts for this article. This isn't the only fiction I am working on; I am also working on a children's humour fiction which is long, but a lot of fun to write!

The above are the reasons why I have slowed down my writing. Slowing down enables me to limit the number of articles that I write in a week. If I come up with more articles while I am already working on 3 or 4, then I move some to the following week.

Writers and authors have to work hard in order to write and promote their work. It can take hours during the day, and sometimes days.

If we over-multitask during the week, we risk having no time to promote our work, read other peoples work, or get time to ourselves.

How we manage our time is important. We need time to think and breathe, otherwise, we will burn out. We will end up with no time for other things. As a result, we will tire ourselves out, leading to us becoming unproductive and not wanting to work.

Taking things slow, doing a limited amount of work in a week, and being able to spare days for other things enables us to create a comfortable routine that works around us.

This means we can find time for leisurely activities, important chores, ourselves and the people we love. It also means that we can reset our cognitive and mental processes.

When our cognitive and mental processes are not working properly, it slows our thinking and leaves us tired; leaving no energy to put the effort into our work, resulting in sloppy and unsatisfactory pieces. We feel mentally drained.

When we take a rest; it switches our brains back on and enables us to think straight. This means we will feel more alert, focused and awake, leaving us with the ability to think more clearly and concentrate better on the work we have set for ourselves.

There are some people who feel that the only way to make a living is to exhaust themselves by writing all day long. Some of my friends who are also writers spend every waking hour in their work.

They are often tired and stressed out, and left wondering why their pieces do not come out as clear as they want them to. They don't make time to relax, see friends or family. Their mental processes become blurred and slowed down; when this happens, they feel drained and struggle to write, even when they have an idea of what to write about.

The above situation with my friend used to happen to me on a daily basis. I would stress out over my work, to a point where I had no time for other things.

I ended up stuck in a position where I knew what I wanted to write about, but I was so tired that I could not think straight enough to be able to get the words out onto paper.

As writers and authors, we all end up here sometimes. However, a little routine planning and time management can go a long way.

If you take the time to look after yourself as a writer; you will begin to see a difference in your work.


About the Creator

Carol Townend

Fiction, Horror, Sex, Love, Mental Health, Children's fiction and more. You'll find many stories in my profile. I don't believe in sticking with one Niche! I write, but I also read a lot too.

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