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I Made $7,000 As a Young Online Entrepreneur - Here's How You Can Too

"I'm a twenty-something living in New York City, and I am making money from my dreams. This may sound like a dream too good to be true, but it's not: I've made over $7,000 this year (and counting) working for myself. If you want to know how I did it and how you can too, read on!"

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

I'm a twenty-something living in New York City, and I am making money from my dreams. This may sound like a dream too good to be true, but it's not: I've made over $7,000 this year (and counting) working for myself. If you want to know how I did it and how you can too, read on!

1. Offer a service.

Offer a service. This is the most straightforward method, and one that's often overlooked by young entrepreneurs. If you're good at something, then you can offer your services as a freelancer or consultant. Offer the same service to many different people in order to create a sustainable business for yourself.

There are many ways to offer your services:

  • You can be an online teacher - teaching English as a second language (ESL), coding lessons on Udemy or Lynda, etc., are all viable options!
  • You can also coach people through various problems they may have in their lives via Skype or FaceTime.

2. Create an e-commerce store.

This is the most important part of your business, so you want to make sure you do it right.

  • Choose a niche that interests you and has a large enough market to be profitable. If you're not sure where to start, think about what problems people have that could be solved with an e-commerce store. For example, if I'm looking for food delivery in my area and there aren't any local businesses offering it yet (or if the ones that do exist aren't particularly good), then I would consider starting my own food delivery service as an e-commerce store.
  • Select a platform for your site based on which one seems easiest to use, offers most suitable features and tools required for running an online store (including payment processing), and has good customer support when needed. Some popular choices include Shopify, BigCommerce, Squarespace Commerce (formerly Weebly), Magento Community Edition or WooCommerce (WordPress).
  • Decide on whether or not this will be an individual or corporation/partnership business by entering into contracts with partners if necessary; keep in mind tax implications of each structure type before deciding final forms! For example: sole proprietorship vs partnership vs corporation vs limited liability company(LLC) vs S corporation vs C corporation

3. Sell your photography.

  • Sell your photos on stock photo sites like Shutterstock and Getty Images. These sites are huge and have millions of customers, so you can potentially make a lot of money if your photos are popular.
  • Sell your photos on your own website or blog. If you have a good following on social media, you can use that as leverage to set up an eCommerce store where people will pay for prints or digital downloads of their favorite shots.
  • Post some photos with a watermark and see how they do in social media groups (Facebook groups work well). You may be surprised at how much money people are willing to pay for these images if they're taken well!

4. Start a YouTube channel.

As you may have guessed, YouTube is a very popular website. In fact, it's the second largest search engine on the internet, as well as being the second most visited website on Earth (second only to Google).

In addition to being an excellent place to find information and view other people's work, YouTube also offers some unique opportunities for young entrepreneurs:

  • You can start your own channel and create your own content that you can monetize later;
  • You can join an existing community of like-minded individuals and help each other grow;
  • If you're looking for something specific but don't know where else to find it (like how-to videos), YouTube will be your best bet because there are thousands upon thousands of them out there

5. Share your favorite things with affiliate links.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online and it's something you can do with almost any website or blog.

Affiliate links are links that lead visitors to an online store and then pay you a percentage of their purchases if they buy anything from that site within 24 hours. So, when someone uses your affiliate link to buy something on Amazon and then clicks on one of those products within 24 hours, you receive a commission for that sale!

6. Start a blog and monetize it with ads or affiliate links.

If you're going to start a blog, make sure it has a unique topic. There are thousands of blogs out there already, so don't just rush into starting one. You need to do some research and find something that hasn't been done before.

Make sure your voice is authentic and stands out from the crowd. People don't want generic content anymore - they want something that's real and authentic!

Find your own style when it comes to design as well as content creation; this will help people remember you when they see other things that you've created down the road (and encourage them to come back for more).

Make sure all of your content is high quality: written by an experienced writer with years under their belt or researched by someone who knows how information should be presented in order for it make sense for readers who are looking for answers now rather than later (and maybe even tomorrow).

Create an original brand around yourself or around whatever niche market(s) ​you plan on targeting first: create logos/graphics​; establish guidelines about what colors mean which emotions (red=anger etc); develop ways​of writing headlines so they're memorable enough​that people will keep coming back week after week without realizing why until much later down the road after repeated exposure - this way even if they've never read anything else other than titles then come back again later because they know enough about what kind of person writes these posts already!

7. Get creative and make yourself a brand!

To make yourself a brand, you need to create a logo. It doesn't have to be complicated or expensive, but it needs to be something that people can recognize instantly and associate with you as an entrepreneur.

Next, create a website where people can learn more about what it is that sets you apart from all other competitors in your industry. Be sure to include testimonials and case studies on the site so people will see what others have become successful doing business with you.

Next, choose the name of your business carefully because this will become part of who YOU are as an entrepreneur - your brand identity! This is important because no matter how great your products or services are, if customers cannot remember who they're buying from then they won't come back again. So try coming up with multiple names until one sticks out above all else; once this happens then start building everything else around this particular name (logo design included).

The next step is creating an overall personality for yourself as an entrepreneur based on who YOU really are - and not who someone else thinks you should be! This includes everything from how often do we update our social media channels daily versus weekly vs monthly? Do we post mostly positive things about ourselves (what kind of person am I) versus negative things about other companies/individuals within our industry? Do we focus more on educating consumers about why they should buy from us instead pimping out products at every opportunity?"

Use the internet to make money from your passions and skills

The internet is full of ways to make money from your passions and skills. You can do this by offering a service, creating an e-commerce store, selling your photography, starting a YouTube channel or blog and monetizing it with ads or affiliate links.

You could also look into affiliate marketing - this is where you recommend products and earn commissions on those sales. It's one of the most lucrative ways to sell online because you don't have to manufacture or ship anything yourself!


I hope that this post has given you some ideas and inspiration for how to make money online as a young entrepreneur. If you're looking for more tips and advice on starting an online business, I have a free article called The Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Making Money Online that can help!


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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