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I have a confession


By ASHLEY SMITHPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

It had been hard enough sorting his things in the house, now it was time to face the office. They had been married a long time and had always tried to keep work and home as separate places. Indeed Jean had only been to the office complex a handful of times in the 30 odd years Jim had worked there.

It was his company and he he had the big and private office the other staff dreamed of inhabiting. The big desk and the scenic views from the top floor offices they inhabited. Jean had never been jealous of Jim's work colleagues as he always cam home to her, the staff just shared him for eight hours a day. This time though she felt slight pangs as Jim spent his last hours with them and not her.

As it was his company he liked to arrive first and leave last, he always said it set a good example for the others. He even joked that no one was ever late as they knew he would be there waiting for them. Such was his adherence to this that even on the day he was slow to wake up and admit he felt rough he still went in. Indeed the discussion with Jean was their last conversation.

He went to work a few minutes later then normal and for once found a couple of staff waiting for him to unlock the office. They had a joke about his poor time keeping and told him to have a word with himself. Jim did his best to smile and said he was going to have a quiet hour in his office but insisted everyone came in for the usual mid morning meeting.

They dutifully went in and Jim sat quietly in his high back leather chair. He waved for them to start and the usual conversations began, plans for investment and sales figures. When they came towards the end of the meeting they looked to Jim and asked for his opinion.

When they saw his eyes closed and got no response they at first presumed sleep. They were just about to tip toe out when they looked at Jim again and realised something was wrong. He seemed to be slumped in a way he couldn't be comfortable enough to sleep and then they noticed the saliva dribbling slowly from his slightly open mouth.

Paramedics came as soon as they could but Jim had long gone. Jean got the call every spouse dreaded and then the chaos of funerals and wills begun. Although jean found it hard to focus on what the solicitor was saying she heard that the company was hers. She decided to get in quickly, sort any problems and then sell it. She had little interest in a small but successful electronics firm.

She arranged to go in the following Monday and told the nice lady on the phone she would be clearing Jim's desk first. When she arrived the office fell quiet and she was shown in to Jim's office and quickly was left alone.

The first thing that hit her was the mess on and around the desk. Even if Jim had knocked things as he died or the paramedics moved things it was still a disorganised tip. This was quite a shock as Jim had kept his desk tidy at home, with only a laptop and notepad to sully the polished top.

While most of the items would be pointless and unintelligible for her she decided to arrange things for who ever could understand it all. The accountancy was done by a firm on a different floor so they could come and claim their relevant items. The pictures and personal items would go home and then it was time to sort the remaining items.

Jean decided to make pile of books and ledgers, piles of paper and put the rest to one side, realising the size of the job she soon realised it wouldn't be done in a day. She decided the best way was to glance at the heading on paperwork or first page of any books to see what they were about an if worth taking home.

After shifting some papers into a couple of different piles she found a note book labelled "the codes to the treasure"

She laughed at first, expecting it to contain something completely different and expecting it to be one of Jim's jokes. Inside she saw that it did include various codes and a very long webpage address. She guessed the codes could be passwords and they were written down because they would have been hard to recall. She decided she needed a break from the desk and picked up Jim's laptop from under the desk. She fired it up and at first stalled when the screen saver came on with a picture of her.

Intrigue got the better of her and she typed in the web address and waited for the password request. She was surprised that there was no request and after a few seconds a screen appeared. It said welcome back Jim. She stared at it and expected more to appear but for a while nothing happened.

Then she was startled by a voice saying "Good afternoon Jean". More of the shock was because it was Jim's voice although a little tinny through the computers speakers.

Jim continued" I am so sorry that I am no longer alive and with you. this is my special will that I only trust you to hear my love. I have a few more items for you and didn't want the lawyer or taxman to get his hands on them. I need you to trust me and follow these instructions exactly. First go to our bank and ask to see the safety security boxes I have stored there. The numbers on page 2 of the code book refers to the ones you will see. They are in your name so if you take identification you should be able to see the boxes. I am afraid this is the only voice message and the rest is written down. I love you and always have, goodbye"

Jean was so shocked she had to listen three times to take it all in. Still curious she thought she may as well try the bank. After a quick check she was taken to the vault and left alone with three boxes and three keys. At random she opened a box and found a large bundle of money and some cheques written to her with varying amounts. The second box contained a passport and some open ended plane tickets. She was confused at first as didn't recognise the name in the passport but saw her picture. The final box contained an envelope with her name on it. The paper inside was written in Jim's hyper neat handwriting.

Obviously I am no longer with you and you have found my computer will. the codes are not all important but were designed to confuse anyone else who might nose the book before you. You will need the codes on page 6 when you follow the instructions I will give you.

I am sorry to say I have a confession. On the business trip last year was approached by some nice men who asked about my firm and my personal skills. They asked me to help them with something they couldn't do in their country as it was hard to get the parts quietly. As they only wanted a high end GPS navigation system I thought it would be good for some extra income and a challenge.

Unfortunately I had been naively conned, the GPS was just part of a bigger item. The bits were being made by different people in different countries in order to minimise suspicion. Put together they built a weapon that could track aircraft with my part and shoot them down with the bits from other people.

When I found out I tried to stop but they threatened me and said they would kill me and then you a few weeks later so there wasn't a connection made of foul play. I found out that one of the people involved in making the firing mechanism had complained and had died suddenly. I decided to act and set these boxes up. The false passport is so you can travel without being tracked and can start a new life in safety. Its very possible that as I have died its probably not naturally so you need to leave quick, they money i was paid is in vault like this one in Cyprus main bank in the capital where we went last time. Please go quickly and live a great life.

love you always Jim

Still in a state of confusion and now mixed with fear Jill decided she should follow Jim's instructions, he wasn't one to make jokes for something so serious, Also there was the money and false passport to consider. She decided to pack quickly and leave, she knew she could travel light but had to minimise suspicion so took a case plus her handbag. There was room for her on the evening flight so she went to Cyprus with no idea what to expect.

She found a hotel and after a fitful and dream filled sleep she went to the bank. Following the same procedure as before she went downstairs to the vault and again had 3 boxes. In the first the note was different to before.

Hello jean, my name isn't important but i am a colleague of your husband. On a trip here recently he asked me to rent the 3 boxes I expect you have in front of you. The packages are sealed and I don't know the contents but Jim was adamant they had to be here.

I wish you a full and long life, a friend.

The two other boxes indeed did have wrapped packages, again containing money and cheques but for much larger amounts then before. She realised she was far from home , a widow but suddenly was very rich. The cheques were probably in different amounts so didn't cause suspicion and the wads of cash for living expenses.

She thanked the staff and went back to the hotel to consider her new life. She decided to rent a home by the sea, then open a bank account for the cheques and then see what the rest of her life brought her.


About the Creator


England based carer, live with my wife, her parents and 4 cats. will write for all areas but especially mental health and disability. though as stuff for filthy seems popular will try there . any comments, suggestions or requests considered

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