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I Hate Kids

Yes, that is accurate.

By LeAnn MurchPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I know once you start dating after the age of 30 you're most likely to become a step parent. My problem is I hate kids, I can't stand them at all whatsoever. I'm not cut out to be a parent, I was probably the only girl in my class who said she never wanted to have children. Yes I know I am technically a mother since I've given birth before but I am not raising them so that disqualifies me.

I'm constantly telling guys I won't date them if they have children and they're always trying to convince me otherwise. Look, here it is in black and white: A judge determined I'm unfit to raise my own children, why would you want me to be in your children's lives, don't you think I'd be an even worse parent to them than to my own? Let's be honest here, you really want a woman in your life who truly hates children, is that the kind of person you want to bring around your precious spawns?

Dating is already hard now-a-days, don't make it worse by trying to force someone to be something they don't want. Not all women are meant to be mothers and that's OK. Kids are not my forte and I'd hate to start talking to someone and then come to find out he's got evil little shit dicks for kids. Full on dealbreaker right there. I know I'm limiting myself in the dating pool by eliminating all men with children. I'll most likely end up being a cougar dating younger guys just to avoid this but I'm OK with that.

I just wish people would stop being so offended by this. Not every person on this planet has to like children to be a good person. I never wanted kids, but yet I ended up having them. I love them with all my heart and because I love them so much I know they're better off with their dad and foster family and that's OK.

I'm the type of person who loves attention and I'm not about to fight a 5 year old for your love and time. If I decide I want to take a road trip or go to a concert or event of some sort I don't want to have to plan it out around children. I like being free, I like being able to just up and go and do whatever the hell I want whenever the hell I want to. I don't want to have to censor myself because your child is a sponge and copies everything adults say. I wanna be able to wake up and cook breakfast in my underwear and not have to worry about your child waking up and seeing me.

I know a lot of people will be offended by this and that's OK. I'm not here to make people happy and see my point of view. I'm simply just explaining why I don't like children and why I wont date men who have kids. I've met so many people with kids and they're all evil little devil spawns who are dirty and gross and annoying as fuck. I know totally mean but it's my post so I don't give a shit. You may think your kid is the cutest thing in this world but they're not, they're probably super annoying and not very cute to look at. Keep your kids away from me, I really don't like them.


About the Creator

LeAnn Murch

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