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How To Make Money Writing On Vocal Media?

Make Money writing and publishing stories on Vocal Media.

By Khan JohnPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
How To Make Money Writing On Vocal Media?

Did you ever think about a platform that could give you money for getting for just getting more human readers? No. Vocal Media is a platform that could help you in making money writing. Vocal Media is a modern publishing platform that gives an opportunity for everyone to make money writing on its platform. Writing on Vocal Media is easy. One thing that fascinates me the most is its ability to let writers make money without showing ads or any other monetization way. We will discuss everything in this article from how Vocal Media makes money? and what could be the future of the platform.

Think about a platform that could give you money just for getting real human views. Before I start publishing articles on Vocal Media, I did research about this platform, and I found out there are a lot of writers who are making a good amount of money writing on Vocal. As you can see I have made over $45. I know, $45 isn't a very big amount of money but for a complete starter, making money on Vocal could be a very easy choice. I write on Vocal occasionally and this helps me to make money which is a by-product of just writing on this platform. I am writing on Medium & Vocal here with my own name Aamir Kamal, whose main job is to produce as many articles on Vocal as possible for the coming years.

What is Vocal Media?

Vocal Media is a public limited company that main product is giving a free service to people to write and share content on the Internet. They have a business model which we have explained in the later section. Vocal Media help creators make money creating content. Vocal Media is one of the best platforms after Medium that let people make money. They have paid over $100,000 just in 2019 to their creators.

Who owns Vocal Media?

Who owns Vocal Media? Vocal Media is owned by a public limited known as Jerrick Media. Jerrick Media owns Vocal Media and it has invested a lot of money into the online publishing business. Their motto is "Creatd envisions, designs, and builds modern technology companies."

What is Vocal+ Program?

Vocal+ is a premium program by Vocal Media. Vocal+ costs $9.99/month. Following are some of the benefits of being in the Vocal+ program;

  • Normally Vocal pays $3.8 per 1,000 views but if you are in the Vocal+ program then you will make $6 per 1,000 views.
  • You will be charged 6% transaction charges for a normal, non-Vocal+ creator but for a Vocal+ creator, the transaction charges are just 2%.
  • You can get into Vocal challenges only if you are in Vocal+ membership.

That's sit. A lot of people aren't even writing other than for Vocal challenges which could give you a lot of money if you write a great article based on the demands they have mentioned.

How To Make Money Writing on Vocal Media?

Making money on Vocal Media is easy. There are five steps in the process of making money writing on Vocal Media.

  1. The first step is to make an account on Vocal Media. This is the absolutely necessary thing to do.
  2. The second step is to connect your Stripe account.
  3. The third step is to click on the "Create story" option and start sending stories to the Vocal moderators and they will accept your story. Sending your stories to a moderator might seem to you an odd job but actually, it isn't. They accept every type and kind of story into their program. So, it is actually easy to get in.
  4. The fourth step is to promote your stories on social media as well as Pinterest.
  5. Boom, write more stories, start keyword research before publishing stories on their platform.

This is how you could make money writing on Vocal Media. A friend of mine asked me this question of Why should I bring 160K traffic to Vocal to make $1000 a month a Vocal? My answer to her was simple; Vocal is a free platform, you're article will always be on this platform, making you some money. In the same way, Vocal has good domain authority compared to your new build blog. You can make a good amount of money writing on Vocal Media.

Other three ways to make money on Vocal:

Through Getting Tips: Getting tips is also a new monetization way introduced by Vocal to let creators make money on Vocal. Your fans could give a tip from $1 to $20 to you which will be directly through the bank account attached to the Stripe account. If you are a Vocal+ member then Vocal will charge 2% service charges, if you aren't a Vocal+ member then Vocal will charge 6% service charges.

Through Vocal Challenges: Vocal challenges is one of the exciting ways to make money writing on Vocal. Vocal launches a challenge every week and this gives an opportunity to Vocal+ members to make money by getting into challenges.

Embedding your affiliate links, YouTube videos, or your blog links: My blog is monetized, my YouTube channel is monetized, and I can add amazon affiliate links into my Vocal which helps me make more money writing on Vocal. The Vocal isn't just a platform for a writer but a money-making machine.

Is writing on Vocal worth it?

I thought about this many times. But, then I reach the conclusion that I will write on Vocal about whatever the hack I know about and just share content during my free time or time in which I have nothing productive. Writing on Vocal is completely worth it.

The industry rate of paying CPM is $6/1000 views. Most of my videos have a CPM of $3 to $5 while for my blog, the average CPM is $3 to $6. Vocal pays a fix $6 which is one of the best things about writing on Vocal.

PS: Make Money on Vocal:

Yes, if you are a writer who has discovered this platform, you can make a good amount of money writing on Vocal. Vocal Media has a very simple business model, you get more human readers and you will make more money, also their business model revolves around Vocal+ which costs $9.99/month or $99.99/year. If you are sure that you will make that much amount of money then definitely go for Vocal+ as it will generate you more money from a single.

Read more articles on Vocal;

how to

About the Creator

Khan John

I write about NSFW AI Scene and everything that is happening in the AI NSFW including recent developments. Contact me : Twitter, or an email at: [email protected]

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