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How do I file a charge dispute on SBI?

How can we file a complaint to SBI regarding dispute transactions?

By Khan JohnPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
How do I file a charge dispute on SBI?

State Bank Of India (SBI) is one of the premier banks in India. Most of the Indians people have a bank account in the SBI. If you are shopping for anything or buying anything in a market, you have to use your SBI card to buy anything as Modi's government has abolished hard cash. Now, most of the people face issues with the SBI card so in this article we will discuss how do you can file a charge dispute in SBI.

If you are facing issues related to a charge dispute and want to file it then you could use the three methods to file a charge dispute on State bank of India (SBI) We research these methods and will give you the best of knowledge about these methods.

There are a lot of people who are facing these charge dispute issues so I thought why not writing an article about these things and help people to better deal with filling charge dispute on SBI.

If you have any issues with your State bank of India account then you can start a charge dispute through the following three ways;

1. Visit a bank branch.

2. SMS "Unhappy" to 8008202020

3. Submitting a form related to your charge dispute.

Visiting your bank branch:

Now, this is the easiest way to sort out your SBI bank charge dispute. If you have problems that are related to a more serious nature then you can visit the branch of the state bank of India and they will sort out your problem. Some of the problems you might be facing will be of serious nature which is often resolved by your bank branch only you have an account with. Whenever I have some issue, I call the customer help center of the State bank of India (SBI) and they often advised me to visit the bank branch that you have an account with.

In most cases, you have to visit the bank branch that you have originally had a bank account on. While visiting the branch you have to bring your national identity card as well as things that could help you in verifying your bank account.

SMS "Unhappy" to 8008202020

This is the second way to file a charge dispute on SBI. Through this method, you have to send "Unhappy" to the given public domain number and they will contact you after 2 or 3 days regarding the issues you are facing while using your SBI card. This is a very effective way to sort out your charge dispute related problem on SBI.

This is a slow process but the agent will contact you to ask you about the issues you are facing in having a charge dispute in your state bank of India (SBI) account.

Submitting a form related to your charge dispute

The third and equally effective way to file a charge dispute on SBI is by sending them a form that you have a request for dispute. You can print out this form available on the SBI website and submit it to the bank branch. You have to enter your transaction date and merchant name in the charge dispute form as well as mentioning the amount and dispute amount in the form.

This is a very effective way compared to other methods that we have mentioned.

There are a lot of people who face the issue of charge disputes and you could easily do that by contacting any of the three ways we have mentioned with the state bank of India.

I hope this will helps you if you are still facing problems in filing a charge dispute, must use all of the three ways to file your charge dispute in SBI.

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Khan John

I write about NSFW AI Scene and everything that is happening in the AI NSFW including recent developments. Contact me : Twitter, or an email at: [email protected]

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