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A Subtle Guide For Vocal Creators To Get More Views On Their Articles

A Complete Guide For Vocal Creators To Get More Views On Their Articles

By Khan JohnPublished 10 months ago 6 min read
A Subtle Guide For Vocal Creators To Get More Views On Their Articles

11,870 views in just being consistently writing on Vocal for less than 40 days. As you can see I have got over 8,637 views in the less 30 days which is predicted to grow to over 20K views with the new trends. Writing on Vocal has many advantages; it is a free platform, there are no ads or anything, and you get views on your every damn view. This thing makes me write on this platform every single day. I have published over ~70 articles on Vocal and I think this is one of the articles if I had the opportunity to Pin, this will be the one.

Einstein once said; Compounding is the 8th wonder of the world.

I don't publish content on a platform where compounding doesn't go into effect. Vocal Media is the best example of a compounding effect. You write one article, explaining and sharing every damn information you have. And, it will generate thousands of views every single day and these 1000s of views converted into money. In the same way, two articles generating more money and so on...

Remember the 80/20 rule; 80% of your revenue will be because of the 20% of the sources which is, in this case, is articles. You just have to write more articles on Vocal to make sure you add more articles in that 20% of the work.

So, what's the point of getting more views? views are everything on Vocal Media. You get more views, you make more money. If you are a Vocal+ member then you will make $6/1,000 views. Getting 10K views a day is very easy, it will generate $60 a day which translates into $1800/month. This is a big amount of money and if you invest even 20% of it into content generation, it will be a huge win for you. Just a 20% investment from your Vocal article earnings into generating more content will help you to generate 2-3 articles a day. Complete automation.

How to get views on your Vocal Media articles?

It is easy. The following are some of the ways through which you can get an in-detail of how to get views on your Vocal articles.

1. The search engine optimization (SEO)

The most powerful way to get more views on Vocal articles. All you have to do is to just focus on a few of the search engine optimization things and you will get traffic to your articles even if you didn't work on it actively. I have over 7 articles ranked on Google and it is the one that brought me the most of the money. I am working on learning SEO for the last 4-years, SEO is not something that you will learn by reading a book but you have to update your knowledge on a monthly basis as search engines change their algorithms every time.

But, there is something that is constant. If you just focus on those things, it will bring you good results.

  • Title: The most part of the story. Your title should have the keyword in proper order. A keyword is anything most of the people search like "How to make money online" or "how to make a blog", the shorter the keyword, the more searches and the more competitive it will be to rank on that keyword. Add a long-tail keyword in your tile as it will get you to search engine traffic easily but it has lower search volume, as a begineer writer it is completely fine.
  • Sub-title: The second most important part. Add a secondary keyword in your sub-title. A secondary keyword is related to the primary keyword but has a different combination of wordings.
  • Add a featured image: Eventually, you can't publish a story unless and until you have a featured image. So, the featured image must be related to the topic.
  • Repeat your keyword in the body. 2% keyword density is good. This means that if you write an article of 1,000 words then you should repeat 8 to 10 times your keyword. The content and references also matter a lot.
  • Adding a link to an already Vocal article that is related to the story will have an SEO effect.

Vocal one disadvantage is its domain extension which dots Media, if it was a .com extension, it would be the best thing for writers and it will be easier to rank on more competitive keywords. But, still, there is no platform on the face of the earth like Vocal and I love to publish content on this platform.

2. Sharing your Vocal articles on Pinterest:

If you haven't heard about Pinterest then I suspect, you never search for making your blog grow. Almost every blogger knows that Pinterest is one of the best tools to generate more traffic to your blog post or Vocal articles in specific.

How to get views on Vocal through generating Pins on Pinterest

As you can see with more impressions you get more clicks. Pinterest pins also have the ability to getting ranked in search engines and this is great news for Vocal writers to get evergreen traffic on their vocal articles. Sharing your articles on Pinterest is way easier and all you need to do is to make your Pinterest Business account, click on the "Create" option and boom, add the title and the description with a nice picture and add the link of your story and boom, you are ready to boost your traffic.

3. Interlinking your stories:

Interlinking your stories have two benefits;

A. The SEO Benefit: If you are writing a story about a topic and you already have content related to that topic, add a link to that and it will help you get a better score in search engine optimization.

B. The long term traffic to your other Vocal articles: If you add a link back to the article(s) you have published on Vocal Media, it will generate you more viewers, more viewers means more money. Your work with not be left behind the great sea of articles published on this platform.

A session is counted when a person is visited your blog but one view may not be equal to just one session, it could be two or three. My blog has 1K page views in a day but has 1.2K sessions. This means if you do the internal link strategy in a better way, you could make more money.

4. Make a Quora Space:

Quora spaces are like Facebook groups but offer great opportunities for people to get more followers on their space and get more traffic. I have a Quora space with over 152K+ followers where we share stuff related to Blogging and digital marketing. This space is doing very well, we already have a sponsor in the future who pay us $50 for getting his post on top of the space till it reaches 5K views.

5. Make a Facebook group get viewers to your Vocal stories:

I have read a story on Vocal that how a writer is banking $2,000 a month writing on Vocal and sharing her stories through a big Facebook group. To make $2000 a month writing on Vocal, you need to be in Vocal+ and need 350,000 or 350K page views on your Vocal stories.

Believe me, this looks like a very big number and indeed it is but if you write consistently and intelligently (meaning writing for search engines) it isn't a very big number. We didn't take the possibility of getting tips which is a potential way of getting tips from your fans. You can tip from $1 to $20 and it will be directly transferred to the creator of that article.

If you enjoyed this article consider leave a tip as it will support my education.

Facebook groups are a great way to share your Vocal articles and get traffic. Vocal doesn't pay less if you get social media traffic or paid traffic, all you need to do is to get real human views.

PS: How to get views on your Vocal articles?

Follow the following tips;

  1. Optimize your Vocal articles for the search engines.
  2. Use Pinterest to your advantage.
  3. Interlink your already published Vocal articles.
  4. Make a Quora Space and get evergreen traffic.
  5. Create a Facebook group, share quality content, and pin your Vocal article.

I hope this helps.

Read more articles on Vocal;

how to

About the Creator

Khan John

I write about NSFW AI Scene and everything that is happening in the AI NSFW including recent developments. Contact me : Twitter, or an email at: [email protected]

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