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How to Make a Perfect Vision Board

Manifest Your Dreams Using Vision Board

By Salaj KumarPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Vision Board

Vision Board Sample

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

Have you ever wondered about a common link between all the successful entrepreneurs? Well, they all have a vision about their business but how does their vision manifest into reality?

You will say hard work, duh! Of course, that is but also “One in five small business owners used some form of a vision board (also referred to as an action board or a dream board) when they started their business. Of these, 76% say that their business is now where they had envisioned it at the beginning, says a survey conducted by TD Bank.”

According to an article on, A new study shows 1 in 5 successful entrepreneurs use Vision Boards and the results are backed by Neuroscience.

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a collection of images, pictures, and affirmations of one's dreams and desires that are combined into one big collage; it is designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. The effectiveness of vision boards has been validated by celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey, and John Pierre, and displayed in practice by Octavia E. Butler.

Have you ever visited a nursing home? You will see posters and pictures of healthy babies around; it is because it indirectly promotes a healthy image of a baby in from of the mother. This is done to attract positivity. Most of the couples put posters of the babies in their rooms as well!

Having said that, if you still think that vision boards are a sham, then the joke is on you my friend and the simple reason being is that vision boards are sacred and displays what you want in life, when you wake up every morning it brings your goals and aspirations to life. It reminds you to work hard to achieve your goals

Reasons to create a vision board

Vision board helps you think about what you want

Creating a vision board will make you sit and think about what you want in your life and what are your end goals. I am sure that you casually think a lot about your dreams but have you ever focused on them? If not, vision boards are a solution for you to give you the much-needed clarity in life.

Vision board help you get out of the routine

We often live a very monotonous life! We wake up, we work and get off to sleep having no very little time to fulfil our dreams and aspirations! Vision board will push you to make some time for your goals and will help you work in that direction, my friend!

Vision board is a daily reminder

The reason why vision board works is that you see it every day and visualization is one of the best mind workouts that you can do! It helps you to stay on track because it inspires you and if someday you are a little off track vision board will still be there to motivate you.

Vision board target your emotions

Vision board connects passionately with your goals. It charges you up! It can make you analyze the opportunities you need to take! It you get passionate about something, it will spur you into action.

Vision board is risk-free

Well, vision boards are 100% risk-free, stress-free and let’s admit it is really fun to do so! You can organize the way you want to, change it when you want to! It doesn’t have to be pretty; it just needs to inspire you!

How to make a vision board?

Well, now that you are convinced about the power of a vision board, how do you create one for yourself?

You will need some very basic things and even if you are not creative you are fortunate because it doesn’t have to be creative!

Materials you will need for a vision board –

Some sort of a board

Scissors, tape, pins, glue

Makers, stickers, embellishments

Pictures, quotes


Where should you put your vision board?

Wherever you will see it daily! Most people prefer to keep it in front of their bed or on their study table! Choose the spot that is right for you!

So, what's the big secret behind creating a vision board that works? It's simple: Your vision board should focus on how you want to feel, not just on things that you want. However, it's great to include the material stuff but the more your board focuses on how you want to feel or how you feel, the more it will come to life.

How to get the most from the vision board?

Track your progress

Hopes and dreams work only when you work for them. Track your progress. Pair your vision board with a journal! Do one thing at a time and keep the checklist running!

Materials over papers

Most of the people use photos, pictures or cut-outs! Have some material like lavender stuck on to your board so that every time you cross you feel refreshed and positive. A tiny baby sock if you are planning to have a baby or mini aeroplane model if you want to become a pilot!

Use scents

You can splash a little perfume or essential oil on your board. If you rejuvenate your senses and trigger it!

Draw you way

If you don’t find a perfect picture, create one for yourself. Drawing can help you put things that you want.

Use feelings

Feelings never lie! Listen to want you to want and just keep it minimal you don’t have to put a lot of effort into it. Keep it simple and understandable.

According to a popular book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, "The law of attraction is forming your entire life experience and it is doing that through your thoughts. When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe."

Whether you believe that or not, visualization does work. Olympic athletes have been using it for decades to improve their performance, and Psychology Today reported that the brain patterns activated when a weightlifter lifts heavy weights are also similarly activated when the lifter just imagined (visualized) lifting weights.

So? What are you thinking? Manifest all that you want! Give it a try and thank us later!

how to

About the Creator

Salaj Kumar


2. Running 3 YouTube channel ( SS Group,Selling with salaj,Salajkumar vlogs)

3. 1st Indian Author to become an Amazon #1 Best seller within 4 day

4. Black belt in Martial Arts

6. Running industry with 1500 people

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