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How Much Does A Hair Transplant Cost?

The cost of a hair transplant is high. This blog sheds light on types of hair transplants, their average cost, and how Denefits makes them affordable for patients.

By Sukhpreet SinghPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

According to the American Hair Loss Association, two out of three men experience some degree of hair loss by the age of 35. Around 85% of U.S. men suffer significant hair loss (baldness) by the age of 50.

A hair transplant is a surgical solution for hitting the ‘undo’ button on the ‘genetic typo’ known as androgenetic alopecia or pattern hair loss. Fortunately, several hair transplant procedures are available to reclaim some of the lost hair. But how much does a hair transplant cost?

Well, there is no straightforward or clear-cut answer to that. The cost of hair transplant can vary, and it can vary a lot. It could be $2000 in one location and $20,000 in another! Keep reading to know what factors affect the cost and everything else.


It is a surgical procedure of taking hair from your scalp area and moving it to areas where hair loss has occurred. Most of the time, the scalp hair is your hair (taken from the sides and back of your head).

A hair transplant surgery is an outpatient procedure, which means patients don’t need to stay in the clinic overnight. The alopecia treatment usually takes around 4 to 8 hours.

The treatment takes place in three stages:

  • Extraction: Removing each hair follicle and placing it in the recipient area.
  • Implantation: Placing healthy follicles into tiny incisions in the scalp area using a microblading needle.

  • Healing: New hair emerges and grows with varying success.


The average cost of a hair transplant in the U.S. is anywhere between $4000 and $15,000. It depends on the treatment type (FUT or FUE) and number of grafts you need. Complex hair transplant treatments and those which require significantly more grafts are usually more expensive.


Mainly, there are two types:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

In this technique, surgeons remove a strip of hair-bearing scalp from the back or side of the head. They then dissect the strip into individual grafts, each containing one to four hair follicles. Finally, the surgeons transplant these grafts into the recipient area where hair loss has occurred.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

In FUE, surgeons perform a minimally invasive technique where they move individual hair follicles directly from the donor area using a small punch tool. They carefully extract the follicles and subsequently transplant them into the desired recipient area. FUE results in small, barely noticeable scars and offers a quicker recovery time compared to FUT.


Where you live: Your location significantly influences a hair transplant price. The relative cost of living and the number of clinics in the nearby area impact the cost of hair transplants.

  • Type of procedure: As mentioned, there are two kinds of hair restoration procedures - follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Each procedure is differently priced.
  • Skill level: Skilled and experienced surgeons usually charge higher. However, higher rates don’t always mean higher skills. You may want to research well.
  • Amount of hair to be transplanted: The number and size of grafts used. It doesn’t alter the per graft cost, but it does alter the total cost of hair transplant.
  • The number of surgeries: If hair loss is in only one area, then one session is enough. But if you need a hair implant across the entire head, expect multiple surgeries. Also, each surgery gets more expensive than the previous one.
  • Travel costs: This has nothing to do with your doctor, but you should consider it. Sometimes, people travel to other cities or countries to find the best option.


Most insurance companies consider hair transplants an elective procedure, just like cosmetic surgeries. So insurance doesn’t cover it. However, in a few cases, insurance may cover this treatment if hair loss occurs due to a medical condition or a traumatic injury.

Even if your insurance doesn’t cover it, you always have Denefits by your side. Denefits offers flexible payment plans to those who can’t afford out-of-pocket hair transplant expenses. So look for a surgeon’s office using Denefits to pay for the procedure comfortably.


Traditional loans are one of the most common solutions for financing out-of-pocket treatments. However, they are not the most ideal ones.

Firstly, the approval process involved when applying for traditional loans is time-consuming.

Banks and private lenders require considerable paperwork and collateral evaluation.

The entire process is not just time-consuming but also stressful, delaying your hair transplant procedure.

Traditional lenders are very particular about credit checks. Without a good credit score, it is difficult to get a loan, resulting in more delays.

Don’t worry. Denefits has your back. It has a NO CREDIT CHECK PAYMENT PLANS, ensuring that people from all financial backgrounds get approved for your healthcare payment plans without stressing about out-of-pocket expenses.

Denefits removes all the hassle, thanks to its instant approvals. Talk to your doctor, select a payment plan, and proceed with your hair transplant without unnecessary delays.


Getting a hair restoration is one of the life-changing decisions that requires patience and research. Like many medical procedures, you must understand the effects, limitations, and cost of a hair transplant before you go ahead.

Consult with multiple surgeons and find the right one for the treatment. Also, keep in mind that some clinics may offer payment plans for hair transplants through different providers but they may not be as flexible as Denefits.

Request a callback to learn more about how Denefits can help.


About the Creator

Sukhpreet Singh

Sukhpreet is a full-time digital marketer, working in the field for the last 5 years. He likes to think and experiment with different ways to bring something “new” to whatever he does.

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