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How Fast Does Your Hair Grow? The Truth About Hair Growth Rate by Age

Gracie Smith

By Healthy FunPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

I have always had thick and shiny hair, ever since I was a little girl. I loved to style it in different ways, from braids to buns, from curls to waves. I never had any problems with my hair, until I turned 30.

That’s when I noticed that my hair was starting to thin out. I could see more of my scalp in the mirror, and my ponytail was getting thinner and thinner. I was shocked and scared. What was happening to my hair? Was I going bald?

I tried everything to stop my hair loss. I changed my shampoo, conditioner, and hair products. I took supplements and vitamins. I visited different doctors and dermatologists. They all gave me different diagnoses and prescriptions, but nothing seemed to work. I spent a fortune on treatments and products that promised to regrow my hair, but they only made it worse.

I was losing more than just my hair. I was losing my confidence, my self-esteem, and my happiness. I felt ugly and ashamed of my appearance. I avoided going out with friends, meeting new people, or taking photos. I hated looking at myself in the mirror. I hated myself.

I was desperate for a solution. I was ready to try anything, even surgery or wigs. But then, I stumbled upon something that changed my life: red light therapy.

What is Red Light Therapy and How Does It Work for Hair Growth?

Red light therapy is a natural and non-invasive treatment that uses low-level red or near-infrared light to stimulate cellular activity and promote healing. It has been used for decades by doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, and athletes for various purposes, such as wound healing, pain relief, skin rejuvenation, and muscle recovery.

But what does it have to do with hair growth?

Well, it turns out that red light therapy can also stimulate the hair follicles and boost their function. How? By increasing the blood flow and oxygen delivery to the scalp, which nourishes the hair follicles and helps them produce stronger and thicker hairs. By activating the mitochondria, which are the energy-producing organelles of the cells, red light therapy enhances the metabolism and proliferation of the hair follicle cells. By reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the scalp, which are common causes of hair loss.

Red light therapy has been proven to be effective for treating various types of hair loss, such as male or female pattern baldness, alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, and chemotherapy-induced alopecia. Several studies have shown that red light therapy can increase hair density, thickness, and coverage in both men and women with different degrees of hair loss .

How Did Red Light Therapy Help Me Regrow My Hair?

I was skeptical at first when I heard about red light therapy for hair growth. It sounded too good to be true. How could a simple light device regrow my hair? But then I did some research and found out that there was scientific evidence behind it. I also read some testimonials from people who had tried it and had amazing results.

I decided to give it a try. I bought a red light therapy device online that looked like a cap or a helmet. It was FDA-cleared for treating hair loss and had positive reviews from verified customers. It was easy to use and comfortable to wear. It came with instructions on how long and how often to use it.

I started using it three times a week for 20 minutes per session. At first, I didn’t notice any difference. But after a few weeks, I saw some baby hairs growing on my temples and crown. I was thrilled! I continued using it regularly and faithfully.

After three months, I saw a significant improvement in my hair growth. My hair was thicker, fuller, and shinier than before. My scalp was less visible and my ponytail was thicker again. I felt like myself again.

After six months, I had a full head of healthy hair. My hair loss had stopped completely and my hair had grown back to its original length and volume. I looked younger, happier, and more confident than ever.

I couldn’t believe it. Red light therapy had saved my hair!

What Are the Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Hair Growth?

Red light therapy has many benefits for hair growth, such as:

It is natural and safe. It does not use any chemicals, drugs, or surgery that can harm your health or cause side effects.

It is painless and comfortable. It does not cause any heat, burning, or discomfort during or after the treatment.

It is convenient and easy to use. You can use it at home with a simple device that fits over your head like a cap or a helmet.

It is affordable and cost-effective. You only need to buy one device that lasts for years and can be used by multiple people.

It is compatible and complementary. You can use it with other treatments or products that you are already using, such as minoxidil, finasteride, or biotin.

It is suitable and effective for anyone. You can use it regardless of your age, gender, hair type, or hair loss condition.

Red light therapy is the best thing that ever happened to me. It has restored my hair, my confidence, and my happiness. It has changed my life for the better.

If you are suffering from hair loss, don’t lose hope. There is a solution that works. Try red light therapy today and see the difference for yourself.

Have you tried red light therapy for hair growth? What was your experience like? Share your story in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!

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About the Creator

Healthy Fun

After years of exploration, I believe that health is the secret to happiness.

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