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A Journal Entry

By Babs IversonPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - November 2023
Photo by Wim van 't Einde on Unsplash

Last week, two days before Thanksgiving, the big box club membership store's parking lot was packed and filled to capacity.

After a long work day with back pain and with no parking space in sight, my daughter handed her sixteen-year-old, my grandchild, the store's membership card and credit card for the purpose of purchasing one item.

Not a cart load of groceries and household items, one item was to be selected and purchased. The transaction should have been easy peasy, in and out, and done. If only, it would have gone that way. There would be no need to write this journal story.

Realizing it was taking way too long, my daughter continued to wait. In sadness, my grandchild returned to their mother's car in tears. While the purchase eventually was made, my grandchild didn't want to talk about the hassling, overwhelming, and traumatizing experience.

In turn, my daughter messaged me, "Can you downgrade our membership? Don't like going there..."

Immediately, alarm bells went off! Last year, for economic reasons, did a downgrade. However, my membership was recently upgraded again and renewed back in September. 

Me, the mommy bear, grandmommy bear was outraged.

After her message, messaged back that I would not mention this in front of my grandchild. Nevertheless, the store needed to hear from me, but she informed me that she already called the store. She spoke to a store employee who said, "I have been here 29 years and the policy is the member has to be there"

While she wasn't physically in the store, she was there. She was outside in their parking lot unable to park and go into the store.

Surprisingly, there wasn't any empathy at the big box club membership store. An exception to their policy could have been made without the trauma, drama, and hassle.

In fact, my daughter messaged, "They could’ve just told her next time I need to be there and let her check out. Not make her wait, have everyone go past her, just to finally check her out. I was waiting in the car in the parking lot. I had a long day at work, my back hurt and she just wanted to get one item for me. .

The parking lot was a mad house."

Now, extremely upset over how the store treated my grandchild. While my grandchild didn't want to talk about what happened, that's understandable. After being bullied and berated, it's exactly how I have felt in the past.

Unfortunately, there are berating incidents on both sides of the checkout counter. From what has been pieced together, they required or wanted a 16 year old child to purchase a membership. If this is true, it's outrageous.

Really, expecting a 16 year old child to purchase a membership, my daughter wondered and questioned, "Greedy?"

Then, I thought. Can a 16 year old enter into a contract? Isn't 16 under legal age? Yet, checking online, it does show that a sixteen year old can have a membership.

From my understanding, a family can only have two cards on a membership. In reality, it appears that four cards are needed for a family.

For 17 years, purchased and carried their membership card. In all that time, there has never been an issue. Shocked and appalled over their acting and appearing greedy. Therefore, my heart and mind are conflicted.

Traumatizing and overwhelming a 16 year old, was that really necessary? Having the 16 year old step aside, they checked out other customers. What the store employees said to my grandchild, is unknown to me leaving me feeling outraged. Enduring a lengthy wait, traumatizing and hassling, in the end, a store employee made the one purchase item transaction.

Right now, my shopping list contains items that are purchased at the club membership store. Procrastinating should go shopping at the club membership store, but my heart hurts! Sadly, I am feeling conflicted.

Author's notes: Thank you for reading! Always appreciated!

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About the Creator

Babs Iverson

Barbara J Iversen, also known as Babs Iverson, lives in Texas and loves her grandkids to the moon and back. After writing one story, she found that writing has many benefits especially during a pandemic and a Texas-size Arctic Blast.

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Comments (36)

  • Caroline Jane8 months ago

    Awww. Your poor grand daughter. Sounds awful. I am hoping a victim of circumstance (busy, possibly new staff, confusion etc) but if not it sounds very small minded to me that store. Surely nobody can enter a membership contract as a minor? That seems rather strange. ❤️ Sorry it took me so long Babs. Xx

  • Leslie Writes8 months ago

    I agree that sometimes exceptions need to be made. I am sorry that they gave your granddaughter a hard time.

  • Gerard DiLeo8 months ago

    Positions of authority, when they're self-appointed, leaves you at the mercy of bullies. Additionally, the frenzy of capacity+ crowds makes you (your granddaughter) very vulnerable. It's a terrorism of sorts. No, it's not the level of 9/11 or October 7, but it's the same mindset: "I do it because I can and I'm right, so too bad." Your granddaughter was not equipped with the skills yet (due to her age) to navigate this trouble adequately, so--I'm afraid--what's done is done. You can refuse to renew your membership and they won't care. You can write a letter as to why, and at worst it'll be ignored; at best, someone will call you to just say sorry you had this experience, but...blah blah blah. You should tell your daughter that there will always be people who can only make themselves feel good by making someone else feel bad; that they can only feel more important than they are by making someone else feel unimportant; and that her best revenge is to vow to herself to never degenerate into such pricks who will always be around. She can make herself feel better by BEING better than those who wronged her. At that point, she will be able to pity them, which says it all, about them.

  • Andrew C McDonald8 months ago

    I’m with you about wondering about the legalities of allowing a minor to enter into a membership contract. It doesn’t seem right or even .. well…, legal. Why didn’t they call the cardholder? Do they not have the member’s number on file? Regardless, there is no excuse for treating your granddaughter so shabbily. I would be tempted to find another box store. We have several in my area and I would change memberships if that happened to my grandchild. Of course, I don’t know what is available in your area, so that may not be an option. Regardless, this is a heartfelt journal entry worth of Top Story. Please give your granddaughter a hug for us here.

  • Rene Peters8 months ago

    That is disgusting... Expecting a minor to pay for their own membership? Awful!

  • Mother Combs8 months ago

    The membership should cover any minor child, IMO. I would write the corporation a letter, complaining about the treatment, and demanding an apology. If none is given, then I would take my biz elsewhere, where it's more appreciated. No child deserves to be treated bad.

  • Judey Kalchik 8 months ago

    Hi Babs- so sorry that experience happened to your grandchild. When I was reading it I thought maybe the credit card was the issue (using someone else's card can be a problem, especially during the holidays). But- it they were going to make the exception they should have done it there and then without the power move. I am there with you Gramma bear- they owe your family, especially the grandchild, an apology.

  • Colt Henderson8 months ago

    This was a good read. Sorry this happened to your granddaughter

  • Sorry I missed this and sorry about what happened , but thank you for sharing

  • L.C. Schäfer8 months ago

    What a palaver!

  • Poor child! I'm so sorry they put her through that! Where I'm from, certain places would only require the owner of the card to be present in the store if the bonus points were to be used. But to make a normal purchase, the owner need not be there. This was just so outrageous! I hope your granddaughter is okay. Congratulations on your Top Story!

  • Tiffany Gordon 8 months ago

    Sorry that that happened to your granddaughter... Congrats on your TOP STORY!

  • Brin J.8 months ago

    Sounds like Costco (not implying it is, I'm just noticing how they've been cracking down on people). I'm so sorry this happened to your family. It was cruel and unnecessary and they pride themselves on being accommodating but apparently, it's a big lie.

  • Donna Fox (HKB)8 months ago

    Babs this is this so sad! That poor girl, I am so sorry to hear this happened and at a place that you rely on to get the essentials!! That's a hard conflict to feel!

  • Novel Allen8 months ago

    A 16 year old should be able to shop as long as there is no suspicious activity, people are of different personalities, some caring, some not, Poor child, what a horrible experience. Hugs to her and everyone. Kudos on TS.

  • Cathy holmes8 months ago

    That's nasty customer service. Congrats on the TS, my friend.

  • Lamar Wiggins8 months ago

    It's sad when you think the employee could have solved this in a much more customer-friendly manner. They are in business to gain customers which leads to higher profits, so their actions seem to be counterproductive in that respect and just darn right rude and embarrassing. I hope that they are taught a lesson. Thanks for sharing and congrats, Babs.

  • Melissa Ingoldsby8 months ago

    I’d want to throw hands 🙌🏾 what a horrible thing to do to someone!! I’m sorry 😢 what a shame.

  • Dana Crandell8 months ago

    I am sorry they put her through this. If it's the big box store I think it is, we have 2 locations here and they are always awful during the holidays. Parking is impossible, the Customer Service and checkout lines move far too slowly and associates are often in foul moods. Pam and I eventually decided not to renew our membership a couple of years ago. We can get that kind of service without paying an annual fee.

  • Hope Martin8 months ago

    Congrats top story I hope this wasn't Sam's CLub you're referring to. Unfortunately, these things happen, and around the holidays things like this happen... It was probably the fussing of one particular employee. If I were you I tell your grand child that - it's understandable she doesn't want to talk about it. But A. The key to being strong is facing the things that seem unfacable. She needs to learn to stand up for herself and not let anyone treat her that way. If she knows the name of the employee that was harassing her, you can actually lodge a formal complaint with that particular stores management and have the situation addressed. And quite honestly, this can be a good lesson for your grandbaby if you can bear the sight of her learning lessons - which you should, for her own sake. She needs to be brave - because it's not okay for a child to be treated like that and its our job as adults to encourage her to be strong and brave - and face these issues with courage and not let anyone treat her badly no matter who they are. But she can't do that if you help her hide from the scary. The world isn't a nice place, and we won't always be there to protect our babies. Sometimes we have to hurt our heart and teach them to be brave and to grow a thicker skin because if they can't handle real life - which is VERY full of human stupidity and cruelty - they won't be able to take care of themselves when we are gone. Holiday retail horrors will never stop. She needs to be able to handle it. Which means nows a good time to pull her head out of the sand, tell you the name of the employee that harrassed her and you, and me, and your daughter can go BREAK THINGS AND PEOPLE ON HER BEHALF... I mean... handle this like adults with uppermanagement... (gotta remember I'm not actually a mob boss sometimes)

  • Gerald Holmes8 months ago

    Wait a second, she was purchasing one item and they put her through that bullshit!!! What a joke and right before thanksgiving? Some people really need to wake up and just do the right thing!!! Congrats on Top STORY, well deserved!

  • KJ Aartila8 months ago

    With you, Babs! (Greed is much too prevalent ...) Well done, and good on Top Story!

  • Test8 months ago

    That is just awful. People can just be so one tracked in their thinking. Sorry your grandchild had to deal with that rubbish 🤍

  • Natasha Collazo8 months ago

    That’s one thing I love about this community, is you can let out your FEELINGS and we are here to support you. This was well written and I’m glad you wrote about it.

Babs IversonWritten by Babs Iverson

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