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Everyone Has A Story

What do YOU want to read?

By MPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Growing up I always loved creating forms of art, especially writing, it’s what my mind is always crafting. Only recently didn't I push that admiration out onto paper allowing the writer inside of me to flourish, as she should. For this challenge, I do realize lots of incredibly worthy aspiring authors will be competing for the subscription reward. It’s our dream for people to relish the work we tirelessly type away to make. I began to think in-depth about how I could create a subscription everyone could enjoy.

The more I dug into the topic the more I recognized just how many people hate reading mainly because they can’t find anything that grabs their attention. Reading shouldn’t be a chore or classified as redundantly boring, it should help one's mind escape into someplace different, someplace marvelous. I want to help people find that golden space. On a subscription basis, I want to have suggestions and requests pour in on any narrative they could dream of reading.

The first being that everyone themselves, has a story. No matter the density of the tale, each person is uniquely gifted and complex. It may be for things quite obvious that they pursue in life, or a small hobby did in private out of view from the world. That quality of someone should be celebrated and rejoiced among an ever-growing community. The only problem being, not everyone knows how to deliver their narrative.

The beauty of fiction writing is it can be morphed into anything you want to be from thrillers, love stories, children’s stories, I want to connect everyone to the written word again. The subscription created can receive requests ranging from stories completely made up to a personal story that happened in their daily lives. As an example, have you ever wanted to be a superhero? Fly around like Superman, be strong as the Hulk? Now you can! With your heroic tale. Or if you like me, explore the world of the dark villain, becoming as crazed as the Joker, or powerful as Thanos. The possibilities are endless for the imagination.

To help facilitate ideas, preferences, small preferred details I will be creating a couple of different questionnaires that will get down what a person is truly looking for. There will be forms to narrow from Fiction, Personal, and Children’s Story. From there they will choose more in-depth choices. Fiction and children’s story choices can widdle out different archetypes, periods, and geographical settings. As well as the main characters’ shinning personality traits that can help shape a story into what a person dreams of. The questionnaires will be brief with a comment section, knowing many won’t want to fill something lengthy out for a read.

A writer’s knowledge can make a story into a beloved novel. I’m always itching to learn about the world around me, in the instance, a setting is chosen in another country or destination I’m more than willing to put extensive research into each request. It doesn’t stop at geography, any detail needed will be looked into to ensure each story is authentic and original.

On top of that, I would love to share my range of fiction short stories, currently, I’m in the extensive process of writing my own book. I would love to share passages, or stories like it to receive feedback from anyone willing to read. I will also create other stories based on the common interests of readers, or even current events happening around the globe, tales no one specifically asked for in the forms. My deep-rooted growing passion is the written word, and I would be forever grateful to share it with the Memberful community.


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