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Do you ever look up at the sky?

Life goes so fu#¤&%* fast. Every morning same routine... alarm clocks ring and pull people out of their dreams and into their busy schedules.

By creatorsklubPublished 3 days ago 5 min read
Do you ever look up at the sky?
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Life goes so fu#¤&%* fast. Every morning same routine... alarm clocks ring and pull people out of their dreams and into their busy schedules. Adults rush to work, kids hurry to school, and everyone seems to be in a constant race against time. Iteems s like there’s always somewhere to be or something to do =(, like me in this very moment writing this lines I feel that I should be doing something else but, in the middle of all this hurry, we often forget something very important... life itself. We forget to slow down, take a breath, and to simply look up at the sky or contemplate a flower .

The sky is always there, a vast and endless space above us. It changes colors, from the soft pinks and purples of dawn to the bright blue of midday, to the warm oranges of sunset, and finally the deep black dotted with stars at night. But how often do we really notice it, TRULY see it when we look up from what we're doing? Sadly, not very often. Our minds are filled with thoughts of work, school, or the next errand, and we are too worry to stop and think about anything else.

Imagine your day to day routine, you wake up to the sound of your alarm, then you quickly get dressed, grab a bite to eat, and head out the door. Maybe you’re thinking about a meeting you have later or a test at school but, you don’t notice the morning sky because you’re too busy thinking about what’s next. At work or school, you’re focused on tasks, assignments, and deadlines and hours pass, and before you know it, it’s time to head home. The sun is setting, but you don’t see the beautiful colors of the evening sky. You’re thinking about dinner, homework, or the next day’s plans.

But what if we took a moment to look up? Just a few minutes, here and there, to pause and really see the sky. Imagine how much calmer and happier we might feel. The sky is like a reminder of how big the world is and how small our worries really are. When we look up, we can see the clouds drifting by, changing shapes, and moving with the wind. We can watch the colors of the sky change as the day goes on. We can see the stars twinkling at night, each one a distant sun, shining just for us.

By uriel on Unsplash

Taking a moment to look up at the sky can help us feel more connected to the world around us. It can remind us that there’s more to life than our busy schedules. It can help us feel more relaxed and peaceful. When we’re always in a hurry, we can feel stressed and tired. But when we take a moment to pause and look up, we can feel a sense of calm and wonder.

Let’s think about why it’s important to take these moments for ourselves. First, it helps us slow down. In our fast-paced lives, slowing down can feel like a luxury. But it’s not. It’s a necessity. Our minds and bodies need time to rest and recharge. When we’re always on the go, we can feel overwhelmed and exhausted. But when we take a moment to look up at the sky, we give ourselves a break. We can take a deep breath, relax our minds, and let go of our worries, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Second, looking up at the sky can make us feel more connected to nature. We spend so much time indoors, staring at screens, that we can forget there’s a whole world outside. The sky is a part of that world, a beautiful and ever-changing part. When we look up, we can see the beauty of nature. We can see the clouds, the colors, the stars. We can feel the sun on our skin or the cool breeze on our face. We can remember that we’re a part of this world, not just observers of it.

Third, looking up at the sky can inspire us. The sky is vast and full of possibilities. It can remind us of our dreams and our potential. When we’re feeling stuck or discouraged, looking up at the sky can give us a sense of hope and possibility. It can remind us that there’s a big world out there, full of opportunities and adventures waiting to be had.

So how can we make looking up at the sky a part of our daily lives? It’s simple. We just need to make a little time for it. It doesn’t have to be a big commitment. Just a few minutes here and there can make a big difference. Maybe you can take a moment to look up at the sky when you first wake up. Notice the colors of the sunrise and the shapes of the clouds. Or maybe you can take a break during the day to step outside and look up at the blue sky. Feel the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the breeze. And at night, before you go to bed, take a moment to look up at the stars. Find the constellations and imagine the stories they tell.

By Urban Vintage on Unsplash

You can also make looking up at the sky a part of your family time. Go for a walk together and look up at the clouds. Have a picnic and watch the sunset. Go stargazing and try to find the planets and constellations. These moments can be a wonderful way to connect with each other and with the world around you.

Looking up at the sky can also be a way to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is about being present in the moment, paying attention to what’s happening right now. When we look up at the sky, we can practice being mindful. We can focus on what we see, hear, and feel. We can notice the colors, the shapes, the sounds, and the sensations. We can let go of our worries and just be in the moment.

In our busy lives, it’s easy to forget about the simple things that bring us joy and peace. But those simple things are important. They help us stay balanced and grounded. They remind us of what really matters. Looking up at the sky is one of those simple things. It’s a way to take a break, to slow down, and to connect with the world around us.

So the next time you’re feeling rushed or stressed, take a moment to look up at the sky. Notice the colors, the clouds, the stars. Take a deep breath and let yourself relax. Remember that there’s more to life than our busy schedules. There’s beauty and wonder all around us, if we just take a moment to see it.

Life is short, and it’s important to make time for the things that bring us joy and peace. Looking up at the sky is a simple way to do that. It’s a way to remind ourselves of the beauty of life, to feel connected to the world around us, and to find a sense of calm and inspiration. So let’s make a promise to ourselves to look up at the sky every now and then. Let’s take those moments to pause, to breathe, and to appreciate the wonder of the world we live in.


About the Creator


I write about tips and strategies for enhancing life. Some advice and insights because life is already to hard to be alone on it!

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    creatorsklubWritten by creatorsklub

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