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Defining What Makes a Good Employee

In order to be a good employee, you have to be able to understand the needs of your customers and fulfill them

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

When you're running a business, you want to make sure that your employees are top-quality. After all, they're the ones who will be interacting with customers and helping them along in their shopping experience. A bad employee can turn off customers and make others feel unwelcome in your store or office space.

Your employees need to have a good attitude.

You might have heard the expression, "It's not what you know; it's who you know." It can be true for hiring, too. Your employees are going to be representing your company and your brand in everything they do. The better the impression they make on their customers, clients and community, the better their work will reflect on your company - and that's something everyone wants to see!

When hiring new hires (or bringing in new sub-contractors), pay attention not only to how well they do their jobs but also how enthusiastically they go about doing them. Are they friendly? Do they seem excited by their work? Do they give off positive vibes? These are all important factors when trying to determine whether someone would be a good fit with your team or organization as a whole.

You want your employees to be able to take direction well.

You want your employees to be able to take direction well.

Your managers should be able to give their employees direction on what they need to accomplish and when they need accomplish it. Your employees should then be able to carry out that direction, either independently or as part of a team.

This ability is important for many reasons:

  • Directing employees in this way helps ensure that the work gets done efficiently and effectively by those who are most capable of doing it - your employees!
  • It allows your managers and supervisors more time for other tasks (i.e., ones where their experience or training makes them uniquely suited).

Your employees should have a willingness to learn.

A good employee is someone who is willing to learn. An employee who isn't willing to take on new responsibilities or challenges, or who shies away from taking on projects that will help your company grow doesn't have what it takes to be an effective member of your team.

Employees should always be open to learning new things, whether it's about the business or about themselves personally. This shows that they're committed to their job and dedicated enough not only to put in the work necessary but also seek out opportunities for growth on their own accord.

Your employee should be able to understand the needs of the customer and fulfill them (and maybe even exceed them).

In order to be a good employee, you have to be able to understand the needs of your customers and fulfill them. This is important because without customers, you don't have a business. You should also remember that the customer is always right; if they don't like something about your product or service, it's up to you as an employee to fix it so that they will like it again (and maybe even love it).

Customer service is key when running any business - it is especially important for businesses with physical locations where customers can visit personally - but what exactly does "customer service" mean?

You want your employees to be problem solvers.

Problem solving is a core quality of any good employee. If you want your employees to be problem solvers, they need to be able to solve problems on their own, think on their feet, think creatively and critically, and think objectively.

Problem solving is a skill that can take many forms. It can mean finding creative solutions to problems or it could mean identifying the root cause of an issue so that it doesn't happen again in the future. In order for them to have these skills at their disposal, your employees need training that covers everything from critical thinking skills (which help them identify and solve larger organizational issues) all the way down through detailed analysis techniques (which help them better understand specific processes).

You need your employees to be good communicators.

Good communication skills are a must-have in any job, but they're especially important for some positions. If you're hiring someone to be your customer service representative or your marketing manager, for example, it's crucial that they know how to communicate with people effectively. You want them to be able to listen and respond in a way that makes customers happy and employees feel respected - whether that means keeping things simple or being blunt about what needs fixing (or both).

Good communication skills aren't just about speaking; they also include writing or typing messages clearly so others can understand them easily. They also include listening well and taking feedback from others without getting defensive - both of which are essential if other people are going trust you enough with their input!

It's important for your employees to be punctual and reliable.

It's important for your employees to be punctual and reliable. Being on time is one of the most basic employee qualities, but it's also one of the easiest ways to help your business run smoothly. If you have an employee who consistently shows up late for work or meetings, that person isn't likely to do a good job in his or her role.

In addition to being on time, employees need to be trustworthy and honest with both clients and coworkers. There are plenty of ways this can come into play: If a client calls or emails with a question about something they ordered from you - and they were told it would arrive by a certain date - your employee should always let them know if there has been any kind of delay. They should also make sure the client knows what he'll be getting once his order arrives so there aren't any surprises along the way (and no reason for him not want buy anything else).

It's also important that employees understand how their position fits into other parts of the company - and how their decisions impact those other departments' operations as well

These are some of the aspects that are important in making up a good employee

Now that you know what makes a good employee, let's take a look at some of the qualities that make up this quality.

  • They are dependable and reliable.
  • They have initiative and motivation to do their work as well as they can.
  • They are detail-oriented and pay attention to the little things in life (like remembering birthdays or anniversaries).

These qualities can be developed by giving your employees opportunities to grow within your organization, creating opportunities for them to learn new skills and develop existing ones, encouraging them to ask questions when they don't understand something rather than just getting frustrated about it themselves, and always keeping an open line of communication with them so that you know how things are going from their perspective on any given day at work.


We hope that this post has given you some good ideas of what makes a good employee. There are many different kinds of employees out there, and not all of them will be right for your business. But if you keep these things in mind when hiring someone, you'll be more likely to find someone who fits into your culture and will work well with everyone else!


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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