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Deep Dive into Colleen Millsteed

A little about me

By Colleen Millsteed Published about a year ago 4 min read
Image courtesy of Pixabay

Subhi Najar (Medium writer) has asked us to dive a little deeper into who we are.

So, who is Colleen Millsteed.

Well first and foremost I’m a mother but I’m also so much more. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of numbers and words; I’m an introvert; a deep thinker; a writer; a published author; a sister; a daughter; a friend and most importantly, I am me.

That’s a brief description of who I really are but to dive deeper I’ll answer Subhi’s questions below.

To view Subhi’s original post, please read here :

Now for the Q & A section of this article :

1. What is your favourite book? and why?

My absolute favourite book is Susan Jeffers ‘Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway’. After reading this book my life changed immensely. It taught me that just because we are afraid doesn’t mean that we cannot — because we definitely can!

Feel the fear and do it anyway became my motto in life and allowed me to power on through all the tough times and challenges I’ve faced and won!

2. What is your favourite quote? and why?

This one ties in with Question 1.

My favourite quote is :

Feel the fear and do it anyway

This is an extremely powerful seven word sentence. So simple and yet so tough to do but if you live by these words, you’ll find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Powerful stuff!

3. What is your favourite poetry verse? and why?

My favourite poetry verse :

I was curious as to their discussion, as I crept silently towards them to hear
Just in time, as she calmly recites, “I am a descendant of the night, born
Only of a full moon, granddaughter of the lunar goddess, blessed in light.
The last of the lone wolves, wild, searching for my pack, sacred, timeworn,
Slaying my nightmares, my battles, insisting my darkness kneels to me this night.”

Why is this my favourite? Because it describes perfectly the strength every woman carries within her. Wouldn’t you agree?

This verse is taken from my poem ‘The Last Lone Wolf’.

4. Who is your favourite writer? and why?

My favourite writer has always been Stephen King and not for the same reason as most people love his horror stories. If you were to read between the lines of Stephen King’s words, you would discover an awesome sense of humour.

I know, I know! Horror and humour don’t go well together but Stephen King is by far the exception. He mixes the two genres perfectly but very subtly.

5. Who is your favourite poet? and why?

Funnily enough as a poet myself, I don’t actually have a favourite to be honest. Most of the poets I enjoy are on a similar like-ability level. I enjoy reading them all.

But if I absolutely had to pick one, I’d pick T S Elliot.

6. What is your favourite colour, and why?

I’m definitely a girly girl as I adore the colour pink. It’s beautiful, calming and wards off negativity.

This poem I’ve written explains my love of the colour pink.

7. What is your preferred animal and why?

I’m a sucker for a cat and if I was unreasonable I would be your classic old cat lady but I’ll curb my desires and stick with the two I have for now.

8. What is your favourite movie? and why?

My favourite Movie is an old one called ‘The Hitcher’ and stars Rutger Hauer.

It’s a horror film but again it’s not because of that particular genre that I love this movie. The real reason is because the storyline is absolutely brilliant.

This movie inspired my own short story called ‘The Stuff Nightmares Are Made Of’.

9. What is your favourite music piece? and why?

My favourite piece of music is from The Cats musical and is called ‘The Overture’.

I can never listen to this wonderfully dramatic composition without remembering the fabulous theatre production of T S Elliot’s poetry.

10. What is your favourite song? and why?

My all time favourite band is an Australian group called ‘The Angels’ and my favourite song is called ‘Am I Ever Going To See Your Face Again’.

This song is the unofficial Australian anthem. It truly doesn’t get much more Aussie than this iconic song by a legendary band!

11. What would you call yourself if you had to choose another name?

Shakeh, pronounced {shark-eh}, as it’s my favourite girls name. It sounds like a she warriors name. Powerful and fearless.

12. What are your hobbies?

Writing, writing, writing, plus reading, crafts and basically anything creative.

13. Do you remember an article on Medium that you found exceptional, and why? If yes, it would be great to tag the writer in your answer.

An article I found exceptional is this article written by The Real Johnny B (Medium Writer) because it’s a well written article on listening with intent and I know the human race as a whole could take these words to heart.

Please click the link below my name to read more of my work. I would also like to thank you for taking the time to read this today and for all your support.

If you enjoy this piece, you may enjoy this one too.

Please visit my website if you'd like more information on my newly published book, Battle Angel : The Ultimate She Warrior.

Image courtesy of the Author

Originally published on Medium


About the Creator

Colleen Millsteed

My first love is poetry — it’s like a desperate need to write, to free up space in my mind, to escape the constant noise in my head. Most of the time the poems write themselves — I’m just the conduit holding the metaphorical pen.

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Comments (7)

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  • Stevi-Lee Alverabout a year ago

    Some great prompts there (I just checked out the medium post you're responding to).

  • Denise E Lindquistabout a year ago

    Thank you for sharing. Nice and fun!😊💕

  • I just have to tell you, for the sake of the old cat lady struggling to break loose from within you, growing up we had 42 cats--& we lived in town (right on the edge, but still in town). The man who delivered our propane said that whenever he drove his truck into our drive, the entire yard just stood up & walked away. (We also had 7 dogs, 5 birds, 5 aquariums, hamsters & white mice. For one week, we also had a bat! Aren't you glad you didn't live near us?) Great article. I enjoyed getting to learn these things about you.

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    This is great. (I knew you were gonna say cats. lol) Thanks for sharing, my friend.

  • Feel the fear and do it anyway. Knowing me, I would use that for not so nice things. Imagine me feeling the fear of getting caught if I murder someone and doing it anyway 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sadly, I've not read any books by Stephen King. I know, I'm so lame. But I do feel horror and humour belong together. And like you said King does it, I like it when the humour is subtle. I don't like it when it's a full on comedy but just funny enough to earn a smirk or chuckle. I'm not familiar with T S Elliott's poem but my favourite poet is you! I've read sooooo many poems by soooo many poets since I was a kid. None of them inspired me to write my own poem except for you. Your poems are just magic! Omggg, Shakeh! That's the name of the girl that sells the emotion potions in your story right? Sorry I forgot the title but I love that story! It was fun reading this and getting to know you better!

  • Mariann Carrollabout a year ago

    Nice 👍 self interview. I watched a few of king books that turned into movies, you are right. He certainly had dark humor in them. I read a lot of beautiful poem, you are a goddess in poetry for sure. I enjoyed this . You are certainly a beautiful and inspirational woman . Thank you for this ❤️🥰🎉

  • Grz Colmabout a year ago

    Hey, I have not yet read the articles in between, but just the main body here which was very interesting to learn about your interests. 😊 King is one of my top authors as well, yet I’m still to read everything of his enormous back catalogue.

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