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Best Time to Write

EP 05 | Habit Strategies

By Sophal HengPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Best Time to Write
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Anytime is a good time to write. Getting your ideas down is a must. Most people can complete that task, but then once it comes down to editing, it is a whole new ballgame.

The one thing that I always forget is my graphics. Meaning my thumbnails, the arts to illustrate my thoughts or even my links. Once I have completed my draft, I’ll head back to edit and I am like, Damn! lol

There are ways to avoid that. Let Mama Soul show you the ways.

Draft Your Ideas

Each minute of every hour, random thoughts will appear. While some may dismiss it, I say, write about it. It would surprise you at how well people accept randomness.

Some random thoughts may come off embarrassing for the person thinking it, but if the person has the idea, there may be hundreds others who are looking for answers for this same thought. Why not make something out of it and write about it? It will be your personal niche of weirdness.

FYI. I love weird people. They are the most entertaining individual and they have the best confidence.

If you are on the go, I am sure you have a mobile device. The best way to jot it down to review later would be to email yourself or set up a free Evernote account. You can also download a memo app or carry a miniature book around with you. It becomes the most helpful tool for you.


Editing becomes the worst part for anyone who has a procrastination tendency. There is a tool that can help with that and a strategy.

Once you are finished drafting, you already know what you will edit. You can also start working on your arts while on the go by signing up for Canva.

I use Canva for more than blogging. It helps with my YouTube thumbnails, my Instagram posts, Pinterest art, and many more. The best part is, it is free.

Now, as for checking your grammars to prepare for publishing, I would recommend checking out ProWritingAid.

If you like Grammarly, you will love ProWritingAid.

Not only is this tool intuitive, but you can also control the settings to understand how you speak. It becomes the best assistant as it connects and becomes an extension for many writing tools such as Scrivener, Google Words, Microsoft Words, and even your browser.

You cannot lose.


Schedule Your Post

If you are like me, you would write about 40 articles a day with no issues. I have a lot of things to share, so I am constantly writing new things. The one thing that I have issues with is “publishing under excitement.”

By doing this, I gave no chance for my other articles to get attention.

With Word press, I can schedule my posts, but it looks like you cannot do that on Vocal. Media. Don’t let that stop you. If you are making a habit of signing in to Vocal. Media, draft your latest articles and submit them at a certain time habitually.

My submission would go in by 9 AM before I have to head into work. That would be the best time. Then once they approve it, I have my posts running for the day.

With publishing articles or even running a blog site, you always want to make sure you have at least one article up. This way, your loyal readers will have something to come back to every day. Plus, it is good for audience retention rate and CPM (If you are using Adsense or own a domain).

My Personal Writing Advice

To end this, I would like to suggest a few things for anyone who goes through writer’s block, starting out, or running out of ideas.

Write about something you can talk about all day!

You might feel like a broken record, but you’d be surprised at how quickly you will become a niche expert and people will flock to your advice more than others.

Consider observing your conversations on your social, and what you follow. You’ll see your own pattern and that, my friend, is going to be the topic your heart desires.

Just don’t write clickbait titles or things that you have no intention of following up with just because it is popular at the moment.


About the Creator

Sophal Heng

Welcome to my Vocal Media where I share my daily thoughts and posts that would originally be posted on my website at

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