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Being Wary Of Motivations

The Potential Consequences Of Missing Or Misunderstanding Them

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published 9 months ago 4 min read

We all have things that we would like in our lives.

Sometimes people call them Goals.

Other times they are a Feeling we would like more of.

It can even be as simple as "Less Of" something we consider undesirable.

In many ways, it is great to have things to be moving toward in our lives.

It gives us purpose, it allows us to choose how to act in the world, and it helps us narrow down our options.

However, there is something we often don't take into account...

What are the Motivations behind these things we want?

Many of us have things that we are reaching toward, pushing ourselves to attain, battling and struggling and stressing every day to get - but often we don't really know WHY we do it.

There are so many things people want without really understanding Why they want it.

  • Fame
  • Fortune
  • Luck
  • Sex
  • Love
  • Followers
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Looks
  • Athleticism
  • Happiness
  • Consciousness
  • Balance
  • Healing

There are so many more things I could add to this list.

I'm not saying any of these are "inherently" bad by any stretch of the imagination.

But when we strive for things like these, without really understanding the deep "Why" behind it, it can cause us tons of problems.

I've talked to many entrepreneurs who seek many of these things.

They tell me how they want to grow their social media following - get tons of likes, followers, and comments.

Then I ask Why?

That's how you get seen! That's how you make money! It's how to grow your business!

But.... is it?

Do they want those things because it grows their business, or do they just want them because they've been "told" that's how they grow their business?

I see many people who appear to be rock stars on social media, who are struggling horribly in their lives.

Their social media didn't add to their businesses, and worse it often takes away from their lives.

I've spoken with executives who spend countless hours at work.

I ask them Why?

It's how I provide for my family! I just want to make sure that everything is good for them!

But.... is it?

Are they doing the work to provide what their family needs, or are they doing it because they've been "told" that's how they provide?

I see often they have struggling relationships with their spouses, and their children are plagued with anxiety, depression, and sometimes worse.

I see many people who seem to be able to provide so much, yet they aren't providing what is really needed.

I've spoken with holy people about their congregations.

They tell me that the work they do is to inspire Hope in the people around them! To save them from the horrible things that have happened!

But.... is it?

Are they doing the work to actually inspire Hope and help people after the horrible things that occur, or are they doing it because they've been "told" that's how to do it?

I watch as countless people lose all Hope for anything to change, and continue to have horrible things occur without finding people who will do anything to actually aid them.

I see many people who are working but aren't actually aiding people with their real challenges and pains.

My point here is that many people are "striving" for things, claiming that their motivations are this or that.

But they seem to be completely missing the Truth.

They are missing how their actions and motivations are not truly aligned.

Most of the time it is because they aren't seeing the Truth of their motivations.

They act without thinking.

They respond before they understand.

They work without understanding the costs.

I get it, I've done it before too!

But if we want to move toward what we truly want, we need to be able to understand our True motivations.

Often the things we truly want in life are much easier to obtain than we realize.

The problem is that we don't see how our motivations are skewed in terrible directions, which ends up making what we want further out of reach than it should be.

Be mindful of your motivations, seek the Truth of where they come from, and discover if they actually will lead to what you TRULY want.

workflowwall streetsocial mediareligionpoliticslistindustryhumanityhow tohistoryeconomycareerbusiness warsbusinessadvice

About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (450+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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