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#Visit #SriLanka

By Alone _ Traveller Published about a year ago 3 min read


Anuradhapura is a city located in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka, and it is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. The city was once the capital of the Kingdom of Anuradhapura, which existed from the 4th century BCE to the 11th century CE. During this time, Anuradhapura was a political, cultural, and religious center, with a population that exceeded one million people.

The city of Anuradhapura is home to a number of significant historical and cultural landmarks, including ancient ruins and temples. Some of the most notable landmarks in the city include the Jetavanaramaya Stupa, the Ruwanwelisaya Stupa, and the Sri Maha Bodhi Tree.

The Jetavanaramaya Stupa is one of the largest stupas in the world and was built in the 3rd century BCE by King Mahasena. The stupa stands at over 122 meters tall and is made entirely of brick. It is believed that over 90 million bricks were used in its construction, making it one of the largest brick structures in the world. The Jetavanaramaya Stupa is a popular destination for tourists and pilgrims alike.

The Ruwanwelisaya Stupa is another important landmark in Anuradhapura. It was built in the 2nd century BCE by King Dutugemunu and is believed to house relics of the Buddha. The stupa stands at over 91 meters tall and is surrounded by a number of smaller stupas and temples. The Ruwanwelisaya Stupa is considered to be one of the most sacred sites in Sri Lanka.

The Sri Maha Bodhi Tree is also located in Anuradhapura and is believed to be the oldest living tree in the world. The tree is a descendant of the original Bodhi Tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment. It was brought to Sri Lanka in the 3rd century BCE by Sangamitta, the daughter of Emperor Ashoka, and has been venerated by Buddhists ever since.

In addition to these landmarks, Anuradhapura is home to a number of other historical and cultural sites, including the Abhayagiri Monastery, the Thuparamaya Stupa, and the Isurumuniya Temple. These sites offer a glimpse into the city's rich history and cultural heritage.

Anuradhapura was a major center for Buddhism during its heyday, and the city is still home to a large number of Buddhist temples and monasteries. Many of these temples and monasteries are open to visitors, and offer a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city.

In addition to its historical and cultural significance, Anuradhapura is also an important agricultural center. The city is home to a number of rice paddies and other agricultural lands, and the surrounding area is known for its delicious fruits and vegetables. The city is also famous for its textiles, particularly its hand-woven fabrics.

Today, Anuradhapura is a bustling city with a population of over 50,000 people. The city has undergone significant development in recent years, with new hotels, restaurants, and other amenities being built to cater to tourists. Despite this, however, the city has managed to retain its historical and cultural charm, and remains a popular destination for visitors from around the world.

In conclusion, Anuradhapura is a city of great historical and cultural significance, with a rich heritage that spans over two thousand years. Its ancient ruins, temples, and other landmarks offer a glimpse into the city's past, while its bustling streets and thriving agriculture industry provide a glimpse into its present. For those interested in history, culture, or simply seeking a peaceful

retreat from the modern world, Anuradhapura is a must-visit destination in Sri Lanka. The city's unique blend of ancient and modern, coupled with its natural beauty and warm hospitality, make it an unforgettable experience for visitors. Whether you are a history buff, a nature lover, or simply seeking a break from the stresses of everyday life, Anuradhapura has something for everyone. So why not plan a trip to this fascinating city and discover its many wonders for yourself?

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About the Creator

Alone _ Traveller

One life. One world. Explore it as much as you can.

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