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All of the Books I Read in 2022

I aimed to read at least one a week

By Chloe GilholyPublished about a year ago 6 min read
All of the Books I Read in 2022
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

With a late reflection on 2022, I had a look at all the goods I read in 2022 according to my Goodreads profile. Some of these books I remember reading, and some I forgot. I thought I could make a list o the books I read and a reflection of each book on how they made me feel and how my readership has changed. I was also inspired by another person's list of all the books they read in 2022.

The Wisdom of Tea by Noriko Morishita - This was one of my favourite books. I really liked the way it was laid out. It felt like a novel, but it also had a lot of life lessons and tea-making experiances that I found really encouraging.

PCOS by Jane Kennedy - This was a free book that I claimed on Smashwords. I thought it was well-written and informative.

The PCOS Diet by Jane Kennedy - Also from Smashwords, PCOS is something very underlooked.

The Fish by Joanne Stubbs - I got a signed copy of this from the author at a festival that my friend Jacci Gooding helped organise. It's a great book that covers the theme of climate change.

Ariel by Sylvia Plath - A classic collection of poetry.

All of You Every Single One by Beatrice Hitchman - This is the other book I got at the litfest that my friend Jacci organised. I thought it was a great book with a lot of surprises. Also a nice rec for those who love sapphic fiction.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott - This is a classic book that I got into. I started reading this fifteen years ago, but never finished it until last year.

The Puma Years by Laura Coleman - I really liked how the main character got attached to the animals and her new world. Reading about her culture shock was interesting.

The Blue Man by Leilanie Stewart - I'm a mutual with her on Instagram and I really liked her book The Buddha's Bone and was glad to be able to read more of her books.

Outspoken by Jackie Juno - I think this is one of the first books I borrowed from the Oxford Poetry Library.

It Takes Blood and Guts by Skin - This was a great book by Skin. I love her work in Skunk Anansie and I thought it was such a strange coincidence that she was from Brixton because a few weeks before reading this book and she did live there.

A Model Archaeologist by Leilanie Stewart - I really liked this book and thought it was fun to read.

A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers - I had to look this book up because I had forgotten that I had read it but as soon as I saw the cover, the memories came flooding back. I read this in one sitting, but I do remember I sold it on Music Magpie to make more space for other things.

A Geek in Thailand by Jody Houton - This book did a great jon bringing Thailand to life,

A Geek in Indonesia by Tim Hannigan - I've never been to Indonesia, but reading this book made me want to go.

Manga Shakespeare: As You Like It by Richard Appignanesi - Shakespeare has many timeless classics and I like seeing the manga adaptations. For some reason, the only Shakespeare tales that I have been able to retain are Henry VIII, Romeo & Juliet, and Macbeth.

Night Shift by Jonathan Totman

Later by Stephen King

Frostfire by Ethan

Cheeky Guide to Oxford by David Bramwell

The Book Collectors of Daraya by Delphine Minoui

Wain by Rachel Plummer

Dead Lucky by Andreina Cordani

Broke Vegan by Saskia Sidey

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

From 221B Baker Street to the Old Curiosity Shop by Stephen Halliday

Afterlove by Tanya Byrne - I read this around my birthday time and I finished it in the Lake District. It left an impact on me.

I Never Stopped by Elle Mitchell - This was a book I claimed on Smashwords. It's a touching short book.

Ammonite by Nicola Griffith - I was very hyped about this book, and whilst it was different to what I thought it would be, I still liked it. I think it did leave a lasting impression on me.

Einstein's Bumblebee by Colin Sutherill - I don't remember much about this book, but the title amused me.

The Complete Poems by Emily Brontë - I remember renting this book and really liking it.

Studying Poetry by R.T. Jones - Oxford Poetry library loan.

Tarantula by Bob Dylan - Oxford Poetry Library rent.

Wild Irish Women by Marian Broderick - I recommend this book for anyone who likes a good feminist read.

Teach Yourself Writing Poetry by Matthew Sweeney - Useful book.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki - I think a lot of things in this book are still relevant today.

Irish Ghost Stories by Padraic O'Farrell - Got this at Blarney Castle. It was a fun read.

Making Money by Terry Pratchett - One of the many great works this author did.

Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender - A popular book in the LGBTQ+ Scene.

The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon - A very long book. It's a door-step novel about a Queendom.

Banish Clutter Forever by Sheila Chandra - I learned a fair bit from this book.

Bear Head by Adrian Tchaikovsky - I rented this at the library. It had plenty of action from what I can remember.

The Art of Simple Living by Sam Lacey - Interesting book about frugality.

Love Bus Stop by Ritsu Natsumizu - Got this in Birmingham. Has a 90s Yaoi vibe to it.

Blue Is the Warmest Color by Jul Maroh - Very different from the film, but still has the same passion.

How to Change Everything by Naomi Klein - Nice little book that's uplifting.

BOSH! on a Budget by Henry Firth - I rented this from the library and it helped me a lot with my frugality journey.

Power Milks by Deirdre Rooney - I often rented this book at the library near my flat. All the drinks featured are vegan and the ones I did try were delicious.

The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont - This is one of those books that look gorgeous on anyone's shelf. I did like reading this book.

Instant yoga by Infinite Ideas - This helped me get into yoga, but I felt I learned more though videos and in yoga classes rather than reading about it.

What's It All About? by Cilla Black - R.I.P Cilla Black, you were a true icon.

I`m Only a Child by Wanda Montanelli - I read this for free and got the copy from Tektime. A heavy read.

I'm Waiting for You and Other Stories by Bo-Young Kim - I got this from the Oxford Writers Circle Secret Santa Event.

Animal Crossing by Kokonasu Rumba - Animal Crossing is just adorable.

Terribly in Love by Tautvyda Marcinkevičiūtė - I love how the poems are displayed in both it's mother nature tongue and in English. The collection feels more raw that way.

The Riddle of the Third Mile by Colin Dexter - One I picked up at a charity shop. I loved the Morse series when it was on and it was great to see it in it's original form.

Juices & Smoothies by Amanda Cross - Another charity shop gem.

Super Food by Bloomsbury Publishing - This was a book I picked up from the charity shop.

BOSH! by Henry Firth - This was a Christmas present from Vee.

Red Horizon by Stefan Coleman - I remember having this on my kindle for ages. It's a fun book from an indie author.

The Green Roasting Tin by Rukmini Iyer - The book gave me lots of ideas of what to cook in one tin to save on the washing up.

Battle Royale by Koushun Takami - This is my favouite novel and finally being able to listen to it in audiobook form was a true pleasure.


About the Creator

Chloe Gilholy

Former healthcare worker and lab worker from Oxfordshire. Author of ten books including Drinking Poetry and Game of Mass Destruction. Travelled to over 20 countries.

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