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A Stranger's Words

How kind words could change lives

By JessicaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A Stranger's Words
Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

As a young adult, I struggled with low self-esteem. Despite my best efforts to appear confident and self-assured, I was constantly plagued by self-doubt and insecurity. I had a hard time believing in myself and my abilities, and I often felt like I was just going through the motions of life without any real purpose or direction.

One day, I was waiting in line at a coffee shop when a woman behind me tapped me on the shoulder. "Excuse me," she said, "I just wanted to tell you that you have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen."

I was taken aback by her compliment, but I couldn't help but feel a warm rush of gratitude and appreciation wash over me. No one had ever said anything like that to me before, and it felt like a small but powerful validation of my worth as a person.

Over the next few days, I found myself replaying that moment in my mind over and over again. I couldn't stop thinking about the stranger's kind words and how they had made me feel. For the first time in a long time, I felt like maybe I was deserving of love and admiration after all.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, I started to notice a subtle but significant shift in my demeanor. I stood up straighter, spoke with more confidence, and took more risks in my personal and professional life. I no longer felt like a passive bystander in my own story; instead, I was actively seeking out new opportunities and experiences, and I was no longer afraid to take chances and make mistakes.

Of course, there were still moments when I felt insecure or unsure of myself. But now, instead of spiraling into a pit of self-doubt, I would think back to the stranger's compliment and remind myself that I was worthy of love and respect.

Over time, I started to realize that the stranger's kind words had done more than just boost my confidence. They had fundamentally shifted my perspective on life and my place in it. I no longer saw myself as a flawed and inadequate person, but rather as someone with unique strengths and talents to offer the world.

I started pursuing my passions with renewed vigor, throwing myself into my work, my hobbies, and my relationships with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. And as I did so, I found that other people started to take notice of me in a different way. I was no longer the shy and insecure person in the corner, but rather someone who radiated positivity and confidence.

Looking back on that day in the coffee shop, I realize now that the stranger who complimented me probably had no idea what a profound impact her words would have on my life. But to me, her kind gesture will always be a reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can have the power to transform someone's life.

The compliment from the stranger not only boosted my confidence, but it also helped me to reframe my self-perception. Before that encounter, I had been so focused on my perceived flaws and shortcomings that I couldn't see anything else. But the stranger's compliment showed me that there was something positive and beautiful about me that I had been overlooking.

As a result, I started to actively seek out positive qualities in myself and others. I made a conscious effort to focus on my strengths and to see the good in the people around me. This shift in perspective not only helped me to build my self-esteem, but it also improved my relationships with others.

I found that when I approached people with a positive and open mindset, they were more likely to respond positively in return. Instead of assuming the worst about someone or feeling intimidated by their accomplishments, I started to look for the good in them and to appreciate their unique qualities and talents.

This approach not only helped me to build deeper and more meaningful connections with others, but it also gave me a greater sense of purpose and meaning in my own life. Instead of feeling like I was just going through the motions, I started to see my interactions with others as an opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.

Looking back on my journey, I am grateful for the stranger who took the time to compliment me that day. Her kind words helped me to see myself in a different light and gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams and to make a positive impact on the world. It's amazing to think about the power that a simple compliment can have and how it can change someone's life in such a profound way.


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    JWritten by Jessica

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