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A monkey can do my job

But can a monkey do this...

By Maitee Natalia Published 3 years ago 3 min read
A monkey can do my job
Photo by Ruchindra Gunasekara on Unsplash

My job is a simple one.

I pack your packages.

I put your packages and boxes into containers and gayloads.

I load those same containers into trucks.

I make sure the trucks go out in time.

I am but a simple warehouse worker who night after night does the same jobs, in different departments on different days.

A monkey could do my job. That is to say would a monkey do a great job, that remains to be seen but you get it. It's not a hard job. You don't need fancy degrees or exceptional talent.

When they read your resume they don't really care much for your past experiences, how many jobs you've worked or your accolades and achievements. All that matters is:

Can you follow a prompt?

Can you put things in a box?

Can you lift at least about 50 lbs?

Are you a human being who can move, pick things up and put them down?

Though my job may be simple, I am a small integral part of the world's every day routine. That without simple workers like me, you would be sorely without. My job helps ensure a mom can be super mom by getting her birthday supplies. My job helps workers in times like these get masks, gloves, sanitizing equipment and more to help keep themselves safe as well as others around them. Simple that it is, my job helps bring students their textbooks and school supplies to help them become future doctors, entrepreneurs, scientists, teachers, doctors. It helps ensure the public's health by sending healthy snacks, at home gym equipment, yoga mats and exercise dvds.

If I thought my job was meaningless before (and believe me that at one point I had) seeing it through new lenses has helped me. Though I'm not waking up to a job I love, I'm waking up to a job that means something. That viewing it through how I help others, no matter how small or down the line it is, helps push me to pack better and faster. To make sure all the trucks are loaded properly and promptly. That those trucks go out when they need to go out so they meet the deliverers that come to your door and complete the transaction. This job was not one that I ever pictured myself doing. It was never one I would have picked for myself. And though I am only doing it for now, for this season, it has taught me lessons no professional job has. It humbled me, made me see things differently. In this world of privilege we live in those who have such successes in business. In their careers, in their lives all around for did on the work of those who do the same things

The simple things. That does the things no one else will. That if we can admit truthfully to one another, believe it below us or not worthy of our time and energy. But if we really think about it, it's the simple jobs, the hard laborers that make this world go round. That keeps this world and earth in rotation.

And so though I have dreams of bigger and grander, I'm content and fulfilled in doing the simple, the little. That I help an artist's career by getting their albums and paintings to their loyal fans. That I help create loyal customers for businesses getting their packages on time to them. That I equip people with the things they need to do the job that I can't.

I am a simple warehouse worker and I am here to serve you.


About the Creator

Maitee Natalia

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