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A Common Misconception Of "Happiness"

The Reality That So Many People Miss

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published 9 months ago 3 min read

The word "Happiness" sparks a lot of debate whenever it comes up.

Some people believe that it is the ultimate goal we seek in life.

Others say that it lacks depth, and is a shallow goal.

Mystics talk about reaching eternal happiness.

Realists talk about how it's impossible to be happy forever.

So, how can so many different people have so many different understandings of one word?

Sometimes, to understand something, you must realize that our language can be faulty.

This is extremely true whenever the word "Happiness" is discussed.


Well, there are 2 different types of Happiness people are discussing.

2 Concepts represented by the same word.

Similar to how you can say "To" but could also mean "Too" or "Two".

However, most people don't realize it when discussing "Happiness".

Both meanings are spelled exactly the same, and so it leads to confusion on what is meant.

So, what are these 2 Concepts?

There is Happiness which is an Emotion.

Then there is Happiness which is a State of Mind.

These 2 Concepts are not mutually exclusive.

So, you don't have to experience the Emotion Happiness at the same time you are in the State of Mind of Happiness (though you can).

You could also experience the Emotion Happiness while in a Depressed State of Mind.

This often happens when people experiencing Depression seek out Happy Content online.

A good joke or a feel-good story can help them experience the Happiness Emotion, though fleeting, during the Depressive State of Mind.

In the same way, you can experience the Emotion of Sadness while in the Happiness State of Mind.

An example of this could be when you are having a great time with your family, but think about a relative who passed away a long time ago.

The thoughts of your family member no longer being there lead to the Emotion of Sadness, while the new memories you are making with your family could contribute to the State of Mind of Happiness.

Understanding this distinction can help you understand that all of the positions above could technically be correct, even though they seem to contrasting.

The people who believe that Happiness is the ultimate goal we seek?

They are referring to the State of Mind.

The people who say Happiness as a goal lacks depth, and is shallow?

They are referring to the Emotion.

Mystics talking about Eternal Happiness?

They are referring to the State of Mind.

Realists who say it's impossible to be Happy forever?

They are referring to the Emotion.

Though these different groups seem to be opposed, they actually aren't.

They are just talking about completely different things!

Now, I'm not saying you have to "agree" with those different things.

I'm sure some people would argue that the goal shouldn't be the Happiness State of Mind.

I'm sure some people would argue that Emotional Happiness is a good goal.

I'm sure some people doubt that there is such a thing as an Eternal Happiness State of Mind.

I'm sure that most people would agree you can't have the Happiness Emotion forever, but that doesn't mean they won't try!

What I'm simply doing is pointing out that Happiness doesn't always equal Happiness.

It depends on what you are referring to.

The Emotion or the State of Mind?

Understanding which one is being talked about can lead to a better understanding of what can be learned.

Understanding this can also help you understand people better as well.

When you understand that some people are in a Happiness State of Mind, challenges don't seem that big to them, and they can experience Sad Emotions but not really be "down".

At the same time, you can understand that some people are in a different State of Mind, and you can try to cheer them up with Happy Emotions, but it might not change the State of Mind.

It can also lead you to understand yourself better.

Some people question why "Happy" things don't make them feel "Happy" - Those things could be directed at Happy Emotions as opposed to a Happy State of Mind.

Others wonder if it is weird to not feel so "Down" when they experience other Emotions.

None of these are weird or wrong.

It doesn't make you broken or faulty.

They are simply human experiences.

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About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (450+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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  • harry henry9 months ago

    Well written!

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