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9 Things You Need To Do To Be Happy At Work

Read this if you wanna be happy @ work ASAP

By Ryan MillerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
9 Things You Need To Do To Be Happy At Work
Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash

In this article, I will provide you with a list of things that you can do for yourself, to be happy at work. There are happy people at work, who wake up in the morning and go to work with a smile on their lips, but this does not mean they have the perfect job.

Have a holiday at each 3–4 months:

According to some studies, people are more satisfied a few weeks before their holiday, in comparison with the period post-vacation. If you want to be happier at your job, you need to take small vacations after each 3–4 months, instead of a big holiday in August.

Choose happy thoughts:

You need to think positively and to look only at the good things related to your job. It's better to consider, for example, that it is a good place for you to acquire new abilities than to think that it's a modest-paying workplace. If you're stressed out, you will not be capable of obtaining positive results.

Personalize your office:

The happy people at work have the freedom to decorate and personalize their offices. If you do this, you will feel optimistic, motivated and productive, because your office will have a personal touch and will provide you comfort.

Smile a lot:

Smile! Smile! And Smile! If you smile more often at work and you will feel better and make those around you feel the same. If people smile, the atmosphere will not be tense and people will be more willing to help each other and to work as a team.

Give others at least 10 minutes of your work time:

Some people offer help when requested, even though they work at something at that moment or have many emails they did not answer so far. Unconsciously, helping others makes you happy, because it gets you close to the person you are helping.

Take small breaks to relax:

In your breaks, pretend you are not at work. Do something to relax and to release the pressure, to recharge your batteries. You can spend five minutes at the coffee maker and socialize with colleagues, watch a relaxing YouTube video or have a short walk during your lunch break.

Don't think about your salary:

I know, everybody works for money, but there should be reasons beyond that. It is a good habit not to plan your last cents. Instead, you should buy the things that make you happy, but, at the same time, be balanced.

If the pay grade is not so big, you need to split it in a way that can permit you to save 10–20% of it and spend the rest on things that make you happy. If you are a happy person, you will be happy at work.

Don't make unimportant decisions:

To keep your strength and energy, but also to have better self-control, a better judgment, and by extrapolating to be happier, you have to reduce the number of decisions you make every day. For a decision, however small, it consumes you from energy. Do not hesitate about a place to meet, what to wear today at work, what to eat. Do not worry about things that are not vital, especially if you put pressure on yourself. Notice then if you do not have more energy and a wider smile on your face!

Play as a child:

Okay, don't go overboard (you still want your employer to take you seriously), but spending a few minutes to move away from your desk and play might help you get out of a rut.

Doodling, playing with clay, or having a tiny toy or puzzle on your desk to mess with for a few minutes may all help to clear your mind and ignite creativity in unexpected ways. If you're looking for a place to start, try this three-minute workout.


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My pen name is Ryan Miller. I am a Linux Sysadmin, writing hobbyist, father, and husband. I mostly write non-fiction on Vocal, Medium, and my blogs.

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About the Creator

Ryan Miller

Yin & Yang | Happy. Positive. Half Graphics Enthusiast, Half Tech Savvy. Copy Writer. Leader. Magnetic Person. Living Human Being. Dreamer. Crazy 100%.

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