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5 Strategies from Cleopatra for Closing High Ticket Sales Online

Timeless Techniques for Modern Entrepreneurs

By Ramona FernandezPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Imagine you're about to close a high-ticket sale online, worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. The pressure is on, and the stakes are high. Now, picture yourself taking advice from one of history's most legendary figures - Cleopatra. Yes, that's right, the Queen of Egypt herself. Known for her unparalleled wit, charm, and salesmanship, Cleopatra was a master at winning people over and closing deals. And the best part? Her strategies are still relevant today, even in the digital age.

So, if you're looking to up your online high-ticket sales game, buckle up and get ready to learn from one of history's most iconic figures.

#1 Know Your Prospect

Cleopatra was a master at understanding her prospects and using that knowledge to win their favor and secure their loyalty. She employed a wide range of tactics to get to know the people she interacted with, including listening carefully to their stories, engaging in small talk, and studying their interests and hobbies.

For example, when Cleopatra met Julius Caesar, she knew that he was a great admirer of Alexander the Great. She used this knowledge to her advantage by having herself delivered to him rolled up in a carpet, just as Alexander had once done with a captured Persian princess. This dramatic entrance appealed to Caesar's sense of history and made a strong impression on him.

In the context of online high ticket sales, the same principles of understanding and connecting with your prospects apply. By conducting thorough research, analyzing data and social media profiles, and leveraging personal connections, you can gain insights into your prospect's needs and preferences.

For instance, if you discover that a potential customer is an avid hiker but struggles with stamina. You can tailor your sales pitch to highlight how your product or service can enhance their hiking experience. By showcasing how your offering can solve their unique pain points and deliver a personalized experience, you can increase the chances of winning their business and earning their loyalty. This personalized approach can help to establish you as a trusted advisor and differentiate your product or service in a crowded marketplace.

#2 Use Strategic Timing

Cleopatra was a master at using strategic timing to maximize her chances of success. She understood that the right timing of her interactions with prospects could make all the difference in closing a deal. For example, when she met with Mark Antony, she made sure to time her arrival for when he was in a relaxed and receptive mood, having just enjoyed a lavish feast.

In today's world of online high-ticket sales, the strategy of using strategic timing is just as crucial. By analyzing data and understanding buyer behavior, you can time your sales pitches and follow-up interactions to coincide with the moment when a prospect is most likely to make a purchase.

For example, you might analyze data on when prospects are most active on your website, and use that information to time your follow-up email or phone call. Or, you might use a technique called retargeting, which involves showing your ads to people who have already interacted with your website, increasing the likelihood that they will make a purchase.

Understanding buyer behavior is also critical when it comes to strategic timing. For instance, you might know that a prospect needs a few days to think over a decision before making a purchase. By timing your follow-up communication to coincide with this decision-making process, you can be present when the prospect is ready to move forward.

By using strategic timing, you can increase your chances of success in online high-ticket sales and close more deals, just as Cleopatra did in her time.

#3 Build Relationships

Cleopatra knew that building strong relationships with her prospects was key to winning their trust and loyalty. She used a variety of tactics to establish personal connections with her prospects, including lavish gifts, engaging in shared activities, and showing a genuine interest in their lives and interests.

For example, when Cleopatra met with Julius Caesar, she hosted a series of lavish banquets in his honor, showcasing the best of Egyptian culture and hospitality. These events helped to establish a personal connection between the two leaders and built a foundation of mutual trust and respect.

In the context of online high-ticket sales, building strong relationships with prospects is just as important. By establishing trust and rapport, you can position yourself as a trusted advisor and increase the likelihood of closing a sale.

One effective way to build relationships with prospects online is through social media. By engaging with prospects on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, you can demonstrate your expertise, provide value, and establish a personal connection. This can help to nurture relationships and keep you top-of-mind when the prospect is ready to make a purchase.

Another effective tactic is email marketing. By providing relevant and valuable content, you can establish trust and credibility with your prospects and build a relationship over time. This can help to position you as an authority in your field and increase the likelihood of closing a sale when the time is right.

By building strong relationships with prospects, you can increase your chances of success in online high-ticket sales and achieve the kind of loyalty and trust that Cleopatra inspired in her own time.

#4 Create a Sense of Scarcity

Cleopatra was a master of creating a sense of scarcity around her products and services, which allowed her to generate excitement and increase demand among her prospects. One example of this is her use of exotic perfumes.

Cleopatra was known for her love of fragrance and was said to have an extensive collection of perfumes from all over the world. She would often wear different scents to different events and was rumored to have her own signature scent that she used to woo her lovers.

By creating a sense of scarcity around these exotic perfumes, Cleopatra was able to increase their desirability among her audience. She would often gift these perfumes to her most loyal followers, creating a sense of exclusivity and increasing their value in the eyes of others.

In the context of online high-ticket sales, creating a sense of scarcity is a powerful tactic for driving demand and closing sales. By offering limited-time deals, exclusive access, and other incentives, you can create a sense of urgency and encourage prospects to take action.

For example, you might offer a limited edition version of a high-ticket product that is only available to a select number of customers, or provide access to a premium service for a limited time. By creating a sense of scarcity around these offers, you can motivate prospects to act quickly and increase the likelihood of closing a sale.

Another effective tactic is to use social proof to create a sense of scarcity. By showcasing testimonials, case studies, and other examples of satisfied customers, you can create the perception that your product is in high demand and increase its desirability among your audience.

Overall, creating a sense of scarcity is a powerful way to drive demand and increase sales in the online high-ticket sales space. By following in the footsteps of Cleopatra and using scarcity to your advantage, you can achieve greater success and generate more revenue for your business.

#5 Demonstrate Value

One way Cleopatra demonstrated value to her prospects was by promoting her textiles and garments as superior to those produced in other regions. She had access to rare and exotic materials, such as Egyptian cotton and silks, and her weavers and artisans were renowned for their skills and attention to detail.

To showcase the quality and value of her textiles, Cleopatra would often host fashion shows and display her products on mannequins, providing close-up views of the intricate designs and high-quality materials. She would also invite potential customers to observe the weaving process and speak with her artisans, giving them an inside look at the care and craftsmanship that went into each piece.

By providing these types of demonstrations, Cleopatra was able to establish a reputation for producing the finest textiles in the region. Her customers trusted her to provide high-quality products that were both beautiful and durable, and many were willing to pay a premium for her goods.

In the context of online high-ticket sales, demonstrating value requires a similar approach. By highlighting the unique features and benefits of your products, and providing detailed information about their quality and performance, you can establish yourself as a trusted provider of high-value goods and services.

For example, you might use detailed product descriptions, high-quality images and videos, and customer testimonials to showcase the quality and value of your products. You might also offer free trials or demonstrations, allowing potential customers to experience the value of your product firsthand.

By demonstrating the value of your products in these ways, you can build trust and establish yourself as a reputable provider of high-quality goods and services. This can help you close more high-ticket sales, build customer loyalty, and achieve long-term success in the online marketplace.


In conclusion, Cleopatra was a masterful salesperson who used a variety of strategies to win over her prospects and close high-ticket sales. Today, these strategies remain just as relevant in the world of online high-ticket sales. By applying these same principles to your own business, you can establish yourself as a trusted provider of high-value goods and services, build lasting relationships with your customers, and achieve long-term success in the competitive online marketplace.

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Ramona Fernandez

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    Ramona FernandezWritten by Ramona Fernandez

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