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4 Other Ways to Earn $20,000 Per Month From Home

It’s 7 p.m., and you’ve just returned home. You walk into your living room and sit on the couch, fatigued and eager to unwind after a long day of hard work.

By Vasilica FlorinPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

When you take your phone out of your pocket to check social media, you notice that someone is attempting to connect with you on Instagram. You look at the message, and it isn’t from a friend. It’s not even someone you know; it’s just another marketing genius attempting to sell you something.

You get those kinds of communications on a daily basis, and you examine his link out of curiosity.

It takes you directly to his website. It’s a very long sales page in which he tries to tell you how to escape the 9–5 and create the life of your dreams. He “wants” to teach you how to make a lot of money doing whatever you want on social media from the comfort of your own home.

Obviously, he is eager to teach you all of this for the low price of $2500, which you are expected to pay right away, with no promise of results or any form of refund. You know how it goes: he sells the idea that entrepreneurship is simple and that anyone can do it with little to no effort.

That is not true; it is a falsehood. And you’re aware of it. You are aware that in order to become an entrepreneur and genuinely thrive, a significant amount of effort is required, with the exception of a few examples in which the entrepreneur is either fortunate or begins at the appropriate time and in the correct industry. However, that is a “once in a lifetime” opportunity.

To become an entrepreneur, you must be willing to work more than 60 hours per week, sacrifice friends, family, and, most importantly, hobbies and recreation.

We’re discussing high-risk, high-reward scenarios. Entrepreneurs risk everything to create exceptional items in the aim of making a profit. These gurus have no idea what it takes to be an entrepreneur, and they offer you the false notion that you can become one with no effort.

Is it even worth it to be an entrepreneur? Here’s the reality. For the vast majority of people, entrepreneurship is a waste of time. You will not be successful until you are really fascinated with accomplishment, generating outstanding value, and freedom. You could establish a little brand and earn around $40,000 per year, but nothing major.

The problem is, there are numerous advantages to being an entrepreneur… Financial Independence When you are successful as an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to do anything you want, whenever you want. You can manage your internet enterprises remotely, which is especially useful for small businesses.

Many successful young individuals are nomads who travel the world while earning enormous sums of money. Don’t even think about the cost anymore. This is grossly under appreciated. It’s very satisfying to go shopping and not have to worry about the price. You just buy items without taking track of the price or caring about maxing out your credit card.

Take care of your family and friends. When you own a business, you can provide for your family in ways that most individuals cannot. You can let them quit their jobs, buy them a car or even a house, and provide them with the life they have always deserved.

Contribute to the community If you are interested in assisting charities and foundations, entrepreneurship will provide you with this opportunity. Many individuals believe that money is “the root of all evil” or something along those lines. However, without money, the impact you can have on the world is extremely limited. You need money if you truly want to alter the world.

Is it truly necessary to become an entrepreneur? So all of these benefits are incredible, right? You don’t have to answer to anyone; you choose when to work and when to play; you work for yourself; it’s fantastic! Is entrepreneurship, however, the only way to achieve this?

No, it does not. There are alternative, less dangerous methods to achieve spectacular achievement without putting everything on the line. They are unquestionably less profitable, but they will serve the majority of people and can still earn you millions and millions of dollars. I’m about to tell you about the top entrepreneurship options that anyone can try.

If you think, act, and work as an entrepreneur but are afraid of taking risks. Here’s another option: intrapreneurship. This is essentially the same as being an entrepreneur, but within the organization, and you may have multiple responsibilities. Following are some examples:

COO is an abbreviation for Chief Operating Officer, and it is usually the number two position in a firm. The COO is in charge of the day-to-day administrative and operational functions of a company. He is also known as senior vice president and reports directly to the CEO. He collaborates closely with the founder and earns a lot of money. CTO versus CIO

CTO is an abbreviation for chief technology officer, whereas CIO is an abbreviation for chief information officer. They are fairly comparable and simple to grasp. The CTO, for example, is in charge of technology and develops applicable policy. He is in charge of the company’s technology demands as well as research and development. The CTO frequently reports to the CIO, who has a very similar function, and frequently reports to the CEO. Cfo stands for chief financial officer, and he is in charge of the company’s financial operations.

He evidently collaborates extensively with accountants and advisors to determine whether investments are worthwhile, how to boost profitability, manage tax, and other issues.

As a result, he must deal with financial planning and cash flow on a daily basis.

CMO This is most likely the most interesting to most young people. CMO is an abbreviation for chief marketing officer, and this individual is in charge of all marketing efforts. Marketers, particularly in the twenty-first century, have risen to a position of prominence in business, owing to the importance of marketing in any organization.

The CMO bears significant obligations as well, as he or she might mean the difference between a successful and unsuccessful marketing effort. Is intrapreneurship right for you?

Except for you, no one knows the solution. The issue is, intrapreneurs don’t get much recognition, and they’re more common than you may expect. For example, Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, was an intrapreneur for a long time.

As you are surely aware, Jobs was ousted from his role as CEO of Apple in 1985. Meanwhile, he founded other companies such as Pixar, but he eventually returned to Apple as an intrapreneur and received a large portion of the company’s equity.

To put things into perspective, Steve Ballmer was hired by Bill Gates at Microsoft in 1980 and went on to become the world’s richest intrapreneur. He also became the CEO of Microsoft before stepping down from the board later on. His net worth is estimated to be $74.1 billion.

You are an excellent candidate for intrapreneurship if you meet the following criteria:

• You think like a business owner. You are constantly looking for new methods to make more money, improve the product, and solve problems in novel ways. • You work as an entrepreneur, putting in 60 to 100 hour weeks. • You innovate and are motivated by results. You are solution-oriented and an excellent problem solver.

• You act as if the company is yours. Intrapreneurs, like entrepreneurs, safeguard the brand.

• You don’t want to put everything on the line and risk everything in order to become an entrepreneur or founder. Intrapreneurship is a very significant topic because most people are unaware that this alternative exists, and it may be a viable one for a lot of people. But it isn’t all. There are other lesser choices for making big money without needing to become an entrepreneur. Here are a few examples:

Sales Working in sales is NOT suitable for everyone.

It takes guts and dedication to become a salesperson and interact with hundreds of people on a daily basis. When selling, you must become accustomed to being rejected on a daily basis. You must grasp how and why consumers buy in the first place, as well as how to entice them to buy as frequently as feasible.

As a salesperson, you can make a lot of money, especially since you’re generally compensated based on performance. That is, the better you are, the more money you will make. As a salesperson, you can easily earn a six-figure salary.

If you’re extroverted or like to test your limitations, sales is for you.

Sales can help you become more confident, social, and persuasive. It will teach you how to be charismatic, how to interact with others, and how to persuade others to do what you want. If you believe you have what it takes to create relationships with customers and persuade them to buy, you should seriously explore a career in sales.


A solopreneur is similar to an entrepreneur, except he or she does everything on his or her own. A solopreneur must manage all areas of his business, from the legal to the financial. He is also solely responsible for his company. This is a major benefit for some people.

This option is for you if you enjoy working alone and want to be completely accountable for everything that happens in your firm.

Even if you have some limitations as a solopreneur, you can still make six figures, if not seven.


A freelancer is similar to a solopreneur in that he has fewer responsibilities and solely sells services. There are numerous forms of freelancing activities to pick from, such as video production, video editing, color grading, audio engineering, producer, writer, copywriter, salesman, and many more.

There are several more distinctions between a freelancer and a solopreneur, and they are primarily related to business models and limitations. As a freelancer, you have fewer earning prospects, yet you can potentially earn $100,000 or more each year.

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Vasilica Florin

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    Vasilica FlorinWritten by Vasilica Florin

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