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3 Habits That Keep Me From Going Crazy

"I felt like I was losing my mind"

By Davlin KnightPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
3 Habits That Keep Me From Going Crazy
Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Lately, I’ve felt like I’m going crazy.

But, instead of panicking and going to the nearest hospital to sign my life away, I have reinforced three habits daily. I have already been practicing these habits, but slacking off and spending more time worrying about the problems, which in turn makes me start to feel a little unhinged.

Which is okay, we all feel this way sometimes. We feel like our life is going in complete circles and that our problems are only repeating themselves, even after being solved for the fifth time.

Finances, relationships, and work is causing us all mental exhaustion to the point we laugh instead of crying. It’s okay.

To keep myself at bay, I have started doing three habits that have all helped me feel saner. And worry less.

Trust in God

If you don’t believe in God, that is okay, but that doesn’t mean you don’t believe His word. God’s scripture is everywhere and is in the daily messages we receive. You might not realize it, but it is.

And there is a scripture for every problem you face in life.

I follow a daily devotional and each one reads the situation I am in. It’s right on time with what I need to hear to deal with problems that are attempting to sap my energy and kill my spirit.

Lately, every devotional has been about having hope and not losing it, even when the world seems to be ending.

There’s a story of Jesus on a boat with his disciples. A storm started to brew, and Jesus was asleep on a pillow. Not knowing what to do, the disciples began to panic, thinking the boat would capsize.

“WE ARE GOING TO DROWN.” They screamed

Jesus woke up right when it felt like things were over and sent the storm away.

Peace be still. And it was calm.

“Where is your faith?” He asked the disciples.

You see, the disciples began to lose faith in Jesus when the storm arrived. They thought Jesus wasn’t aware of the predicament ahead. Instead of believing He was already working on it and no harm would come to them. We should believe that Jesus is going to take care of our problems in the same way. He’s always with us and listening.

We shouldn’t panic and scream, “WE ARE GOING TO DROWN!”

But instead, trust that God is dealing with the problem, even when we think it’s over. And that there will be peace.

So, yes, trusting in God is a habit I practice daily.

You can download an app called Glorify if you would like daily devotionals as well.

Exercise/Self-Care/ Meditate

Working out has helped to keep me busy and give me a goal. I also feel 100x more confident when I know I am in shape. In the past, I lacked a lot of self-confidence and was constantly paranoid that everyone was judging my body image when I went outside. But getting in shape has helped me to feel better about the way I look.

Speaking of looks, I am big on self-care. There is no shame in taking care of your face and body. Just don’t get super obsessive with spending money on face cream believing it’ll make you less “ugly” like I did.

I mean, I was spending hundreds searching for an appearance that wasn’t there, and no amount of scrubbing was going to help. It was only after I realized the stress was causing my ance, that it finally went away.

Keeping a standard self-care routine will help soothe your body and mind. You deserve it after all your hard work, don’t let anyone tell you differently.

So after a long day, try to do a nice stretch and meditate in a quiet room. Run a hot bath with a soothing scent and enjoy a hot cup of tea to reset your mind and body.

Also, don’t forget to drink lots of water throughout the day.

In With The New, Out With The Old

Remember when I said we can sometimes feel our problems repeat, even after being solved for the fifth time?

Well, the same can be said about bad habits.

Smoking, drinking, masturbating, or stealing. We all have bad habits. And we promise that we aren’t going to do them again, after doing them. It's an exhausting cycle and hard to break.

Still, getting rid of these bad habits will make you feel so much better.

As a follower of God, I have to make it a mission to follow in his footsteps. Which is easier said than done. I am constantly in a battle with my bad habits and I feel exhausted after promising not to do them, just to do them and ask for forgiveness. It’s an annoying cycle, that can make me feel like I’m losing it, but I will defeat it.

It just takes making the first step in the right direction. You might fall, but all that matters is if you choose to get up and turn around or continue going.

Those are three habits I practice daily to keep my sanity. You don’t have to follow mine, but can instead create your own. Anything to ground you back on earth and make you feel okay.

It’s okay to feel a little crazy, but know that in the end, you’ll be okay.


About the Creator

Davlin Knight

Just an awkward guy with lots to share!

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