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17 Best Topics For Quantitative Research

Find the top research or Ph.D. thesis topics for Quantitative research.

By Khan JohnPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
17 Best Topics For Quantitative Research

Unless you have done research independently, it is impossible for you to pursue a high level of education. Drafting research papers makes you better at understanding, analyzing, observing, and come up with a new dimension of the topic of your research. It enhances your knowledge and skills regarding your research and makes you view it in a wider picture.

But most importantly, before conducting your research, you need to make an important decision regarding the research methodology. The methodology of your research could either be qualitative or quantitative, though it is not an obligation and research could require both methods as well.

However, there are many instances in which a conclusion is easily derived from quantitative research. Before you learn about the best topic for quantitative research, it is important for you to understand the true meaning of it. So let’s start with the definition.

What is Quantitative research?

It is a kind of research, in which there is a systematic empirical investigation of the observable phenomena of interest. This phenomenon can be observed in various ways like computational, statistical, or mathematical techniques. Whatever research you do, the data you collect will be in numerical form. Data in such a form gives you an unbiased result.

What is the Importance of quantitative research?

The primary reason why we do quantitative research is to collect data from a sample. The sample results are then generalized to a population. To generate a hypothesis, we must do quantitative research. The most reliable method to do it by conducting a survey.

This is by far the best method researchers use for their quantitative research. It helps the researcher to understand completely, the outcome of the study being conducted. Furthermore, it provides dependable evidence to generate a hypothesis. Hence, it makes the study more credible and reliable.

So when other researchers do the same kind of research, quantitative research serves as a baseline for them. So, it becomes an inevitable part of any research.

Four most common method of data collection

Below are mentioned most used methods of data collection. You can use any of these and use them while conducting your research.

1. A questionnaire:

The most common and easy method using a questionnaire for data collection. A questionnaire is a series of questions related to the topic of your research which you distribute in your sample. The kind of questions asked is mainly in the form of multiple-choice questions. But sometimes, if the research demands proper answers, then short answers questions can also be incorporated into the questionnaire.

It is very important to make the questionnaire in easy and simple language, understandable by the sample. Such a questionnaire gives a more positive response. Then according to the achieved result from the questionnaire. You generate a hypothesis.

2. Conducting offline and online surveys

There are several pros and cons of conducting a survey.

Pros: it is an efficient, cost-effective, time saving, and authentic way of collecting data

Cons: it gives limited information and if people do not answer correctly, it affects the result of the study and eventually leads to inaccurate data.

3. Interviews

This is basically a session between the participant and the researcher. The interview can take two forms, structured or unstructured. A structured interview has a set of questions that the researcher asks. An unstructured interview is more of a conversational type of interview. This type of interview tends to gather more information as the researcher can ask more flexible questions and is not bound by anything.

Interviews are both cost-effective and less time-consuming methods of collecting information and knowledge regarding the topic.

It has some pros and cons as well.

Pros: apart from being cost-effective, it gives information in-depth, questions are more flexible when compared to a questionnaire. It also tends to clarify the answers of the participants.

Cons: sometimes, interviewing can take time as one person at a time is interviewed mostly. If it is an unstructured interview, it can be difficult to quantify.

4. Observation and sampling

Data can also be collecting by just observing. This process of collecting data through observation and then creating sample groups of those observations is extremely accurate.

Best quantitative research topics

To be honest, this question is very vague. This is due to the fact that there are limitless topics. The kind of topic you want depends on your interest, the places where you can do study, available resources, and a lot more other things. But still, we have an amazing list of topics you can do your research on.

  1. What role does ethics play in psychological research?
  2. What are the advantages of social education?
  3. What are the causes of sexually transmitted diseases?
  4. Why is STD rising?
  5. Can Monkeys be counted as the carriers of AIDS?
  6. Attention deficit syndrome is a myth or reality?
  7. How sleep disorders impact the health of an individual?
  8. How screening for cancer can be helpful?
  9. Can stem cells reduce the deaths occurring from a heart attack?
  10. Do breastfeeding improves baby health?
  11. Can eating a lot lead to death?
  12. Effect of smoking on mental health?
  13. Which factors motivate society for sexual harassment?
  14. What can be done to minimize radioactive waste?
  15. Why is SEO important
  16. Effects of online plagiarism checkers and grammar checkers on students
  17. What are the reasons to use Google Apps?
  18. Does the history of a country influence its culture?

Struggling to get the best topic for your Quantitative research?

Are you still finding it hard to decide your topic? Don’t worry, because the internet is full of experts who provide guidance regarding this. These experts have been helping students by providing an unmatched level of quality before the submission deadline of the research.

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About the Creator

Khan John

I write about NSFW AI Scene and everything that is happening in the AI NSFW including recent developments. Contact me : Twitter, or an email at: [email protected]

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