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10 Signs That You Do Not Like Your Job Anymore

And that you should be open to a change.

By Ryan MillerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
10 Signs That You Do Not Like Your Job Anymore
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

If you do not like your job anymore, you need to change something to evolve. Changes are often difficult, but if you see each change as a new opportunity, you may get easier over it. Perhaps the chosen profession is not what you dreamed of, but that should not prevent you from choosing anything else now! First of all, find out if you want a domain change!

In this article, I will provide you with a list of 10 signs that you do not like your job anymore.

You are bored:

It is a big problem if you are bored with a job. This means that there are several wrong factors:

  • there are now new things you can learn
  • you don't like your workmates anymore
  • the profession does not suit you

A good piece of advice is to get involved in many things and try to keep yourself occupied. Otherwise, if you cannot perform this, you need to perform a bigger change.

You do not care about what you are doing:

If you do not care what you are doing, it means that you are not motivated at all, and so, you cannot be focused on the results. You just perform your regular tasks and most likely do a sloppy job, because there are no consequences.

You have the impression that what you do is useless:

If you have the impression that what you do is useless, it means that you do not receive the appreciation you deserve, and the work you have to perform is not so important. In this case, there is a problem with the leadership or with the job itself. Work hard and struggle to get into a new position, or leave.

The thought of moving forward in your career gives you creeps:

You have worked hard to achieve your goals and get rewarded. If a better position means more and more work but does not allow you to also evolve professionally, you need to look for a new job, if you want to become better.

You're afraid to get out of bed in the morning:

You feel that you do not have the strength and motivation to get out of bed in the morning. This means that something is wrong at the job, most likely, you need to face very bad situations or you do not like how the management is handling some things.

You feel that you are constantly struggling:

If you are the ambitious type but do not manage to stay happy at the job, it means you either do not like what you do, or you do not get properly motivated and rewarded. You should wait a little bit longer and if nothing changes, you need to look for a job somewhere else.

You do not see yourself doing this for another year:

If you don't see continuing here for another year, it means that you either don't feel motivated or you work too hard for what you earn. Or, the atmosphere is really bad.

You have no idea why you are doing what you are doing:

Well, if you have no idea why you are doing what you are doing, it means that you don't like what you do at the job or you have crossed some lines and done things that you thought you should not do.

You spend almost every day without working:

If you waste time at the office and wait for the day to end and to go home, it's a certain sign that you should be doing something else, if you want to evolve. Or at least somewhere else.

You are envious of your friends who are passionate about their jobs:

If you are envious of your friends that love their jobs, it means that you need to find a more motivating workplace. This means that you are the competitive type and do not appreciate that others evolve and you stay at the same level. You can become better professionally only if you work in a place you feel you should fight and work hard.


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My pen name is Ryan Miller. I am a Linux Sysadmin, writing hobbyist, father, and husband. I mostly write non-fiction on Vocal, Medium, and my blogs.

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About the Creator

Ryan Miller

Yin & Yang | Happy. Positive. Half Graphics Enthusiast, Half Tech Savvy. Copy Writer. Leader. Magnetic Person. Living Human Being. Dreamer. Crazy 100%.

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