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waiting for the summer

waiting for the summer

By THOMAS BRUNKERPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

On the street, people are constantly shuttling in the hot sun, I slowly moved, waiting for the summer heat slowly dissipated. Looking out, my father was standing in the crowd, waiting for me after school. My father often told me that the scenery is on the road, to slow down and enjoy. However, I rarely look closely at my father, the most beautiful "scenery" on the road of life. Slowly, slowly, I approached him. Dad has entered middle age, slightly bloated, in the crowd, not tall, he had to stand on tiptoe, turn his dry eyes a few circles to barely look this way. He was at times restless, like a small sailboat entering the waves, swaying helplessly. Fat he naturally can not hold on for long, had to give up. After he stood firm, he tried to lift his head, like an unyielding old tree, and stood up. When did the hot-tempered man become so patient? How does he hold on when his days are over? The street lamp inadvertently lit up, melting in the thick dark purple. I no longer hesitate, I weighed the bag, ran out, looked at the face covered with sweat, dark skin in the light appears soft and just. As soon as my father took my schoolbag, he stepped on the electric car. After getting on the car, I looked up at my father and suddenly found that my father's back had begun to camel, and the hair on the back of his head was like the gray crops after being harvested. Crow's feet began to eat away at him, his stubborn head splitting the night and leading the light on. The weight of life bent his shoulders. "Home," he said softly. "It's all right, home." He repeated it. I was numb for a moment, took the bag, went upstairs. The years went by and my father grew old. I pray that I can do more for my father, even if it is just to give him a cup of hot tea when he is tired, bring him warmth; Or when his father was unhappy, he told his father about the funny things that happened at school to bring him laughter... I hope that at any time, I can always stay by his side, advance and retreat with him, and cherish every little thing with my father. I entered the house, lying near the window, and saw a long dark figure pulled by the street lamp, like an old bear, standing on the concrete floor. He slowly moved his steps closer to the stairwell, the sound of dull steps in his ears, and the landscape had flowed into the dark shadows. Father is still moving forward on the road of life, as a person on the road, I no longer worry, continue to move forward on the road of life. He stood in the sun, arms outstretched, smiling, smiling. I hope, time slow, years long flow; I wish I could be with my father all the way as I am now.Sweet sleep all night, drive away the fatigue of the journey, the day just Ma Ma bright, I begged my cousin to take me to the field to play. We walked in the winding field path, a fresh air coming, I breathed greedily, the heart suddenly felt the silk of pleasure. Looking from a distance, a faint red cloud hung in the horizon, in front of a piece of green fields, thin morning fog like the wisps of soft gauze, floating in the green fields, lingering in the brown field path, to the morning painted with a layer of ethereal charming color. Birds chirped in the poplar trees along the road, as if to welcome me, a small guest who had just come from the city. What a beautiful morning scene of my hometown! I really want to become a giant, with long arms to embrace the whole field. Oh, my shoes are wet, my pants are wet, where did the water come from? I crouched down and put my hand into the grass by the side of the road. Ah, my hands are wet too. Suddenly, a cool feeling rose in my heart, I found that the green grass is covered with beads of water. Oh, it was the morning dew that got my feet and pants wet. I lay down in the grass and watched. A crystal crystal dew quietly lying on the green leaves, some in the middle of the green leaves, some on the edge of the green leaves, some actually hanging on the tip of the leaf, shaking, glittering and translucent to drop, a twinkle, like the silly fat doll is naughty blinking this pair of shining eyes, lovely. I gently took off a dew-covered leaf, carefully held it in my hand, opened my eyes and watched it carefully. The biggest is like a pea, the small is like a sesame. Through this little pearl ball, the green leaves that had not been clearly venated could be seen, and even the very, very fine "blood vessels" on the leaves could be seen clearly. I could not help blowing gently on the shining dewdrops, but they were scattered like broken jade. Now, I hold in my hand is only a green leaf, the bud of those small drops of water all disappeared, and this green leaf also lost the crystal luster. Oh, the drops of water also have such a role, making the flowers more beautiful and colorful. I stood in front of the dew, as if I had entered a fresh world, my whole body and mind seemed to have been purified, purified into a exquisite dew. The bright red sun rose slowly from the east, and the "morning curtain" was not known to be secretly opened by anyone, and I looked for the dew on the rolling green leaves, but there was no more. Oh, the dew's life is so short! But it uses this short life to add fresh and pure to the morning, and gives people a bright world with its small body. "We should go home." My cousin's words awakened me from my meditation, and I was reluctant to part from this intoxicating home field.


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