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Meet Andrea Lawrence with the Colbert Questionnaire

15 Questions and You'll Be Known

By Andrea LawrencePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Photo source: Kaboompics .com

Learning More About a Writer

The following is a list of questions late-night TV host Stephen Colbert uses to get to know celebrities.

No, I’m not a celebrity. I like these questions. I think they might help people to get to know me. The questions are entertaining.

Who is Andrea Lawrence? A freelance writer specializing in dating and romance articles. She also writes recipes, garden and interior design articles, album reviews, astrology breakdowns, poetry, and so much more. As a journalist, she wrote about true crime stories, politics, and international affairs, though that was under a different name. She may one day return to writing about more serious topics.

The Questionnaire

1. Best sandwich? My go-to is a simple turkey, tomato, cheese, and lettuce on wheat or white. I’m also partial to grilled cheese.

2. What’s one thing you own that you really should throw out? I have a whole collection of CDs and cassette tapes. Many of the cassette tapes were mixed creations put together in childhood. I have no interest to listen to those. I’m not even sure if I have something that can play cassettes.

3. What is the scariest animal? The creatures at the bottom of the ocean, not a specific one… just all of them.

4. Apples or oranges? Apples. It’s an incredibly versatile fruit. Also, apple juice tastes amazing on plane rides. Magic happens in the air to make apple juice taste better.

5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? Yes. Nobuo Uematsu. The famed composer of the Final Fantasy games. Still amazed that I got to be in his presence. That was a great day.

6. What do you think happens when we die? I think the afterlife is varied. I think about philosophy and religion all the time. When I’m brave, I look up neuroscience articles and read about near death experiences. There could be many heavens out there. I think many things are possible. My hope is that you get to reunite with your loved ones. I have a strong feeling you reunite with people.

7. Favorite action movie? Tough call… The Matrix was groundbreaking. The first Kill Bill still gets my attention. If Princess Mononoke counts… that one hits on a deep level. Gladiator is perfection. But if we’re talking action movies strictly in the sense of Die Hard… I guess Speed.

8. Favorite smell? A warm apple candle is very pleasing. I also like vanilla, pumpkin, and oranges.

9. Least favorite smell? Dog poo. Hate that smell. Makes me gag. Even just thinking about it…

10. Exercise: worth it? Yes. I should do it more. Exercise is extremely important. The sedentary lifestyle is very dangerous; it’s really hard on your heart.

11. Flat or sparkling? If we’re talking water, flat. I love a cold glass of filtered water. Sparkling juice is decadent.

12. Most used app on your phone? It’s boring but probably the classic Notes app. I like it as a mini typewriter.

13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it? I don’t think I could handle that. One song only for the rest of my life would be insufferable. Maybe the score to Dune, if I’m allowed to cheat with that. The waltz in Howl’s Moving Castle… for sentimental reasons. Could I pick an entire symphony, you know, for length?

14. What number am I thinking of? 3. Triangles, trifectas, and triforces. Kind of like bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.

15. Describe the rest of your life in 5 words? Pain, growth, acceptance, equanimity, curiosity.

*** *** ***

First published on Medium.


About the Creator

Andrea Lawrence

Freelance writer. Undergrad in Digital Film and Mass Media. Master's in English Creative Writing. Spent six years working as a journalist. Owns one dog and two cats.

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