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10 things that can ruin a first impression immediately.

Spreading the light concisely

By Edison ModisePublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Scientists have proven that we form our first impression about someone within the first seven seconds of meeting them, and certain factors can instantly make or break it. To leave a good first impression, it's important to be mindful of our behavior and presentation. Let's explore 10 things that can ruin a first impression immediately.

1. Being late

While your best friend might kid you that you're always so fashionably late, there's nothing to joke about when it comes to first impressions and being tardy. Running late to a meeting with people you don't know or have a formal relationship with will shed a guaranteed negative light on you. Being late to a meeting shows unreliability and lack of respect for others' time. Arrive on time to avoid appearing unorganized and unfocused. Improve time management skills to be punctual.

2. The wrong attire

Whether we like it or not, people do judge a book by its cover. And remember, they do it within few seconds of setting eyes on us! There's not much you can say within this time, which proves that a lot of assumptions people make are based purely on looks. First impressions are formed almost instantly based on appearance. A large percentage of the first impression is based on looks. Conservative clothing, being polished, and avoiding heavy perfume or excessive makeup is recommended.

3. A weak handshake

One of the most critical aspects of a first impression, particularly in a job interview, is a firm handshake. A weak handshake is a first impression killer, indicating shyness, anxiety, disinterest, or incompetence. Grip the other person's hand firmly for no longer than two seconds. A strong handshake conveys confidence and capability.

4. Avoiding eye contact

Maintaining eye contact during a conversation has a powerful influence on how others perceive you. Maintaining eye contact during a conversation shows confidence, attentiveness, intelligence, and trustworthiness. Avoiding eye contact can make you appear insincere, anxious, and unattractive. Lock eyes with the person from time to time, especially when meeting them for the first time.

5. Keeping your hands in the wrong position

The position of your hands can convey a lot about your intentions. Keep hands on your lap instead of in pockets, which gives the impression of hiding something. Avoid squeezing hands tightly or placing palms flat on the table, as it can make people feel controlled. Consider cultural differences, as hand folding on the table may be considered rude in certain countries.

7. Constantly checking your phone

In the age of social media and 24/7 access to the internet, we've become addicted to our gadgets. Checking your phone during a conversation is impolite and gives the impression of disinterest. Even having the phone on the table can reduce conversation quality and engagement. Keep the phone in your bag or pocket to maintain focus and respect.

8. Making distracting noises

We've all probably been in a room with someone who constantly taps their foot or fingers, or drums their pen on the desk! And if you do any of these things, you're not only annoying everyone (no offense), but you're also giving them the wrong impression about you. Tapping, foot-tapping, and pen-drumming can annoy others and indicate nervousness or impatience. Cracking knuckles is one of the most annoying sounds. Control nervous tapping, especially during important meetings or presentations.

9. Invading someone's personal space

Respecting personal space is essential in any interaction. Respect personal space based on the relationship and situation. Stand a minimum of four feet away when meeting someone for the first time. Find a happy medium to avoid being perceived as aggressive or uninterested.

10. Picking the wrong conversation topics

To avoid uncomfortable situations and awkward silences, it is crucial to steer clear of taboo topics during initial interactions. Avoid taboo topics like health problems, money, religion, politics, or personal complaints. Be attentive to the other person and avoid focusing solely on yourself. Good listening skills are highly appreciated.

Remember, making a positive first impression is essential. By being aware of these factors and making conscious choices, you can leave a lasting impression.


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