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You Learn the Most Important Life Lessons Too Late

But it's never too late.

By Ozzy MurrayPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
You Learn the Most Important Life Lessons Too Late
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Imagine having only one hour to live. Maybe you're too old, and your biological clock is tired of ringing. Or you may be seriously ill and know that the end is near.

There are real people next to you. You think about the life you lived. You've been living for a long time, so you understand that you've had enough time on this earth - maybe 80 years.

And yet, for some reason, you feel that time has been wasted. You want to do a lot more… A lot.

When you think about your life, some things won't bother you at all:

How prudent and practical you were. You will not look back and say, "You know what, my pragmatism was unprecedented. I could have done something more interesting in my life - for example, starting a dream business, going on a trip around the world, or starting a non-profit organization - but I'm proud of my health. thanks to which I spent my whole life as an accountant with a stable salary.

I paid loans and taxes on time. Other life options would be a higher risk and I am glad that I chose the most predictable and safest path, although devoid of passion and joy. "

You managed to avoid human ridicule. Again, you will not think about the end of life: "The comfort of avoiding being judged for non-standard ideas outweighs the pleasure of realizing, of bringing these ideas to life."

You managed to keep up with your neighbors (colleagues, acquaintances…). At the end of your life, you won't care about the opinions of people you didn't even like. You won't be disappointed if you also bought a Lexus, which you managed to earn from your interesting job as a "sales analyst" or something.

It sounds funny, but it worries you all the time, as life goes on. Many (but not all) spend most of their lives focusing on things that will make no sense when life ends.

My remedy for this? I think about death all the time. For example, if today was my last day on earth, and I spent it like this: when I woke up, I immediately started complaining about the weather outside, and then I went to work, which I hate. and when I got home, I spent all evening on TV, even though I wanted to go for a walk. This is probably the most miserable way to spend the last 24 hours of your life, isn't it?

No one can escape the meaningless drama that our lives sometimes turn into, but I try to remind myself as often as possible that I am mortal, and that allows me to do those things that will matter when my life is over.

Such as:

Do what you love and practice creative thinking.

I like writing. This is the only thing I spend my time on when I don't want to do anything. I don't need a million dollars to do what I love. I can do it right now and get satisfaction from it.

You influence something or someone and leave behind a legacy.

I plan to leave a legacy in the form of manuscripts. Even if I die today, my great-grandchildren will be able to see a glimpse into my life through my work. I think it's very nice.

Be a good person.

I just want to bring joy to my loved ones with my actions. My goal is to be a wonderful husband, father, son, friend, and more. This task should be our top priority because neither financial success nor career means anything if a rotten heart beats inside you - it just means that you have failed. Paranoid, alone banker is a loser, even if he has a huge bank account because it cost him his soul.

I do what I could be proud of if I had to look back on my life and wonder how I lived it.

I'm not perfect, but I accept that and this is my first step towards real life.


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