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Words without meaning.

Year after year, we are still playing scrabble.

By Fabio BaxterPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc, Tic...

The inability to feel deeply degrades a person. I write this to share what is and will continue to be the essentials. I stand and with a spine, promise not to use words that are thieves. Nor will I structure or manipulate a group of words to burry truth. At the end, I pray that like me, you too will be able to swallow the sun with a smile. I present this in a manner I’ve judged to be productive. Although the draft and its revisions could’ve been of quality, they lacked conviction and confidence. What you are reading is not what you could have read, and that is for your sake. I call attention to living and its current state. The state of the lives we live, and the state of our lives in the shadows when the sun is law. At this moment, the best can be better and what’s good is “enough”. I hope what is evidently absurd be absurd, so it can be named and avoided for the sake of creation and its process. To believe a celebratory observance or a halfhearted praise of the great pillars of civilization, is a suitable substitute for constant protection and maintenance is criminal. That is a dangerous belief to have because it breeds a hate even love itself shames. So, what is the root of it all? … is the root of it all. An ambiguous and universal will without a probate that draws a will to question itself. A question without an answer can be borne, so long as it is not infuriatingly redundant. After all, what the loaned ear asks to be compensated with is ordered chaos. Why have a tongue or knowledge of language, and abuse a privilege such as communication? My love for words cannot be worded and when words dance well, I attribute to their dance a word we believe an exuberate rainforest embodies. Moreover, there are certain things we cannot know why we don’t know. One of them is life after living. If what lies beyond can only be found beyond physical existence, why pose the question? Perhaps asking why there is a will and why most people pretend there isn’t one, is a way to be useful. The adventure offered to the person that tries to answer why there is a being that wills, is far more an enlightening experience and will momentarily satisfy father time. Unfortunately, it will not stop him or his wondering eyes. The ones who accept the adventure are blessed with a savory gift. A present terribly wrapped in time. Those who feel otherwise prepare for an imaginary after. Quite honestly, is it not favorable to make the incorrect educated guess and be left better educated? What is a "Belief," if it is not that exaggerated, but without an instantiation? To be graced with the present and its informative moments is life preserving, and only a life preserved can pose questions to expand life. Failing at or after an attempt, is suddenly desirable when confronted with the consequences of failing to be selfish. Failing to understand being selfless towards oneself is the prerequisite for generosity. The selfish person that is selfless in a truth preserving way is loved fearingly. However, we have made the existence of such a person expendable. The expendables were once a group of selfless essentials. Today, they are betrayed and gifted roses with poisonous thorns. Passion is a dense reason to be unaware and staying that way. Nonetheless, it empowers the orchestra of thoughts and unfortunately, we believe the tree of ideas can only be scenic because of its branches and leaves.


About the Creator

Fabio Baxter

Philosopher and Writer.

I and the breadth of my knowledge is too vast to be conceived in one breath.

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