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Why I Love Disney As An Adult

It's not just for kids.

By Emily McDonaldPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Why I Love Disney As An Adult
Photo by pan xiaozhen on Unsplash

Disneyland, Disneyworld, and Disney as a whole has typically been viewed as a thing or place for children. I’ve heard people before say they wouldn’t want to go unless they had kids to take with them. I’ve never quite understood this. Maybe it’s because I’ve grown up going to Disney, always watching the movies and singing the songs. Maybe it’s because I know the first time my mom went she was 21. All I know is, to me, Disney is a place and thing for everyone.

When I am on my way to Disneyland, I am a child again. All of the wonder, the imagination, the curiosity of childhood comes flooding back. I am in a dream. When I am at Disneyland, I am in my own world. An incredible world where anything and everything is possible, there is no stress, no anxiety, no care in the world.

My mom and I typically take our Mother Daughter trips to Disneyland. This is one place we both love so deeply that we can really just relax, remember what having fun is all about, and experience so much through the day that we sleep like babies at night. Even though I have been to Disneyland a ton of times, each time is just as magical as the last. You will always have a different experience. Something will always be different that makes your jaw drop. Sometimes it’s seeing a different character out and about, other times it’s a new show they’ve magically put together, or trying out a new ride.

A lot of the time, people are surprised that I am stoked to go to disney as a 25 year old with just my mom. I’m always surprised that they’re surprised. Why wouldn’t I? My mom and I are best friends, and Disneyland is the Happiest Place On Earth.

I remember one time we went, I was 17. I was in treatment for an eating disorder at the time. We both needed to get away from all of the doctors appointments, the therapy, all of it. I remember the staff at the treatment facility were worried because of the amount of walking that goes along with Disneyland and all of that. However, even though my anxiety was bad and I was heavily in my disorder, I was actually able to relax. I didn’t mind the crowds, I ate pretzels, I snacked. I didn’t worry about anything because I was in my element. I was so happy and carefree.

When I’m at Disneyland, I am the happiest, most patient version of myself. 45 minute wait times? Pfft, who cares. Long line for a Dole Whip? Sold. Long walk to the ride you want? When can we start the trek?! Plus, everyone else that I’ve encountered there is just as happy, relaxed and carefree as I am. It’s literally a whole other world. People are so calm, so patient, just thrilled to be there.

Are there downsides? Of course. Yes, it’s expensive. Yes there are tons of people. But you know what? If you decide you are going to have a great time, you will. You can bring in your own snacks and save money. You don’t have to buy any souvenirs (though you will be tempted). Just bring yourself and someone you love and you’re bound to have a blast. Even Downtown Disney is a blast to venture in.

Here’s my point in all of this. Disneyland is not just for kids. Disneyland is really for anybody that wants to reconnect with their inner child. People that love the magic that fills the parks. Honestly, I hate fireworks. They’re pretty but they’re loud and make me anxious. At Disneyland I will happily stand shoulder to shoulder with a stranger to watch them on Mainstreet at night. No joke. It’s just true magic. If you went as a child and are “waiting to have kids to take” don’t wait any longer. If you can, go now! Explore what it’s like as an adult! Even the kid rides! We always go on Peter Pan, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, Snow White, all of it. It is just as magical as the first time, I promise.

Let your inner child out, allow yourself to be curious and be immersed in the magic that is Disney.


About the Creator

Emily McDonald

27, fur mom, mental health focus. I'm also a fitness and lifestyle blogger. I hope you enjoy the content!

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