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Who is "Unidentified Writer"

You probably don't know me

By Unidentified WriterPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Who is "Unidentified Writer"
Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash

At this point you're probably wondering how on earth did you end up wandering off on this page, and you're most likely in the right as far as reconsidering the righteousness of your consideration. This is the beginning of a normal looking journey in which you will neither be the hero nor the villain. So if you enjoy the sound of ill-sounding puns and bad-looking crosswords you actually may have landed yourself a home run.

It all started about two dozen of years ago when we weren't all so grown up and dreaming was still a relevant thing in our every day life. Racism, political biased and general masochism was still quite dominant in our every day life if not culture. At this point I wasn't much apart of society but as we will realize neither am still I. If you can't read across the lines you will definitely not be able to understand much of who I am, or what am I doing this for, but that's kind of the point.

I was raised in a middle class family in the suburbs of Europe. By then life wasn't as hard some would say, but some are full of themselves now, aren't they? Life went on and I developed an averse taste for adversity as the usual parenting that kept on bringing me and my peers down wasn't cutting it. Have you ever felt as if your destiny is more about fighting off your family rather than embracing your creator?

There will be different characters from which you shall be able to identify, in which case I shall not receive your dire wrath, or not identify and in which scenario I may run for the hills. One of them was an American who had ended up living in a tiny 10 feet square room, right next to my what was my so called living barracks. I shall not reveal his actual name but rather a fictions pseudo "J". He was raised in a mafia-like environment whose roots weren't so explained to me as I was just his frugal neighbor. He taught me how to enjoy cigarettes and a certain brand of beer that I also shall keep concealed.

J, unlike many of his friends, wasn't looking forward to his retirement, as his living state was already at an advanced stage which allowed him to try his best to enjoy his day to day life while still keeping a keen eye on his new friendly neighbor. As I'd gotten to know him I wasn't too sure where this was going but I did end up taking a swift look at his post-mortem testimony. From what it seemed he wasn't too wealthy and his looks weren't so prone to give him the benefit of the doubts, but he was still living under a warm roof without the worry of how to keep the water running.

J will teach us how life depicts itself along our life as we keep on marching among the mere mortals who are made of our brothers and sisters. Around 2016 he passed away from some terminal cancer that he would not have been able to fight off, at least not on his own, since his brother actually had already passed away from a drug overdose in the adjacent apartment.

If you've kept up with me so far, and this story actually met the required characteristics to end up at the under your nose, then we shall be back to keep on learning more about how I ended up trapped in an oblivious, yet quite real reality of unborn, dead and still breathing humans.

If you're expecting more on J don't keep your hopes too high as J is not apart of our living world anymore, at least not under our actual living form. If you want to see more of us, share, like and support "Unidentified Writer" as we are apart of this just as much as the water that's running around your walls.


About the Creator

Unidentified Writer

I write for the love of life and the hate of despair.

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