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When life brings you to your knees

When you take things for granted

By Takudzwa DembePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
When life brings you to your knees
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

It is amazing how in this thing we call life that people take the good things that come along their way for granted. The worst mistake that you can ever do in life is to overstate or exaggerate your position in someone's life, as you might lose them if you take their love and support for granted. I have gone through this cycle in what feels like a million times. It is only when I shut the door on people when they realise the value and impact that I had towards their life.

Does any one also go through this as well? Are relationships, friendships and companionships all a passing phase that are meant to fizzle out once their worth is exhausted? These are all questions that many human beings have been longing answers for. I wish they was a way to reach our forefathers to get the answers or get clarity as they would have figured out the truth about life through learned experience. It is extremely frustrating that after people realise that the grass is not greener on the other side that is when they are willing to come back and graze on the pastures that they took for granted. If you look back to the dawn of time, many empires and strong households have crumbled because of lack of communication as well as transparency. A war that has been fought for decades can be ended by 30 minutes of good communication, that is the power that communication holds. I can not emphasise enough the significance that good communication has to the progression of relationships.

I could go on in circles and beat around the bush but this story is inspired by a situation that happened between a close friend of mine and his ex wife. The two lovebirds first met each other in a miraculous way, one would say they were soulmates fated to bump into each other. Both were going through dark times at a personal level, but against all odds they found love in a hopeless place. The two were battling past trauma, horrible experiences from past relationships and many other obstacles. The lady became the pillar of the relationship, because one of them had to step up in order for the relationship to work. They fell in love, got married and had beautiful children. The man now had it all and many of his friends including myself told him that he had won the lottery and scored the jackpot.

Overwhelmed with all the success and the happiness that life was providing, the spirit regression dwelled on the man and he started to self-sabotage his chance at finding the happiness he had always longed for. He started to engage in excessive drinking, smoking and would go on benders for weeks. After putting up a long fight for the marriage, the wife finally hung up her boots and left the man, taking the children with her.

The man sobered up as soon as he lost everything and drowned in sorrows of what was once his paradise now just burnt into ashes. He reached out to friends and family members that he had neglected for support. When it finally sank in that he had lost it all that is when he started reminiscing on the amazing family he had and how he had taken everything for granted. He grabbed his car keys in a rush and drove as far as he could without a specific location in mind, thinking about ending it all. Finally he had broke and life had brought him to his knees. He decided to make one last phone call before going through the act. At this stage he was convinced that nothing could possibly change his mind. His little daughter picked up the phone and said "Hello dad, is that you"........................To be continued


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