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What to Do to Make Your Boyfriend More Romantic

Is your partner romantic?

By Romario SellersPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
What to Do to Make Your Boyfriend More Romantic
Photo by Joanna Nix-Walkup on Unsplash

My boyfriend doesn't give me flowers, although I like them! Probably every girl will come to think of it at some point! Are you annoyed by his lack of romance, appreciation, nice gestures? Rest assured - you are by no means the only one who does not receive such attention, nor is it a major problem in a couple (there are so many more serious ones)…

Maybe you'll say, "Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT ain't for me either. You should know that a boy or a man usually thinks of such romantic gestures only if:

  • it's an anniversary and the flowers are the easiest and most handy to pick up (or have no other idea);
  • he feels guilty about something (even if you don't know what it's about) or after an argument;
  •  he is reminded repeatedly and not as subtly as you would like some flowers;
  •  you are at the beginning and are struggling to look romantic and attentive to conquer you;
  •  he wants to bring you to his bed;

My boyfriend doesn't give me flowers, although I like them! Be happy if he understands you, is by your side, supports you, listens to you (at least halfway)! These are the real important things, and details such as flower giving do not necessarily have a major significance.

For boys/men, these gestures are syrupy, useless, childish - what do you need flowers for? He probably tells you, when you try to allude to flowers: "I don't need to give you flowers to see that I love you"! That's what he thinks, being sure that you understand this and on the one hand, he's right!

However, a boy will never really think of himself to surprise you with flowers, except in the above situations. Sure, at first he may make such cute gestures, but his lead will slow down quickly.

Maybe even you are to blame, maybe you even told him at the beginning, wanting to impress him: "for me, superficial things don't matter"! And from his perspective, nothing is more superficial than flowers.

Show them that such gestures clearly matter to you - but here too you will encounter a little difficulty. Namely - even if you try to make allusions, to tell him subtly how much you like flowers and how romantic it seems to you to receive flowers, he may not listen to you, not receive the message.

He listens to you, but he usually has his mind elsewhere, on "really important things"! So he will keep about half of everything you tell him - in happy cases. Have you ever had a hard time setting something up - for example, going to X at Y - and before the set date, he would innocently ask you, "When did we talk about this"?!

The key, in a discussion with your boyfriend, especially when it comes to "superficial, unimportant" things like flowers, is repetition!

My boyfriend doesn't give me flowers, although I do like them - what can you try:

  • Allusions are as clear and repetitive as possible. You have to consider that you sent him a message and he received it as such and only memorized it after you repeated it at least three times! It's not that he doesn't care about you or he doesn't care what you say, but guys/men are constantly preoccupied with something else, they are rarely 100% attentive to what you say there… So make as many allusions as possible: "How beautiful the freesias are", "how I miss the smell of freesias", "I saw some such freesias today"…
  • Comparisons. Boys and men can't stand to be compared to others - especially if they come out of that comparison badly! So try these methods: tell her that your friend's boyfriend gave her a bouquet of roses and how happy your friend was then. Praise your girlfriend's boyfriend, admire her romance and involvement and your boyfriend will feel obligated to show you that he can be romantic too! A comparison with a more intense effect, but which must be approached with care: the one with an ex-friend of yours. But be careful not to upset him and make him jealous. What can you do? He pretends to have found "by mistake" a box in which you keep old memories, with dried flower petals, tell him that you kept it as a memory, that they are flowers from a long time ago… He will ask you "why damn you keep something like that "! You call him innocent because it means a lot to you (and any girl) to receive flowers and they are dear memories - but tell him that for him, you will throw the box and that you only want memories from him…
  • Reward. Does your boyfriend never give you flowers? Be honest, on your birthday, March 8, your birthday - it still gives you another bouquet, right? Well, when he offers you flowers, no matter how rare, he overreacts! Be very happy, praise him for his romantic gesture, tell him how cute he is, and eventually, reward him… in bed! He will understand that women are impressed by such things and if he receives something in return, he will have every interest in repeating the gesture!
  • Story. Have you tried what is said above and you still have the problem that your boyfriend does not give you flowers? Invent a little story - be careful not to make him too jealous. Come home or to a meeting with him holding a small flower in his hand (nothing impressive, just a nice flower) and telling him that a stranger approached you, told you that you are beautiful,l and gave you the flower! But that's it - he'll ask you "and then?" then, tell him that you just left, that you didn't continue the conversation with the mysterious stranger, that you told him that you have a boyfriend and you're done! He will be jealous, he will ask you why you kept the flower, and now it is your turn to tell him: "it is a beautiful gesture, I love flowers and if you, my boyfriend, rarely give me flowers, why not I keep - because I receive Easter every year "!
  • Explain it. If you still have the problem "my boyfriend doesn't give me flowers, even though I like them", you can try, although he may not understand you, to explain to him how much it matters for girls and women seems unimportant! Tell her that this is a small gesture that shows for a girl that you think about her, that you care about her, that you appreciate her, and that you love her. All this with one flower! He won't understand, but he can remember the essentials - if he wants to surprise you, he has to bring you flowers!


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