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What Is the Circle of Control.How to Use It to Stop Feeling ?

Circle of life

By Paramjeet kaurPublished about a year ago 5 min read

What Is the Circle of Control?

Anything that causes us anxiety or worry is symbolised by the Circle of Concern. We don't really have much control over these problems. Everything we can influence or influence in some way is represented by the Circle of Influence. Typically, your Circle of Concern is enclosed within your Circle of Influence, presenting you with a situation you are worried about but unable to change.

Where Should You Focus Your Energy on?

The model enables us to decide where to concentrate our time and efforts. The Circle of Influence is the inner circle, and the Circle of Concern is the outside circle. The Circle of Concern grows when your Circle of Influence decreases, and the reverse is true when your Circle of Influence increases.Making adjustments more effectively can be achieved by concentrating your efforts on areas that you can change.

Your Circle of Influence grows as a result. The Circle of Influence, however, gets smaller when you exert your energy on things that are beyond of your control.Spending time worrying about all the things you cannot control is useless. You spend all of your time, energy, and peace of mind on such things, and you never have enough of these to concentrate on the good things like development, hope, and confidence, among other things.

The Circle of Concern, Influence, and Control

Let's start with the things that matter most to a single person. It's called the "Circle of Concern" It includes each of the "Big Three" topics.

Circle of Concern

Your Circle of Concern comprises everything external, such as war, politics, pandemics, weather, etc., as shown by the straightforward graphical representation. Everything that is significant to a particular person is shown. These includes elements that one can influence and have some control over. The Circle of Concern, by its very nature, will always comprise many things outside of a person's influence or control. [1] For instance, despite having little control over it, most individuals worry about the weather and how it impacts their daily life.

Circle of Influence

Humans are social beings, thus another person's Circle of Concern could have an impact on theirs. Their Circle of Influence is based on the calibre of their relationships and interactions with other people. The Circle of Influence can be seen in your team's actions, the workplace culture at your organisation, your chances of getting promoted, etc. If you're worried about the long work hours (Circle of Concern), the Circle of Influence asks how you might lighten the workload. An good technique for efficiently allocating your time and energy is the Circle of Influence. It might enhance your productivity, personal development, and general enjoyment of life.

Circle of Control

Your response to these occurrences outside of your control is a circle of control. The circle of control is made up of your thoughts, behaviour, and zeal. You have the ability to influence these things. Regardless of whether other people concur or not, what we can directly cause to happen as a result of our decisions is what we mean by "control." This is the only relationship that our Circle of Control can have with ourselves, and even then, only with our aware self. What is the cause of this?

Why Is the Circle of Control Important?

Today, it is clear that we should spend the majority of our time and effort on things that fall within our sphere of influence. We ought to be conscious of our Circle of Influence and spend some time there. We must pay great attention and interact with other people and communities every day.

On the other side, the Circle of Concern needs to be disregarded. We ought to make an effort to have no control over it. Naturally, it's simpler said than done. This way of thinking is helpful for more than just overcoming anxiety. It's a wise principle to abide by in many facets of your life. What better way to increase productivity than to spend less time on activities that are out of your control?

Proactive Mindset vs Reactive Mindset

People with initiative—those you want to be around—are constantly on the lookout for others who have a larger Circle of Influence. Reactive persons, however, give in to their negative beliefs in response to outside circumstances. It's crucial to adopt a proactive mindset if you want to increase your attention, productivity, and connections.You may be familiar with the proverb "Like attracts like."

People with initiative—those you want to be around—are constantly on the lookout for others who have a larger Circle of Influence. They avoid those who spread negativity. If you want to attract all the good in life, it's critical to recognise the type of Circle of Influence you have and make the required attitude adjustments.

Those who are proactive avoid those who

Boosting Focus and Productivity

Your worries naturally decrease when you know where to focus your attention and where to search. You also become more productive as a result, as you stop worrying about issues that are out of your control. Another benefit of employing the circle of control is improved attention. Things that matter and that you have control over continue to receive your full focus! You become more effective and productive as a result in all facets of your life.

Improving Mental Wellness

The most challenging part of contemplating ambiguous circumstances is the moment when you start to spiral. You feel much worse because your imagination continues rehearsing the worst-case scenario. Selecting a course of action that you have control over may be advantageous in this situation.

In my experience, doing something positive forces you to concentrate on it and ends the cycle. Physical activity also aids in the discharge of some tension.Happiness is the biggest benefit of worrying less. That is, at the very least, a worthwhile endeavour. So take a moment to think about your possibilities. How much time do you spend working with people in your circle of influence?


About the Creator

Paramjeet kaur

Hey people! I am my own person and I love blogging because I just love to share the small Stories

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