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What happened

Black book

By Christine EdwardsPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Where am I?

My name is Chris Spaulding. I am a little concerned because, I don’t know where I am, or even how did I get here?


Chris looks at his current surrounding, and it consists of Chris being strapped into a bed. Chris started to think, Chris Spaulding believe it’s a hospital, because Chris see health charts on the walls. The walls are light blue, and the bed is gray. Chris keep asking the nurses what happened, but instead of anyone answering any of Chris questions, Chris keep getting ignored.


A person walked into the room wearing a completely different outfit. Chris had asked excuse me Mrs! Can you tell me who are you, and where am I? She stated my name is Dr. Collins, and your located at Hollows hospital. Dr. Collins begins to conduct (Chris believe) a physical examination. However Dr. Collins began to ask Chris questions of what medication you are taking, and are you a drinker. Chris had told Dr. Collins, I only drink for special occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or even work related events. Dr. Collins stated under your medication Chris, you should never had any type of alcohol. Chris had shouted Excuse me! What medication! Dr. Collins pulled out a black book from Chris jeans. Chris had told Dr. Collins, that the black book was not mine. Dr. Collins said name is in the book, with six different substances, and 6 different dates. Dr. Collins than stated that this is the reason your in this situation. Chris asked the Dr Collins what do you mean? Dr. Collins was real blunt. This hospital, and being on this floor. Your labeled under substances abuse, and you were stuck in a comma. Chris had to interrupt Dr Collins. Chris had another outburst. Chris yelled How long was I in a comma? Dr Collins said it been just under a year. Dr. Collins continued to discuss even worse news. The doctor said Chris you may not make a full recovery, so you may not remember every event. Dr Collins said since ou kept shaking from going through withdrawal, that you had to be strapped in. Chris was in shock, and just couldn’t believe it.

So Chris had asked the doctor, can I have my belongings and this mysterious black book. Dr. Collins had asked Chris one more question first. Dr . Collins had asked Chris what was the last thing you could remember? Chris said now laughing. Than Chris told the Dr. Collins that it was our anniversary with my wife Rachel. Dr. Collins handed Chris the cellphone which was dead, clothes, and one shoe. Chris wasn’t worried about the missing shoe. Chris had just wanted to make a phone call. Chris had asked if he could borrow a charger. Dr. Collins gave Chris hers to use. Chris asked doctor Collins to let everyone know he was awake. Doctor Collins looked at Chris strange. Chris had asked what was wrong.. Dr. Collins said.. I’m sorry but you don’t have anyone here, and no one listed in this black book. Chris looked into the book. Chris noticed the writing did not match. Chris tells Dr. Collins the hand writing wasn’t his, and that he do not know how this was in his possession.


The last entry in the book was Chris birthdate. The date April 10th. Next line was I love you

Another question had struck Chris. Chris yelled to Dr Collins. Why would I say I love you to myself? Like I had said this is not my book.

Dr. Collins became in disbelief. Dr. Collins stated the drugs that was found Chris system was written in the book. Dr. Collins asked a second question. Dr. Collins asked So who do you know, or be around?. The police walked into the room.


Chris asked the police. Excuse me, how can I help you officers? The officer stated I am police officer Sho, and this my partner Drew. The officers said they just have a few questions. Chris asked was I in trouble, because questions seems more like a interrogation. The police officer Sho said they just wanted to confirm the facts of what they know dealing with the black book. The Officer seem to be trying to piece together what may have happened. Officer Sho said you must have someone in your life. The last entry was your birthday correct?. Chris said “yes, however I never went through that book

Officer Drew had said ok that’s fine, but can you just answer what these dates that’s written may mean. Officer Sho asked about October 14th. Than officer Drew asked about August 13th. Chris jumped, and said that October the 14th was when I moved out with Rachel. Chris said I married Rachael in 6 months. Rachel was a gorgeous brunette that always wore hot pink lipsticks. Rachel, and I, had rescued a dog from the shelter by a Chinese shop. On August 13th, Rachel and I went to the Shrink Casino. We had hit big playing the slot machine.

The police officer asked do I still live with Rachel. Chris paused and had remembered that Rachel had moved out. Chris stated no unfortunately. The officer Drew asked what had happened? Chris told her “well, Rachel stated she had a problem with being away from her mom. Rachel said family emergency. Officer Sho stated he sorry to hear that, however do you know when she’ll be back. All Chris could say was no. Officer Drew asked politely, Chris do you happen to know where her parents live. Chris had responded no, however last thing I knew was they were in the hospital somewhere downtown. Officer Sho responded with a thank you. Now Chris had started to become little annoyed with the questions. So Chris had shouted, what is the issue?

Officer Drew paused than said all those dates in this mysterious black book, a Place was rob.

Officer Sho said Nov 12th, Dec 25th, and July 5th. Chris where were you? Chris said the 12th we went to our favorite restaurant, which is Lee Chinese shop. The 25th is my favorite holiday, and the first time I tried to cook for Rachel. Chris said the July 5th was the day our dog had to be put down. Chris could tell by the look on officer Drew face she was bothered. So Chris asked “don’t tell me there were other cases Of theft. Officer Drew looked Chris straight in the eyes and said yes. Officer Sho said that last year there were 6 different times dealing with theft. Officer Drew said she can’t figure out the last page, which was a drawing, and a number. Chris asked can I see the page. The page just had a price 225$ listed. Chris said that was how much it cost Rachel to put our dog down. Officer Drew said sorry. Chris said don’t be, the dog kept biting.

Officer Drew said the Chinese spot was robbed, across the street the shelter was robbed. and Chris your favorite holiday was a hack job that struck the airports. Officer Sho said we need to talk with Rachel. Dr. Collins handed Chris his phone. Chris turned on the phone the notifications was going off. The officer Sho asked what was the sound. Chris said it was the notifications, that they were text messages, and voice-mails. Officer Drew asked to listen. Chris started the voice-mail with the phone placed on speaker. The voice-mail had started. The first one said your divorce is finalized. Chris froze. Dr. Collins jumped in, and said remember your memory going to be messy after all those medications with alcohol. The second voice-mail said Chris there is a emergency, your parents were in accident. Chris broke down. 3rd message said im sorry Chris. Chris throws the phone. Officer Drew asked Chris be cooking. Chris crying said Rachel. Officer Drew said I believe look in the cabinet, or were you hold your cooking supplies, just a hunch. Chris threw his key. Officer Drew said I believe Rachael was drugging Chris. The officers left the room heading to Chris apartment.


The Officers at Chris apartment. Officer Sho went straight to the kitchen. Officer Drew was calling narcotics division. The narcotics started testing. Officers was throwing every spice toward narcotics team. Narcotics team pulled 6 bottles, and said those containerst are lethal. The narcotic team was stunned, than said if used in small dosages it will take time before takes affect. Officer Sho started writing everything down, than looked at Officer Drew , and said this was premeditated. The officers headed back to the hospital. Officers walked into Chris room. Officer Drew told dr Collins and Chris what they had found. Dr. Collins told Chris he was free to go. Officer Sho told Chris we confiscated the illegal substance from your apartment. Chris headed home with a chip on his shoulder. Chris was upset. Chris made it to his apartment, and he sees the stuffed dog. Chris threw the dog, and it had cracked. Money poured out the stuffed dog with a note. I love you with the date July 5th.


Chris was stunned to silence. Chris had thought this surprise was the end until Chris turned the note over. There were instructions. Step 1 call leo numbers, which is 854.555.555. Step 2 grab the prepaid phone out the fridge. Step 3 take a trip to Canada. Step 4 I didn’t try to kill you.

Chris was still in shock because of all the money. Chris gathered himself, and use the prepaid phone, which was on the top shelf behind the milk. Chris had called the number, and asked real politely is this Leo? A man responded yes this is Leo, and is this Chris? Chris had responded with yes sir, I was told to call this number. Leo responded with a yes, I was expecting your call, please meet me outside in 10 minutes. Chris grabbed all his belongings, and met Leo outside. Leo passed Chris a blank envelope. Chris had opened the envelope which had a new id with addressed him living in Canada. Leo had brought a new approach Leo said Rachel love you Chris, however the feds was close on Rachel tale. So Rachel needed you as a diversion. Chris had asked how could I be a diversion. Leo said where going to the train, and when I drop you off Chris don’t look back. Leo gave him his jacket.


Chris on the train. Chris looked into his jacket, there was a additional 20,000$ with a note of congratulations brother in law, with even more instructions. Step 1 go into room 3. Step 2 throw out the jacket, and put on the hot pink jacket, and I don’t care you don’t like pink. Step 3 don’t argue go to the last cart. Chris followed every step, even though Chris hates the color pink. Chris stood out. When Chris made it to the last cart there Rachel was. His wife Rachel to take Chris home. Chris in emotional shock. Chris filled with joy. Rachel immediately tried to apologize, however Chris didn’t want to hear anything. Chris was just so happy Rachel was there. Rachel finally had a chance to get a sentence out. Rachel said the house is paid for and we have even more money at the house stored away. Rachel than discussed how we will have to keep up the appearances by having a part time job. Rachel said we are still married, and I take commitment seriously. Rachel pulled out a camera than took off her fleece. She yelled selfie to take a picture. They both are wearing hot pink. Rachel celebrates with a Scream, and said this selfish going on the wall at our new house.

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