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What does it mean to be gay?

"Two, Four, Six, Eight! How Do You Know Your Kids Are Straight?" LGBT slogan

By AlexandraPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

It’s the 21th century but people still question gay community, and I’m not even talking about some countries which openly discriminate it! There is so much stigma, myths, and simply, negativity towards us but all that comes from bald rejection as a result of “millions” of unanswered questions.

Why are you gay? What does it feel like being gay? You never want to have kids? Were you born gay? Who is the man in your relationship? Oh and how do you guys have sex? Those are probably the most frequently asked and most annoying questions, and what I’m going to do is I’m going to talk out loud from our beautiful community and answer them. Let’s start!

1. Why are you gay?

Think about how would you answer the question why are you not gay? Because you think the opposite sex is attractive? Or may be it’s because you used to being surrounded with families where there is a man and a women raising their kids together and you attracted to the idea of doing the same? Well, people are different and we don’t question each other about simple obvious things like our race, religion, or sexual preferences. So, the answer is gay people are gay because this is what they like, choose for themselves, and believe in.

2. What does it feels like being gay?

Surprisingly for you it feels absolutely fine! The only thing that really effects gay people is others who think that being gay is not normal. Unfortunately conservative minds is still a core of the society. The influence of closed-minded mentality spreads on whole generations and causes huge social problem such as discrimination. It forces gay people to feel different when growing up. The consequences of it leave negative impact and can lead into communication problems. So, let’s not forget that we are who we are, and accepting it will raise a better generation of open minded, understanding people with a moderate life style.

3. You never want to have kids?

Gay people are just regular people which means that we have the same wishes, dreams and ambitions like everyone else does and creating a family is one of the most desirable dreams for us. Luckly the 21st century has a lot to offer: artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood, and the old-fashioned way is adoption. Believe it, there are many gay people who create a healthy, strong family that you might get jealous of!

4. Were you born gay?

This is probably the most popular question asked by people who don’t feel comfortable to ask a straight forward question “when did you got to know you are gay”. Just so you know most people realize they are gay since childhood. It usually start with curiosity and grows into attraction. Once you become older this attraction become platonic. There is no scientific proof that homosexuality is genetic, or it acquired as a result of growing up surrounding. This is why it can’t be cured or changed.

5. Who is the man in your relationship?

What image do you have in your mind when asking this question? You picture one partner cook, clean and do laundry and another working, paying bills and changing a light bulb when it burns out? If this is how you view relationship, then how about a man who like to cook and a women who prefer to fix the broken draw rather then clean? Of course every relationship is unique and develop individualy but at first it’s a partnership between two people where they define what they want to be responsible for based on their personal abilities. There is no such thing as “being a man or not” in gay relationship. Togetherness is a key.

6. How do you guys have sex?

Dear people, the definition of sex is not based on just stamens and pestles. Let’s be a little more progressive a say that sex is more than just that and should bring pleasure to your partner first of all. According to studies sex is 50 percent more pleasurable among lesbians and gay men then it is among straight couples.What does that tell you about our sexual relationships?


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