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Victony Tells Nancy Isime Major Lesson He Learned From His Car Accident

The singer reflects on the horrible accident

By Jide OkonjoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Nigerian musician Anthony Victor popularly known to the world as Victony is reflecting on the accident that almost took his life last year and left him in a wheel chair for months.

For those who don't know, the life-threatening accident happened on the 26th of April, 2021. He and his friend Doyin were in the car when it got involved in a ghastly accident that unfortunately took the life of his friend Doyin. On the 26th of April this year, Victony took to social media to reflect on a year since the accident saying:

On this day last year, everyone feared for my life. I lived in the dark for a while, as I kept drawing strength from God & the Outlaws. Together we reversed the darkest times of my life into a blessing, look how far we’ve come. Today symbolizes Victory for all OUTLAWS

After such a life-altering and almost fatal incident like this, there must be some lessons that the singer has taken away from the incident. During an interview with HipTV's Trending, actress and personality Nancy Isime asked him about any lessons that the ghastly accident has taught him. Here is what the talented musician said.

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Nancy Isime and Victony on HipTV

Speaking during a conversation on HipTV's #Trending, Nancy Isime and Victony talked about the singer's ghastly accident and any lessons he learned. Here is how that discussion went:

Nancy: What lessons did the accident that occurred teach you?

Victony: Hmmm. It just made me pay attention to you know, the little things that I would normally ignore. You know, before the accident, I was always on the go. I'd go to school and back. I'd go to the studio. I wouldn't spend time with my family. You know, all that stuff. (After) it happened, I'd stare at my family and be like "Yo, so I would have never seen these faces again." When I look at my friends, I'm like I should really spend more time with them. So it made me more attentive to the little details in my life and just slow down a bit and just look at life from a different angle.

Nancy: They say when something happens, your life flashes before your eyes. Did you have that moment?

Victony: Nah I didn't. It just happened mehn, it just happened.

Nancy: What do you want Victony to be remembered for? What legacy would you like to leave?

Victony: I don't know if it's too early to stay but with what just happened, being on a wheelchair, and still doing everything I did, I feel like that's what I want to be remembered for. That guy who did not let his situation get the best of him.

We're all so happy to still have Victony here with us. There is a lot to learn from such an experience and I'm happy he's sharing these valuable lessons with the world. To take time and really appreciate family, friends, loved ones, because no matter how urgent the grind and hustle is, those loved ones are what matter at the end of the day and should never be taken for granted.

What do you think about what Victony said? Let me know what you think by leaving a comment on my Jide Okonjo Facebook post.

That's All.

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Until next time, have a wonderful rest of your day.


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