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True Wellbeing

It's not about weight, it's about vibrations

By Dea KronykaPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Painting by Nalina Devi -

You know, I feel like losing weight is never the goal. It is never the goal.

The true important part is wellbeing, which is to truly feel good in your body, your temple.

The goal is for you to be feeling amazing, feeling perfect, feeling satisfied... feeling love, bliss, full of energy and of pure alkaline vibrations.

Of course, I've lost weight since I'm in Arbonne because I take care of my frequency, I take care of my body and I take care of my health. I use amazing products for energy that are alkaline instead of acidic. They have really high vibrational energy, you know, like fizz sticks, hydration and vegan protein. Any products that we have is beneficial for the organs, skin, cognitive functions and emotions. So, obviously, that all plays a part in my wellbeing, in who I am and in how my body looks now. But it also plays a big role in how I feel emotionally and mentally. So it's really priceless in the way it affects my internal world too.

Obviously the whole "just losing weight" is not my thing. I know that a lot of companies focus on that in the wellness field. But I don't think that's mentally a good aim for us. I think the important part in Wellness is the wellbeing. How do you feel about yourself? What do you think about yourself? How good do you feel inside your body?

There is two self images, and your self image within (the one in your soul) is twice as important as the self image outside (the one that you see in the mirror). Therefore yes, be healthy and exercise and do whatever you can to feel good. But don't deprive yourself without changing your mental patterns, it is as much an internal process as an external one. We're not into counting calories or not eating or whatever, even in our nutrition program it's about eating intuitively and understand your own body. It's about eating things that will make you feel amazing. It's about listening to your body and discovering your body, your mind, your soul, and your emotions.

That's what it is truly about. Not losing weight.

You can have a goal, of course, but the important part is how you feel. How do you feel? That is what we focus on during the 30 days.

What we care about with all of our products, even if it's skincare or personal hygiene, it's always for you to be feeling great, for your benefit. There's always a result with our plant based products. It's not just for fun and games, it actually gives wonderful results. Amazing tastes in our nutrition, amazing textures in our bodycare. They produce results inside and outside of you, they make you healthier from the inside out by helping your organs, your cells as well as your cognitive functions, your skin, etc. They help with everything in your body and it reflects outside of your body. Holistic health and wellness is our priority (holistic meaning the interconnectness of all things).

I think that's way more important, you know?

If we refocus here on nutrition, we realize it is so convoluted. Nutrition is a really interesting subject. Mainly because is so complex, depending on who you're talking to, there's always different things going on, right? And the reason for that is simple, all of our bodies are really different.

Yes, we're made the same way. We sort of have the same patron. But we're all really unique and the way our cells interact with each other is different for each person. It's like there's a universe within you and then there's a universe within me and they might respond slightly differently to different kinds of foods, energies and elements that are introduced to them.

I think eating with your intuition is the best thing that you can do because your body will naturally guide you to what you should eat. Your body has an Intelligence and it is not really recognized, but it does.

For me, personally, the main important things are proteins, fruits and veggies. And I highly highly highly recommend vegan protein instead of animal protein, okay? Because plants are alive and they carry really powerfully that vibration and for a longer time, so I definitely recommend our vegan protein (made from yellow peas, cranberries and brown rice).

For fruits and vegetables I recommend organic ones from the Earth. They have high vibrations, pure vibrations. The ones that you plants, the ones from farms that are well-intentioned, or/and cold pressed powders blends we offer, high in antioxidants. Pure things, no chemicals. That's the basis to me.

After that, it's prebiotics, probiotics and enzymes, anything that has that is great. You can get our gut health supplements as well if that's your thing. That definitely helps me a lot but I work in that field so that's a given.

Just be mindful of what you choose, be aligned with the energy.

Apart from that, you go with your intuition because your body is different than mine. I can't tell you exactly what would please it, but your body knows, so listen to it.

I don't mean your mind, I really mean your body because sometimes your mind wants to go toward fast food for that instant gratification. It is numbing for the mind and this is why we're so attracted to fast food and drugs and anything that helps people cope with life.

But true bliss is in long term wellbeing. So I highly recommend listening to your body instead. Listening to your soul and to what it really craves and feed that with love.

Water is the most important. Drink the most alkaline you can find like Spring Water, natural water, Keegan water, filtered water, or whatever you got, try to go for the purest one. If you live in nature and have natural springs or clear wells it's perfect. Choose water with a lot of minerals, a lot of movement. Where water spirals and creates movement, that's amazing for your frequency.

Be conscious of what you ingest.

It's very important. It affects everything. Everything you come in contact with either raises your vibration or lowers it. And it's important to have a high state of vibration, of high frequency, because that protects you from low vibrations and most diseases are low vibrations.

So I once again recommend listening to yourself with love. To your higher self, to your body, your soul.

When it comes to choosing things, high vibes always win. Whether is it nutrition, water, people you chill with, thoughts you think, things you listen to and watch. Sound and light are also very important. What you see and hear affects you a lot.


30% of your health is your nutrition and products used on yourself or your environment. That other 70% is really how you feel and what you think about. So that's really interesting. It's your internal world affects greatly your vibrations. Everything affects everything.

By adding that great basis, you know, with nutrition and products, you have that strong 30% foundation done which puts you in a great position to have better thoughts, to have clarity to focus, to feel better emotionally, to react better to things that happen. You become more in an energy of love. When you have self love, you feel good about yourself and others. You eat good, you self care, you meditate and that gives you clarity, it makes you good with life, it makes you open to receiving divine messages from your higher self.

Clarity makes you know what you want and learn about it and go for it and get better. And when you get better knowledge, it breeds confidence into you and confidence in something that you care about eradicates fear. So this is an another enormous step to true wellbeing and purpose fulfillment.

That is so important.

Use that energy from both tha 30% and tha 70% to do things that are fun and elevating and in movement. Creative moments.

And find the perfect ways to soothe yourself, take care of yourself. Be comfortable, giving and receiving. Bring that focus and bring that knowledge and bring that clarity in.

Love yourself and others love, love, love all day. And find Faith instead of fear.

And once you can polish all these facets of you, then you can really work energy. Things naturally go your way. Just take the time to wonder about what do you really want. Make it so your focus is crystal clear and your intention is precise day after day after day. And the physical world has no choice but to yield to offer you that.

I've discovered a lot of this by being in Arbonne, because I'm good with energy, I understand what's going on. When I tried the products, I was like "Oh my God, right?" It changed everything for me. It eradicated all those toxins that I had been putting on myself for years. So it helped me a lot finding my way to wellbeing.

I understood my body, using amazing alkaline products, raising vibrationally, I was already feeling so great, and then I started working on the other 70%. I didn't think I would get that from Arbonne, but I did. Within that Community because we do so much personal growth. We get better at life, we get better with ourselves. We learn, we grow our minds, our spirits, our powers and innate gifts.

And I discovered every little thing that was perfect for my situation, for my life. How to grow and elevate and ascend.

So for sure it's like this whole package deal, right? That enables us to seek ourselves, find ourselves, love ourselves. Love the world and create a real impact, a legacy of light. A life of contribution and purpose and fun and pleasure and laughter and smiles and connections. True wellbeing in all areas of life.

Much love, keep elevating homies.


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About the Creator

Dea Kronyka

Artist and Wellness Consultant ♡


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