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Train of Thought

A meeting by chance

By Ashleigh HolmesPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The train station was almost deserted when Ellie Fraser stepped through the turnstiles after paying her fare. All except for an elderly man down the end under the awning. She glanced at her watch and saw her train was not for another hour and was thankful she had thought to pack her e-reader into her bag before she had left. Looking around for a spot that was comfy enough to read, she headed for the nearest seat in the shade but was still far enough to be alone.

Alone was exactly what she needed right now as her life had taken an unexpected shift when her boyfriend of three years had split up with her, just after she had lost her job.

“I can't deal with this right now” he had announced, “I need space.” He had told her, then packed his bags and left.

She could not afford the rent on her own, and with only one hundred dollars in her bank account, so here she was catching a train to her parents’ house out in the country to figure out a plan.

"Excuse me darling... do you mind if I join you? I hate being alone while waiting for the train" a soft voice interrupted her thoughts. She looked up and saw the elderly man that was earlier sitting at the other end of the station, sadly smiling at her from a metre away.

Even though Ellie preferred to be alone right now, she felt a pang of guilt when she thought of saying no, so she moved her bag closer to her to make room and replied "sure, no problem".

His blue eyes widened, and he smiled again as he sat down. I'm Alfred Jones, nice to meet you young lady' as he held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Ellie' she said, "where are you headed?"

Alfred looked sad again, "I am off to see my wife's grave, I always visit on our wedding anniversary". "She is all I had, and it's our day".

"Oh, I am sorry" stammered Ellie not knowing what to say. They both sat in silence for a few moments, until Alfred spoke up, "What about you, where are you headed?".

Ellie really did not want to share her problems with a stranger, let alone an elderly man who had lost his wife.

"Just visiting my parents, some unfortunate things have happened recently, and I need space to think."

"Oh ok, are you running away from something?" "I have a good ear, maybe it will help to talk?" Alfred said leaning in.

"Nothing like that, I promise... it's just I lost my job, have no money and my boyfriend just broke up with me. So, I have spent my last bit of money on a one-way ticket to mum and dads to figure out what next". Ellie said, tears starting to twinge her eyes. "I am sorry, it's still fresh".

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and when she looked up, Alfred must have rummaged in his bag and was now holding out a handkerchief to her.

"Oh, thank you, I am sorry. I don't mean to make a fuss" she said while taking the hankie and wiping her eyes.

"Dearie it's ok, I have been through lots in my life, and with me being eighty-seven, I have heard lots and all I can say is life will turn around for you, sooner than you know".

A train horn pierced the moment and announced the arrival of the next train, it was the one Alfred was waiting on. "That's my train, but before I go .... just give me a second" Alfred again rummaged through his worn and old bag and pulled out a ratty-looking, old black book and a pen.

Writing something down, he then closed the book. "I don't need the book anymore, but it's useful to write your thoughts down, even in the bad times," he said, handing it to her. "I wrote something in there for you, read it after I leave".

Before she could respond, the squealing breaks of the train cut through the air and Alfred picked his bag off the seat.

"Good luck dearie, I doubt we will meet again" and he waved goodbye and slowly walked to the waiting train.

Ellie was stunned, not sure what just happened, she sat down and watched the train take off down the tracks with the old man.

She looked at the old black book in her hands with curiosity but was unsure why he had given it to her. Opening to the first page she saw words that were barely legible as if they had been written years ago,

"I have lived without my wife for too long, so I am off to join her, I cannot take this with me. Use this to change your life, put it to good use. Love Alfred".

Oh my god, thought Ellie and then she saw it. After the faded words were new words written in fresh ink,

'I choose you Ellie, turn to the back page. ' Flipping to the back page there was a folded bank cheque for $20,000 where he had written Ellie's name.

"Oh my god, what is happening" she said before dropping the book in shock. Quickly realising what she had done, she picked up the book and put it in her bag, so she did not lose it. There was a lot she could do with that money, but where to start.


About the Creator

Ashleigh Holmes

Married mother of an adorable little girl who keeps me on my toes. I love art, craft, photography and food. I love to write about parenting and the trials I have struggled with, and also photography as an outlet for lifelong anxiety.

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