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Top 10 Dating Tips for Women to Land the Perfect Guy

capture the heart of Mr. Right!

By Happy Life OfficialPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

ll women have their dating styles, but some universal dating tips work no matter your approach.

Whether you're a wallflower or an outgoing party girl, these dating tips will help you land the man of your dreams and keep him interested in you for years to come.

While some of these tips may seem basic, others might surprise you and offer insight into dating that you hadn't considered before, so consider them all as you try to capture the heart of Mr. Right!

1) Don't Rush Into Things

Most women want an early commitment, but you shouldn't jump into a serious relationship if you're just getting started with dating and are still in rebound mode.

If your goal is to get married someday, don't just date one guy; date around so that you have the experience to draw from when it comes time to choose a partner.

The worst thing you can do is fall too quickly for someone who isn't suitable for you (and vice versa).

It takes time - and many dates - to find out if there's any chemistry or common ground between two people.

When it comes down to choosing a life partner, your gut should always trump your heart.

2) Get Comfortable in Your Skin

The biggest complaint I hear from single women is that they can't find a great guy because they aren't physically attracted to them.

This can make it hard for you to have an enjoyable time when you meet someone new.

To help your chances of finding Mr. Right, start by feeling good about yourself and knowing that you are already beautiful just as you are.

Realize there is no reason a man should be more attractive than you, so if he doesn't see your beauty, he isn't worth your time anyway!

3) Do Something Unusual

One of the best ways to get your crush's attention is breaking out of your shell and being bold. 

And while most women are told just to be themselves, sometimes being yourself isn't all it's cracked up to be. 

The person you want may like a few things about you, but they may love a completely different side that you haven't revealed yet. 

When making a good first impression with someone new, try doing something different from what you usually do.

 It could mean sending an offbeat text message or sending flowers without getting approval from Mom. 

By taking a risk and surprising him, you stand out in his mind - which is one way he'll remember you down the road!

4) Go Out Alone

Before you meet any guy, go out by yourself.

 Be confident, and have fun on your own - you'll be that much more attractive if you can do that. 

And while you're at it, don't worry about where he is or what he's doing; if he likes you enough to want to meet up with you, he won't be too far away! 

Also, remember: You don't have to talk about him (or anyone else) as soon as a conversation starts up; save that for later. 

Let him come to you - and trust us, it will happen! If not, find another guy!

5) Date Less, Enjoy More

Dating is a lot of fun, but it can also be exhausting. 

When you start dating someone new, it's tempting to spend every second with them (not least because there are so many ways dating apps make meeting people feel like finding an extra hour in your day). 

Resist that urge! Try seeing a few people at once and then date them by setting up double or triple dates.

 Doing so allows you more time in your schedule; it also gives you a chance to compare and contrast what makes each guy unique and decide if they're worthy of future attention (and vice versa).

6) Learn From Previous Relationships

While past relationships don't have anything to do with your current situation, they still hold valuable information. 

Please take what you learned from previous relationships and use it in your future dating endeavors. 

You may realize that men tend to like a particular hairstyle or type of woman. Think about what qualities you want out of a partner - and don't settle until you find them!

7) Stay True To Yourself

One of the most important dating tips for women is to stay true to yourself.

 Yes, you may be looking for a husband or a long-term partner, but that doesn't mean you have to go out with every guy who asks you out.

 If he isn't your type and it doesn't feel right, don't make yourself do it - you'll only end up hurt somehow. 

When someone is your true match, then you know it. It won't matter if he's rich or famous or popular; if he makes you happy and treats you well, then that man will stand out in any crowd.

8) Play Hard to Get

This is an age-old dating tip, but the harder you are to get, generally speaking, the more attractive you are. 

It's not because men necessarily want a challenge - it's that women who don't seem as available and approachable (because they aren't!) come across as more mysterious and intriguing. 

If a guy has no idea what he has to do to win your affections, he will work that much harder! 

What's important here is maintaining balance: Don't be so tricky that you scare him off entirely, but also don't make it too easy.

9) Make Him Work For It

If you're looking for a relationship, make sure you put in some effort yourself.

 You can't just wait around and expect that he'll do all of the work. 

Make him chase you: If he doesn't make it clear that he wants you, let him know you don't want him. 

Don't Wait For Him: If your dream guy is meant to be yours, then give him time and space so he can think about what he wants in life. 

Take yourself out on dates and don't feel like every other night has to be spent with him; eventually, his interest will peak when no easy options are left on his schedule!

10) Keep it Fresh

In a relationship, it's easy to slip into a routine or fall into certain habits. 

While you should have some go-to activities that you like doing together, variety is vital if you want your relationship (and sex life) to last over time.

 Challenge each other by finding new and exciting ways to bond, whether it be through new restaurants, trips, or different experiences. 

The more times your S.O. surprises you and makes an effort, the more likely they will keep doing so to make you happy!


About the Creator

Happy Life Official

I write about relationships, health, happiness, and much more to ease your life routine.

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