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To love or Be loved

What are you looking for in a relationship?

By Hikaru SmartPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Have you ever wonder, who is your best suit in a long-lasting relationship?

What kind of person do you seek for?

Someone who loves you, cherish you, care for you ? or

Someone, you love, you cherish, and you care of?

Strangely with all the measurement tools in the world, there isn't a scale that can give you the equal weight of love in a relationship. It would be perfect for him to love her and for her to love him just as equally as both would shower their love for each other.

But this is not a Perfect World. Not every relationship is equal in terms of how much love he is willing to give her and vise versa.

So what are you looking for in a relationship?

Everlasting love? Companionship?

It all depends on what you want and how much you are willing to give.

There is no equal game in love. Never fall in love in hope of never get a heartache... to love and be loved, to hate and be hated.. they are unseparated twins. You ask for it, be ready to get the whole package then.

Life is a long journey. While you are having your shortcoming, so does your the other half. We are all human. Nobody is perfect... not even in the eyes of lovers after spending half a century lifetime together.

So, if you decide to spend your life with someone you love dearly, even though knowing clearly that he or she doesn't love you but merely keep you at the side with the reason that he or she is afraid of being single and not loved; and thinking that everything is going to be perfect after you both get married that love will blossom one day in future. Then, be prepared to love him or her with endless energy as this Love need more energy than you may willing to give. Soon before you know it, you may get too tired to upkeep with his or her endless demand with no returns. Then you must willingly sacrifice everything you have to keep this relationship going, no matter what it takes. Are you ready for this?

Alright, this may be too much to ask from you. Then how about someone who loves you unconditionally. Do you see it now? Yeah... you see it, right. Now you are just playing the opposite role in the same kind of relationship. You become the person who is demanding him or her to give you all he or she has, while you are reluctant to give more in returns. So, you will never get tired and you are the one being pampered with endless love. You become the center, the one and only reason for him or her to live in this world! But, aha, I say BUT... are you ready to lose him or her when he or she is too tired to keep going? Are you ready to let him or her go when the loves are too heavy for him or her to go on? Are you ready?

No, no. Now don't get me wrong here. I am not saying it is wrong to love or be loved. Personally I just think that after observing all those relationships around me that had gone through decades and decades together. I simply come to the conclusion that it never works when a relationship is built on the foundation of "To Love" or "Be Loved". You just have to bear with lots of heartaches, nights of endless tears and sorrow, to ensure this relationship lasts to the very end. And when it does end, it was never the feeling of loss (which suppose to be) but rather a feeling of relief.

No matter how it started (the relationship), it should work on with both "To Love AND Be Loved". No matter how inequal your love is at the beginning, just work your way out to balance up the scale as much as it required to keep this relationship sweet (and slightly bitter to make it more favorable) that would last you your entire lifetime. And when it does end, there is no regret. The only feeling you ended with is thankful. Thankful for sharing your life with me.

Written by Veronica T. 28 Sept 2020.


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