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Tiptoeing at first

Embracing imperfections

By AbilioTomasPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Tiptoeing at first
Photo by Danka & Peter on Unsplash

In the depths of darkness, I once did reside,

Beneath a veil of sorrow, where I could not hide.

Social anxiety gripped me, its clutches tight,

And depression's weight engulfed me day and night.

The world outside seemed daunting, filled with fear,

Every interaction, a torment I couldn't bear.

In the crowded room, I felt all alone,

Lost in a sea of voices, in a world unknown.

But deep within my soul, a flicker burned,

A tiny spark of hope, a lesson to be learned.

For I knew within me, there was strength untapped,

A resilience that could conquer all, once unwrapped.

With trembling steps, I began my ascent,

To overcome the demons that held me, hell-bent.

I sought a path of healing, a journey to embark,

To reclaim my voice, my light, and leave my mark.

In therapy's embrace, I found solace and care,

A gentle guide who listened, helped me repair.

We unraveled the knots of anxious thought,

Reframing my perspective, new strength was wrought.

Slowly, I ventured beyond my comfort zone,

Tiptoeing at first, then with courage of my own.

I faced the mirror's gaze, looked deep into my eyes,

Embracing imperfections, bidding self-doubt goodbye.

The world became a canvas, waiting to be explored,

Each encounter a chance to grow and be restored.

I reached out to others, with trembling hands,

Shared my story's fragments, formed new bonds.

Through vulnerability's path, connections arose,

A symphony of support, where love freely flows.

I found kindred spirits, who had walked my shoes,

Together, we grew stronger, our fears we did lose.

Nature became my sanctuary, a refuge from despair,

Amidst the whispering trees, I found solace there.

The rhythm of the waves, a lullaby for my soul,

In their eternal dance, my spirit found control.

I learned to be gentle, to forgive my mistakes,

To silence the inner critic, with love's gentle embrace.

For social anxiety's grip, though fierce, could be undone,

By the power of self-acceptance, a battle hard-won.

Now, as I stand tall, no longer held by invisible chains,

I see the world anew, where hope eternally remains.

For the darkness that once consumed me, has transformed,

Into a beacon of light, guiding others through storms.

So if you find yourself drowning in anxiety's sea,

Know that you're not alone, there's a future you can see.

Reach out for a lifeline, embrace the helping hand,

And together, we'll rise, united, to reclaim our land.

For within us lies the strength to overcome,

The courage to heal, to shine beneath the sun.

Social anxiety and depression shall not define,

The essence of our being, our souls intertwine.

So let us stand together, warriors brave,

With love as our armor, our hearts unafraid.

We'll break free from the shackles, rise above the pain,

And embrace life's beauty, in its glorious refrain.

In the tapestry of life, new chapters unfold,

As I embraced the journey, my spirit grew bold.

I sought out new experiences, embraced the unknown,

Stepping outside my comfort zone, I've truly grown.

With each challenge faced, I found strength deep within,

Resilience blossoms like a wildflower in the wind.

I discovered the power of self-belief and worth,

No longer defined by the shadows that once gave birth.

Through self-care and compassion, I nurtured my soul,

Embracing the beauty of imperfections, making myself whole.

In the depths of meditation, I found peace and calm,

A sanctuary of serenity, a healing balm.

I learned to dance with vulnerability, letting my heart be seen,

Shattering the walls that kept me in between.

With authenticity as my guide, I forged connections true,

Embracing the beauty of human bonds, both old and new.

In the triumph of my journey, I found purpose anew,

To extend a helping hand to those feeling blue.

For empathy blossomed from my darkest strife,

And compassion became the anthem guiding my life.

I share my story, a beacon of hope and light,

A testament to the strength found within the fight.

For we all carry burdens, hidden beneath the guise,

But together, we can conquer, and our spirits will rise.

So if you're navigating the depths of despair,

Know that I stand beside you, ready to share,

The tools and wisdom I've gained along the way,

To help you find your strength and brighten your day.

For you, my fellow traveler, are never alone,

In this vast universe, we are eternally known.

Let us weave a tapestry of resilience and grace,

Overcoming social anxiety, together we embrace it.

In the symphony of life, let our voices unite,

A chorus of healing, dispelled the night.

For we have the power to rewrite our story,

To triumph over darkness, embracing life's glory.

So hold on to hope, let it be your guiding star,

As you navigate the labyrinth, no matter how far.

Know that you're capable of reaching the other side,

Where joy and serenity forever reside.

For within the depths of your being, a warrior thrives,

Ready to conquer fears, ready to revive.

Together, we'll rise above the shadows that be,

Overcoming social anxiety and depression, setting ourselves free.

And when the day comes, when you've found your stride,

A testament to your journey, let your light be your guide.

Share your story of triumph, let it ignite the flame,

To inspire others to break free from their shame.

For in our collective struggle, we find strength anew,

A community of warriors, together we grew.

So let us celebrate the triumph over pain,

And inspire one another, again and again.


About the Creator


Step into a world of boundless imagination. Allow me to present to you a compelling reason to delve into the realms of my story, an enchanting journey that will captivate your mind, touch your heart, and ignite your soul.


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  • Ranjan Baral11 months ago

    Very creative...very intuitive!. I would love to read more from you, AbilioTomas

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