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Third Date Ideas and Tips to Fall in Love With Each Other

Follow These Tips To Make Your Third Date Magical

By Ariana SmithPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Most people mainly focus on making an impression on the first date; people always tend to forget about the importance of the third date. They don't know that the third date is as important as the first one.

The third date is the date where people usually make a lot of decisions, and it is the time when two people can tell if they actually like each other or not. It is a date that takes the relationship to the next level if you will. With the right moves and action, you can make the connection to the next level and even make it an extraordinary experience.

The third date is when you get the opportunity to earn your "casual thing" feel like a relationship. You should not pretend and be your original self if you want to take things further. The third date is when people usually are in a dilemma; on the one hand, you know that you need to do something special to stand out from the crowd; on the other hand, you run out of options as you have played your cards on the first date. But calm down and take a deep breath as I will be giving you some awesome third date ideas that you can apply in your life.

Follow These Tips To Make Your Third Date Magical

Just so you know, you can apply these tips on your fourth and fifth dates as well. I don't think it would be wise to ruin your impression later.

1. Going Out For A Movie

Make a move and go out for a movie together; you get the opportunity to know your partner better. You can also learn about the film genre they prefer watching and their perspectives about things that happen in the movie. Apart from casually hanging out and flirting, you get to touch on a lot of topics. If you do not like to go outside and are concerned about privacy, you can also turn your room into a movie theater, which would give you privacy. However, many people don't like watching movies. I would suggest they play video games.

2. Playing A Question-Answer Game

This is a creative game that couples like to play, and this is one of the best games you can play too. Not only does it help to know your partner better, but it also provides a window to showcase your inner self in the best possible way. It's to be noted that this game must be played in a quiet place because you don't want your game to be ruined by the people in the crowd. If you are serious about your partner and planning on taking things to the next level, you need to be honest with each other. It is an absolute necessity if you want your partner to fall in love with you. Don't try to act cool and give false answers because eventually, your partner will find out. It's okay if you don't want to answer some questions because it's only been your third date, and it's natural for the two of you to not touch on specific topics; it's better to say it to your date rather than lying.

3. Looking At The Stars

While you dream of many spectacular date ideas, more often than not, you simply can't afford them. Looking at the lead is something all couples should try on the third date; it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor because it's free.

4. Going out to watch a sports match

No feeling compares to the surface of cheering for your favorite team with the person you like next to you. You can watch a sports match even if you both are not fans of the same team. The most attractive part of this date idea is you both are high on emotions and filled with adrenaline, so the chances are high that one of you might propose to the other.

5. Visiting A Live Musical Concert

watching a live music act gives you a lot of chances to flirt and have physical contact. Watching your favorite artist or band play next to your date, even if you are not a fan of the band, you can enjoy the atmosphere, make a little compromise for your date. It will totally be worth it.


The third date is an important date that not many people give importance to, but you should not be among one of them; stand out from the crowd and let your date know that you care for him/her and want to take things seriously instead of just casual fun. Ensure that you follow the date tips properly, make him/her feel special and have a blast.

Author Bio:

Juliana Murray is the woman behind TheDatingDairy, a blog solely focused on dating guides, tips and advice. Juliana is passionate about casino and blogs at TheCasinoMagazine in her free time.


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